Tutors in Zaporozhye

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доброго дня! Мене звати Антоніна!) Працюю в загальноосвітній школі вже 6 рік, викладаю учням 5-9 класів українську мову та літературу!) Дуже люблю дітей, живу кожною хвилинкою спілкування з ними, а тому моїм найголовнішим завданням є зробити вивчення рідної мови для них не лише корисним, але ще й пр...
0 / 5
6.16 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Я супер комунікабельна та творча людина, обожнюю англійську та навчати! Маю ступінь магістра! Викладаю вже більше 5 років , завжди розвиваюся та не стою на місці. Тому на уроках ми точно не будемо нудьгувати! Лише фан та цікава англійська! Працюю лише за новітніми методиками викладання! Використовую...
0 / 5
10.88 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
ітаю! Якщо ви хочете швидко і якісно вивчити англійську або німецьку мову, запрошую на свої заняття. Я маю 2 вищих освіти: 2013 р. КПУ, магістр филології; 2014 р., КПУ, магістр психології. Додаткові дипломи: Intel- навчання для майбутнього, "Business English" ( 108 часов),"The language of Hotel Serv...
0 / 5
6.04 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Я займаюся викладанням англійської мови вже більше року. Та паралельно навчаюсь на факультеті іноземних мов Працюю онлайн (індивідуально, також можемо в групах) Намагаюсь якомога більше урізноманітнити вивчення мови, прокачуючи усі skills 🧸 Головне, щоб моїм учням було комфортно працювати зі мною, в...
0 / 5
6.04 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Ораторська майстерність може стати в нагоді не тільки на сцені, а й у різних сферах людських взаємодій, комунікації. Володію сучасними навичками викладання. Техніка дихання, техніка мовлення, шліфування артикуляції, індивідуальні вправи, чистоговорки, скоромовки, акцентування, різноманітність інтону...
0 / 5
14.50 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Меня зовут Сергей Владимирович. Закончив Запорожский Государственный Университет, проработав в школе 10 лет и занимаясь репетиторством имею большой опыт преподавания математики.
0 / 5
6.04 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Запоріжжя To find a tutor in Запоріжжя from more than 6 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Запоріжжя, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to the lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a tutor from Запоріжжя.

Despite the high workload of schools and universities in Ukraine, students still do not receive quality knowledge. Why? Because there is a program and grades, and no attention is paid to individual perception. As a result, children do not pass the National Examination, parents scold their children for poor performance, and adults do not move up the career ladder well, because they lack competitive skills. To the rescue comes a teacher in Zaporozhye online, who knows how to find an individual approach to any age group and teaching interesting techniques. By remotely tutoring in Zaporozhye, you get a lot of benefits and advantages.

What are the benefits of online tutoring services in Zaporozhye?

Current events make the distance format more convenient and less costly. You do not need to buy teaching materials, spend money on travel, snacks, etc. In addition, you are not limited in choice, because you can choose the services of the best tutors Zaporozhye from any location. 

What are the benefits of tutoring services:

  1. All attention is focused on the student and all wishes are taken into account.
  2. Knowledge gaps are identified and closed for further productive work.
  3. The program is built on demand, as a result, tutors Zaporizhzhia teach only current knowledge.
  4. Motivation. Studying with an online teacher, the work goes to the result.
  5. Savings. Remote lessons are cheaper than offline, and there are no associated travel costs.
  6. Psychological comfort. There is no strict discipline, like in school, communication is free.

Tutor search platform TeMa gives you the opportunity to study anywhere in the world with the tutor you want. You'll get only the knowledge you need, tailored to your individual needs.

Who needs a tutor in Zaporozhye

High competitiveness is everywhere, in education, work, and life. It is possible to get a coveted budget place only by getting a high passing grade, to get a job, to get a promotion, probably having more skills than your colleagues, to open a business abroad is possible by knowing the language. It is not uncommon for people to want to start a new life and explore new fields or just develop. There are a lot of reasons, but the main point is the same: in order to learn a topic properly you should immerse yourself in it with the help of a good tutor in Zaporozhye who will build a competent structure of classes.

Tutor search service TeMa includes more than 130 subjects in different directions, of which 44 are language subjects, providing the opportunity to choose the services of a teacher online for different purposes and finances, and the cost of a tutor in Zaporozhye online classes are more profitable than offline. 

How to find a tutor in Zaporozhye?

With the advent of modern technology, you do not need to search newspapers for ads to find teacher services in Zaporozhye. It is enough to go to our service, set search filters: subject, country, price range. But the question arises, “how to find the right online tutor in such abundance?” There are several factors to take into account.

What parameters to look at: 

  • experience, the more students you have under your belt, the better the educator's understanding of the personal approach; 
  • Specialization, whether a formal or informal education, is needed; 
  • the presence of a university diploma; 
  • reviews, should be predominantly positive;
  • price, choose the cost of a tutor lesson in Zaporozhye under your financial capabilities.

And so you have chosen several teachers according to the above parameters, but which one is better? Take a trial lesson, in the process you will immediately feel which online teacher is suitable morally, provides the desired knowledge, builds communication in such a way that you want to book another lesson. For financial convenience, Online tutor search service TeMa gives you a 50% discount on the first three lessons.

How to choose the best tutor in Zaporozhye just for you?

Initially formulate the goal, based on which you will understand what services teachers Zaporozhye online will be needed. For example, if you need to tighten your knowledge in a certain subject (physics, mathematics, chemistry), then you do not greatly need an online professional with 10 years of experience, it is enough a young professional who knows the subject. In the case of the opposite, determine the main factor is experience, because helping a lot of students, the teacher surely knows how to achieve even the highest requests.

Tutor in Zaporozhye price depends on what?

When choosing the services of online professionals, the cost is not unimportant. Some cost twice as much, while others cost less. Why is this so? The correlation in price is due to the number of skills developed. When tutors in Zaporozhye use individual methods, constantly improving qualifications, a lot of experience, the cost is more. 

Tutor selection service TeMa has a diverse financial range, the probability of overpayment is extremely low because the qualifications are verified, respectively, the teacher really has the specified skills. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Go higher, register, and start learning right now.