University level Ukrainian language tutor

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Репетитор з української мови з вищою філологічною освітою. Репетитор з математики 1-4 клас. Спеціалізуюся на підготовці до НМТ, ЗНО, ДПА та інших іспитів. Гарантую швидкий прогрес та позитивні емоції від навчання.
0 / 5
6.04 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Навчалася у Тернопільській школі з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов №3, після чого вступила до ТНПУ. Закінчивши два рівні вищої освіти, у 2019 році вступила до аспірантури. Досвід викладання англійської та української мови та літератури становить понад 5 років. Працюю як із наймолодшою аудиторі...
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Досвідчений репетитор допоможе у вивченні української мови та літератури (1-11 класи), математики (1-5 класи), підготує старшокласників до ЗНО з української мови та літератури. Найвищий результат моїх учнів на ЗНО 198 балів. Навчаю української з нуля російськомовних та англомовних. Також викладаю...
0 / 5
9.67 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вчитель вищої категорії.21 рік-стаж роботи .Якісна підготовка до ЗНО,ДПА з української мови.Індивідуальний підхід до кожного.Входжу до складу комісії з перевірки ЗНО робіт.
0 / 5
6.04 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Протягом тривалого часу працювала вчителем української мови та літератури в загальноосвітній школі. Репетиторство практикую з 2005 року. Якісно готую до ЗНО, ДПА, вступних та поточних іспитів, контрольних робіт тощо. Результати моїх учнів на НМТ 2022 року - 184 - 200 балів. Надаю допомогу за шкільно...
0 / 5
12.08 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian by specialization University courses To find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian University courses of more than 5 tutors. Use filters to make your search more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson in a subject Ukrainian University courses, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Once you go to the specialization University courses, tutor questionnaire, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to a lesson with specialization University courses, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the beginning of the subject Ukrainian lesson. Once connected, you will find yourself in the video conference where the lesson with the University courses tutor will take place.

Finding a Ukrainian language tutor for university courses is easy on the TeMa platform

If you're a university student seeking to enhance your Ukrainian language proficiency, you might benefit from hiring a tutor. The TeMa platform provides Ukrainian language tutors with a focus on advancing both oral and written communication skills, as well as preparing for academic and scientific texts in the language. However, mastering a language on your own can be challenging. Therefore, enlisting the help of a tutor for your Ukrainian university courses may prove beneficial.

Individual lessons of the Ukrainian language for students

TeMa's Ukrainian language lessons for university students encompasses all facets of the language that students may require in their academic pursuits. Our classes are tailored to enhance both oral and written communication skills in Ukrainian, and our skilled tutors offer personalized private lessons to aid with pronunciation and grammar. Furthermore, we provide individualized feedback for each session to track your progress.

Preparing for academic and scientific texts in Ukrainian demands specialized knowledge of terminology and an exceptional approach. Our classes are designed to equip you with the requisite skills to write academic texts and conduct scientific work in the language. Opting for personalized private Ukrainian lessons for university courses can provide a more effective and customized learning experience.

The price of a Ukrainian language tutor for courses at a university?

The price of a Ukrainian language tutor or university course depends on many factors. However, there are several key aspects that affect the final price.

Here are a few of them:

  1. The experience and qualifications of the teacher. If a tutor or teacher has extensive experience and high qualifications, then, accordingly, his services will cost more.
  2. The duration of the lessons. Usually, the more time a tutor or teacher spends on classes, the higher the cost of his services will be.
  3. Number of lessons per week. If a tutor or teacher conducts classes several times a week, then his services will cost more than if classes are less frequent.

The cost of a Ukrainian language tutor for university courses is determined by several factors, and individual teachers or tutors can set their own prices based on these factors. It is essential to consider the quality of instruction, the instructor's experience, teaching methods, and student approach.

TeMa's Ukrainian language lessons are intended to enhance your oral and written communication skills in Ukrainian, prepare you for academic and scientific texts, and correct pronunciation. Selecting a tutor who can assist you with pronunciation in Ukrainian is crucial. Our proficient tutors will assist you in gaining academic and professional triumph by confidently and fluently speaking Ukrainian. Enroll in our classes today and embark on your journey to become proficient in the Ukrainian language!

FAQ about university level Ukrainian language tutor

How to choose a good Ukrainian language tutor for university courses?

When choosing a Ukrainian language tutor for university courses, you should pay attention to the experience of the teacher, his qualifications, student reviews and prices for services.

What are the advantages of individual Ukrainian language lessons for university courses?

Individual Ukrainian language courses for university courses allow you to get an individual approach, flexible class schedule, intensive training, course adaptability and great motivation for the student.

How often do I need to attend Ukrainian language tutoring for university courses?

The frequency of attending Ukrainian language tutoring lessons for university courses may depend on the student and their needs. It is usually recommended to exercise at least 1-2 times a week.