Ukrainian B1-B2 level tutor

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я — активна, комунікабельна та цілеспрямована. Завжди в пошуку нових методик і сучасних підходів, щоб зробити навчання цікавим та ефективним. Стежу за змінами в мовних нормах і постійно вдосконалюю свої заняття. Викладання для мене — це не просто робота, а можливість ділитися знаннями, надихати учні...
0 / 5
6.06 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Люблю свій предмет і роботу з дітьми. Моя професія – це моє найбільше хобі. Комунікабельна, відповідальна, пунктуальна, творча. Мої заняття проходять у доброзичливій та невимушеній атмосфері. Рада допомогти кожному охочому у вивченні української мови та літератури. Працюю із задоволенням та тільки...
0 / 5
4.85 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я Олексій, українець. Мешкаю в Києві. Полюбляю читати, цікавлюся всім потроху, особливо історією. Готую до ЗНО, НМТ, ДПА з української мови, літератури, історії України. Працюю з дорослими. Досвід: - вчитель в Середній загальноосвітній школі двадцять м. Києва - з дві тисячі тринадцятого...
0 / 5
10.91 USD/hour
UkrainianPreparing for schoolSpanish
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Spanish
0 reviews
Маю дві вищі педагогічні освіти. До кожного учня застосовую індивідуальний підхід. На моїх уроках цікаво й пізнавально.
0 / 5
5.58 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я вчитель української мови. Запрошую на навчання дітей та дорослих. Викладаю курс ділової української мови.
0 / 5
10.91 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian by specialization Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate) To find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate) of more than 5 tutors. Use filters to make your search more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson in a subject Ukrainian Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate), go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Once you go to the specialization Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate), tutor questionnaire, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to a lesson with specialization Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate), go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the beginning of the subject Ukrainian lesson. Once connected, you will find yourself in the video conference where the lesson with the Levels B1-B2 (Intermediate) tutor will take place.

Effective Ukrainian language lessons with a tutor at B1-B2 level

The Ukrainian language is one of the most interesting and popular Slavic languages. If you want to communicate with Ukrainian friends, understand Ukrainian texts and books, then you need to learn how to correctly speak and understand the Ukrainian language. Our TeMa platform offers you the opportunity to learn Ukrainian at an Intermediate level with the help of an experienced tutor. Our Ukrainian language tutor with B1-B2 level will help you improve your knowledge in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Individual training with a Ukrainian language tutor B1-B2 on the TeMa platform

Our lessons are held online, which allows you to study at a convenient time and place for you. We offer a flexible class schedule that you can adjust to your work schedule and life rhythm. Our goal is to help every student achieve their goal and learn Ukrainian at the Intermediate level. We guarantee high-quality education and a personal approach to each student. We guarantee results and achievement of your goals. Our tutor will help you improve your language level and achieve your goals faster than you expected.

Our TeMa platform is a convenient and affordable way to learn Ukrainian at the Intermediate level. We offer Ukrainian language lessons at the Intermediate level, which allows you to study anywhere and anytime.

The cost of a tutor in the Ukrainian language at the level of B1-B2?

Prices for tutors can depend on various factors. Ukrainian language tutors at the B1-B2 level may have different levels of qualifications and work experience, which is reflected in the cost of their services. Online Ukrainian lessons for Intermediate level are actually more affordable than it seems, but the cost depends on several factors.

Some of them include:

  1. Tutors with more experience and high qualifications may have a higher cost. Usually these tutors have a degree in linguistics or a related field and experience in teaching Ukrainian.
  2. Tutors specializing in certain areas of the Ukrainian language may have a higher cost. For example, a tutor who specializes in grammar or vocabulary may be more expensive than a tutor who works with all aspects of the language.
  3. The cost of a tutor may depend on the level of competition in the educational services market. If there are many tutors in the market, prices may be lower to attract more clients. However, if demand for tutoring services is high, prices may be higher.

If you want to improve your knowledge in Ukrainian grammar, learn to speak fluently and understand Ukrainian, or you need to prepare for Ukrainian language exams at the Intermediate level, then you have come to the right place. We guarantee the quality of training and results that will exceed your expectations. Don't miss the opportunity to learn Ukrainian at a high level with our TeMa platform!

FAQ about Ukrainian language tutor with level B1-B2

What is the B1-B2 level in Ukrainian?

Level B1-B2 in Ukrainian means that you can understand and use complex grammatical structures, a wide vocabulary and communicate fluently in Ukrainian.

Why do you need a tutor to study the Ukrainian language at the B1-B2 level?

A Ukrainian tutor can help you improve your grammar, expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding and communication skills in Ukrainian.

How to choose a suitable tutor for learning Ukrainian at B1-B2 level?

Choose a tutor with experience teaching Ukrainian at B1-B2 level and with good reviews from other students. Pay attention to the qualifications of the tutor and his teaching methods.