Higher maths tutors

Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Slovak, Russian
0 reviews
Завершила навчання на бакалавра у словацькому Технічному Університеті в Кошицях за спеціальністю комерційна логістика. Завдяки навчанню за кордоном, знаю, як знайти ефективний та цікавий підхід до вивчення математики. Мої знання в області математики виникли внаслідок глибокого зацікавлення цією наук...
0 / 5
269.93 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Досвідчений викладач та репетитор з математики, вищої математики, теорії ймовірності та інших предметів математичного спрямування. Проводжу індивідуальні заняття онлайн
0 / 5
12.10 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Привіт! Мене звати Альона, і я репетитор з математики. Останні 10 років я викладаю учням різних шкіл та вузів, та допомагаю з виконанням завдань з математики. Моя методика заснована на принципі "вчишся роблячи". Чим більше прикладів виконує учень, тим більше він розуміє матеріал та впевнено відчув...
0 / 5
9.68 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Further Mathematics In order to find a tutor for a subject Further Mathematics from more than 3 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Further Mathematics, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Further Mathematics, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Further Mathematics, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Further Mathematics tutor will take place.

It is not uncommon for students to have difficulty learning mathematics. This is not surprising, since the basics are learned at school, and the quality of education in schools leaves much to be desired. Different speed of memorization, different level of knowledge does not allow the students to learn at the same pace, and does not allow the teacher to evenly distribute the load. Individual errors are not dealt with like in the tutor for higher mathematics, and the time of pairs is limited. As a result, you sit up nights trying to understand mathematical analysis, probability theory, integrals, and derivatives.

To keep up with the program of higher education, successfully passing exams is not a fantasy from the world of fiction, but quite an achievable task. It is solved with the help of a tutor of higher mathematics, he will help to understand the difficult moments and meet the educational requirements of universities.

Why do you need the services of a tutor for higher mathematics

Education system is outdated and the work is based on European standards, to become a good specialist and earn a lot will require an expansion of university knowledge. The construction of the training program is laid down by the understanding of the existing knowledge, psychological characteristics, the way of perception of the student. The individual higher mathematics teacher undertakes not only to teach the required material, but also to build a set of exercises to avoid new ones, taking into account past mistakes. 

The selection of tasks is arranged in the sequence required by the students. After all, a professional initially does the work of analyzing the program received, determines the gaps in knowledge, the causes of errors for the most productive results.

How one-on-one higher math lessons at TeMa can help you

New knowledge of higher mathematics in universities is taught without individual correction of what has been studied, students have to develop their own abilities, because at the exam excuses “I did not understand, it was told incorrectly” will not pass.

Turn to a tutor in higher mathematics for students, the specialist systematically checks the knowledge, helping in the following:

  • pass the tests and exams;
  • develop logical thinking, so you can learn new knowledge easily;
  • close gaps, identify gaps and close them;
  • online homework help.

Why an online tutor for higher mathematics?

Finding a good specialist is sometimes difficult. Friends recommend top tutors, but the schedule is not built for you and the teacher, or the desired tutor is not in the same city. Today's tutoring format allows you to find an online higher math tutor not limited to location, TeMa tutor search platform provides access to tutors from all over the world and adjust your schedule to fit your plans. There is no need to download additional programs, the lessons are held on the online site. 

The financial side is also advantageous, asking before how much a tutor of higher mathematics costs took into account the associated costs for travel, materials, snacks, studying remotely pay only for the lesson.  Electronic textbooks, manuals, presentations, assignments, lessons are stored in a private office. All you need for the class is the Internet, a pen and a notebook. You can study anywhere and abroad, review the lessons and choose a tutor not based on what you have, but on what you want.

How to find a tutor in higher mathematics

First of all, when looking for a tutor, you want to get more than what university teachers or the Internet give you. Therefore, the issue in the quality of online tutoring of higher mathematics in the first place. 

We recommend relying on the following factors when choosing a professional:

  1. Education. Diplomas of prestigious universities, or a student of the last years.
  2. Experience. A teacher with experience has taught many students and will more quickly find an effective method.
  3. The cost of services of a tutor in higher mathematics price is not always an indicator of quality.
  4. Relevance of the materials used in teaching.
  5. Reviews. Explore the results of other students.

TeMa tutor search service selects qualified tutors. Find a good tutor by going higher, selecting a subject, country, price range. If there are any doubts take a trial lesson, the service provides a 50% discount on the first three lessons.

Tutor in higher mathematics price is based on what?

Looking through the candidates, you see different prices. The question immediately arises, "how a specialist for 20 USD is better than the one that costs 7 USD. Determine the relevance of cost and quality can be: specialization, education, experience. A teacher who owns more skills is more expensive. Regarding experience, the answer is obvious: the more students you have had, the better is your understanding of individual approach.

Online tutor search service TeMa sets the price per hour based on the average cost. Convenient and secure payment, and in case of lesson cancellation, funds are refunded. Choose quality for a reasonable price by using the TeMa service.