Tutors in Kharkov

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Всім привіт, мене звати Вікторія Олексіївна,запрошую разом вивчати цікавий світ біології, працюю з учнями 5-11 класів.
0 / 5
3.54 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Встигни записатися на уроки та підготуватися до іспитів. Мене звати Олександра і я підготую тебе до екзаменів з історії на всі 200!!! Маю вже великий досвід в сфері викладання і учнів, які здали свої іспити на відмінно. Обіцяю цікаві заняття й грунтовні знання! Уроки будуть проходити онлайн на платф...
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я вчитель початкових класів. Працюю в школі за фахом близько 4 років. Репетиторством займаюсь 3 роки. Проводжу цікаві, пізнавальні заняття.
0 / 5
6.60 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
На моїх уроках учні не відчувають себе стиснутими, діти відкрито ставлять будь-які запитання без сорому.. Я підтримую дружню атмосферу на уроках та поза ними. Мої учні можуть звернутися до мене з будь-якими питаннями по предметам і я з радістю поясню їм все, що незрозуміло, та викликає питання. Це д...
0 / 5
8.25 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Мене звати Арсеній та я студент 5 курсу ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна факультету "Радіофізики та наноматеріалів". Маю досвід понад 4 роки викладання за методикую неформальної освіти
0 / 5
7.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Закінчила навчання на бакалавраті в ХНПУ ім. Г. С. Сковороди на вчителя біології. Допомагаю учням в підготовці до НМТ, контрольних робіт з біології. Заняття проводжу онлайн, перше заняття вступне де ми з учнем перевіряємо його рівень знань з біології. В своїй роботі використовую власні розробки.
0 / 5
2.36 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese
0 reviews
大家好!我的中文名字是达莉娅,热烈欢迎大家来到我的课堂! Мене звати Дар'я і я - висококваліфікований викладач китайської мови, яка виходить за рамки традиційного підходу до навчання. Здобула вищу освіту в Харківському національному педагогічному університеті імені Григорія Сковороди, де отримала гл...
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Cheers! If You wish to take Your intermediate or upper-intermediate English higher, or to make Your advanced level truly ace (means 'awesome' in British English, just in case), then You are so very welcome to The World of My English Language Training! Discover The Beautiful World of REAL ENGLISH, fo...
0 / 5
8.73 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
На уроках вивчаємо корисну лексику, граматику, читаємо та виконуємо завдання та обовязково розвиваємо навики говоріння. Для мене найголовніше - це міц учень, з яким ми працюємо на результат. Завжди індивудуальний підхід до матеріалу та його опрацювання. Працюю не тільки з дітками, але й з дорослими...
0 / 5
8.25 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Привіт! Мене звуть Олена, і вже близько 25 років я закохана у англійську мову, а понад 5 років я закохую в цю мову своїх студентів.) Я не лише філолог, але й психолог. Тому мої учні отримують не тільки гарний результат, а й здорову самооцінку. Саме я допоможу тобі забути про всі твої мовні бар’єри!...
0 / 5
10.61 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Харків To find a tutor in Харків from more than 24 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Харків, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to the lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a tutor from Харків.

Additional classes are required not only when a child falls behind in the school program. To give the best to the child, to engage in self-development, to expand the horizons in a certain area will help tutoring services in Kharkov. The current education system does not provide a high level of knowledge, and in some schools at all outdated. Pupils can not get high marks, applicants successfully pass test, students study, and adults with an insufficient level of education are poorly promoted in their careers. Many people think that additional classes in Kharkov - expensive, but buying a lot of courses or learning on their own, buying books, notebooks, etc. in the sum you spend a lot more, but the quality level and do not get.

In what cases tutors in Kharkov are needed

In addition to the weak level of education, the new reality has complicated the process of obtaining education in public institutions, the guys are trying to pick up on their own, but to no avail, because there is no understanding of the correct sequence, methodology, intensity of obtaining knowledge. To understand or learn information, you need a tutor in Kharkov. 

When you need a private tutor:

  1. Lack of development in school. The teacher teaches a generalized program, some students easily learn the material, while others are difficult, respectively, there is no individual analysis of topics, unlike the services of a teacher in Kharkov online to build a program for a specific request.
  2. Increase motivation. Without an inner desire to do quality work is difficult. Rewards and punishments work briefly, and laying interest in learning is possible by involving an interesting presentation of information.
  3. Teaching is not interesting. When the teacher tells the lesson slowly and monotonously, even an interesting subject will become boring, not to mention the exact sciences (math, physics, chemistry).
  4. High efficiency. In normal lessons, part of the time is spent on organizational aspects, comments, questions from others, if you take Kharkov individual lessons, then from the first minute there is an effective presentation of the material, adjusting to the pace of the student, figuring out the necessary points.
  5. You have long graduated from university and want to study. It is not uncommon for adults to want to learn a new language or get a diploma in order to work or improve their skills. Online tutoring services are available for all ages. 

The TeMa tutor search platform includes tutors of different specializations, choose a tutor for your goals and financial capabilities.

Why tutoring services in Kharkov are economical

The key to good learning is an interesting presentation, in which knowledge is absorbed more quickly. You've probably thought, "Why do I need the services of a tutor when I can learn the material myself for free? But even adults do not have the required self-discipline and competence to learn the subject, language, science at the proper level.  You save a lot of time and effort studying with a tutor online. 

TeMa tutor search service saves time with the help of:

  • professional approach, distributing the workload appropriately, using effective teaching methods;
  • qualities. The subject-matter expert, in addition to knowledge of the given subject, understands it, helping the student to get to the bottom of the subject;
  • a wide range of knowledge. Ability to go beyond the traditional program;
  • Highly organized. Online lessons with a Kharkov teacher disciplines the process, you can not be lazy.

How classes with a tutor in Kharkov will help you

Online lessons with a private teacher in Kharkov, not just a trend. In one hour, more information is mastered than in a week of lessons at school. This is because tutoring in Kharkov has a high level of quality, thanks to the personal approach, building lessons to the request of a particular student, rather than the existing program. Develop skills, improve knowledge, get the missing information is possible with a structured approach, taking into account the abilities and characteristics of the individual. 

How tutors in Kharkov online improve your efficiency

It's no secret that the result requires the involvement of a teacher and a student. For example, if you need to learn a subject in a limited time, you should find a tutor in Kharkov, which will guide and help to squeeze the maximum out of the general information, provide the necessary information and reinforce the material.

Let's take a closer look at how the services of an online tutor can help you learn the material faster:

  1. Give more assignments for independent processing.
  2. Use additional materials.
  3. Tailor the program to meet deadlines.
  4. Advise additional sources.

The first thing to do is to find a great online tutor, TeMa online tutor search service provides a large selection of online professionals and a wide price range. 

The advantage of online lessons is

Given the current developments, getting new knowledge in Kharkov online format is times safer and the costs are less. Previously, asking the question of how much a tutor in Kharkov, thought about the associated travel costs: travel, snacks, buying learning materials. In the situation with online classes, you pay only for the lesson.

Being in another city or country, you can choose your favorite online tutor in Kharkov, study anywhere in the world where the Internet, the materials are provided in electronic form, and flexibility of schedule pleases, because you combine study with personal matters.

How to find a tutor in Kharkiv 

Form a goal initially to understand whether specialization of entry preparation, improvement of knowledge or study from scratch will be required.  Internet space makes the process of finding the best tutors in Kharkov easier. All you have to do is go higher, choose a country, a subject, and a price range. A pop-up list will give you the top specialists first, then in descending order. The rating is built by reviews, qualifications, experience.

Take trial lessons to assess how comfortable you are with the teacher, whether you are getting new knowledge, and by what method. TeMa tutor selection service provides a 50% discount for the first three lessons. The teachers' qualification is confirmed by the service, register to find a good teacher and start developing today.