Ukrainian tutor

Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Викладач української як іноземної, англійської мови.
0 / 5
14.15 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Репетитор з української та англійської мов з понад 2-річним досвідом успішної роботи. Спеціалізуюся на індивідуальному підході до учнів різного віку, що дозволяє забезпечити максимально ефективне засвоєння матеріалу. Моя методика викладання базується на поєднанні традиційних і сучасних методів навч...
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я активна, старанна, комунікабельна та цілеспрямована. Завжди в пошуках нових технологій, способів донесення інформації, актуальних змін сталих норм мови та можливостей покращити заняття. Викладацька діяльність приваблює можливістю ділитися здобутими знаннями та стимулом до розвитку і вдосконалення...
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Привіт! Я закінчила Навчально-науковий інститут філології. Магістр. Уже 5 років навчаю інших: допомагаю підвищити рівень знань школярам з 5 по 10 класи, а також готую до НМТ. На моїх уроках невимушена атмосфера, присутні жарти, цікаві завдання. Думаю, ми знайдемо спільну мову!)
0 / 5
7.07 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Мене звати пані Марія, мені 20 років, я вчитель початкових класів, допоможу вашим діткам підтягнути знання з різних предметів та зацікавлю їх до вивчення шкільних дисциплін
0 / 5
4.72 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Маю 4 вищі освіти та досвід викладання 5 років. Тому з радістю допоможу вам опанувати бажану дисципліну!
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я Марія, студентка 4 курсу КНУ ім Т. Г. Шевченка. Вже маю досвід у викладанні. За минулі роки успішно підготувала декількох учнів до НМТ з української мови. За пів року вдалося покращити результат на 40+ балів. Цього року теж хочу допомогти дітям гарно здати екзамени) Розклад занять підлаштовуютьс...
0 / 5
5.19 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Репетитор з української мови з вищою філологічною освітою. Репетитор з математики 1-4 клас. Спеціалізуюся на підготовці до НМТ, ЗНО, ДПА та інших іспитів. Гарантую швидкий прогрес та позитивні емоції від навчання.
0 / 5
5.90 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доброго дня! Мене звати Антоніна!) Працюю в загальноосвітній школі вже 6 рік, викладаю учням 5-9 класів українську мову та літературу!) Дуже люблю дітей, живу кожною хвилинкою спілкування з ними, а тому моїм найголовнішим завданням є зробити вивчення рідної мови для них не лише корисним, але ще й пр...
0 / 5
6.01 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Досвід роботи більше п'яти років. Спрямовую індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня, враховуючи його інтереси. Використовую практики та методики, основні на порадах міжнародних спеціалістів та психологів. Постійно самовдосконалююся, проходжу різні профільні курси. Що я пропоную: *Індивідуальні, парн...
0 / 5
9.43 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Ukrainian In order to find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian from more than 71 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Ukrainian, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Ukrainian, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Ukrainian, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Ukrainian tutor will take place.

Ukrainian language is studied for different purposes. To raise the conversational level and communicate freely, grammatical knowledge for education. During the war patriotic motives became not just a trend, but a necessity, to eradicate the language of the aggressor, it is necessary to study Ukrainian online in detail. Studying implies not only knowing how to speak, but also knowing the writing, accents, correct sentence ordering. 

If you want to learn Ukrainian from scratch, as with any language you will need vocabulary, grammar, and listening comprehension, which requires expert help. When it comes to passing exams, you need to know the structure of tests, pitfalls and rules of testing.

What are the advantages of online Ukrainian tutoring?

The distance learning format is as effective as offline. It is modern and convenient. The relevance of online classes is constantly increasing, and for good reason. Your location may change, but distance learning provides you with knowledge wherever you are, as long as you have Internet.

Why you should choose to study Ukrainian online:

  1. Safety. In today's realities, this is a relevant issue, minimizing the risk of danger.
  2. Possibility to choose your favorite tutor from another city. The best free Ukrainian tutors, not limited by location.
  3. Comfort. The basic level of successful learning is the environment you choose.
  4. Flexible training schedule. By choosing convenient hours, the result of the training will improve.
  5. Saving on textbooks, test books, and manuals. Materials in electronic form.

Circumstances are different, and the demands of the educational process and exams do not soften. The TeMa tutor search platform conducts classes on the website. You don't need to dig through piles of tabs and look for the right tutor, the experts have already structured everything, and tutorials are stored in each topic, for your convenience.

Why individual lessons with a Ukrainian language tutor, and not courses?

Studying courses is suitable when you want to improve your skills, but when you need lessons of Ukrainian language from scratch, you can't do it without an individual approach. What is this urgent need? The courses are taught in a general way, some students are more capable, others are in the pursuit of academic achievement for the group. There is a work not on the result, but on performance.

Online lessons with a Ukrainian language tutor ensure that knowledge is presented individually to you. With high memorization in practice, you have 80% of the lesson active work (exercises, tests), during which the theory is explained in parallel. In the situation of students who memorize better in theory, Ukrainian language lessons are divided in equal proportions. If you need to push grammar without literature, the tutor will provide the right focus, without wasting energy and energy on topics that are already clear, like in courses. 

Exam Preparation for Ukrainian Language Online

In educational institutions the main condition for admission is successfully passing test in the Ukrainian language. According to the results it is clear whether you will pass further. It is important to prepare for the exam in order to avoid making not only serious, but also typical mistakes during the test and essay writing.

How to prepare for the exam Ukrainian language tutor:

  • creates a training program on the topics submitted to the exam;
  • analysis of your knowledge, focusing on weaknesses, filling gaps in knowledge;
  • practice tests of previous years, parsing each assignment;
  • going through the works in abbreviated form. Yes, you don't need to read the entire novella "The Kaydasheva Family" it's important to know the main points;
  • verse repetition, or keyword study;
  • knowledge of the author of the work. Such tasks are the basis of quarterly success in tests;
  • teach by association how to remember authors and characters;
  • write a structured, literate, and beautiful essay for which you can get 20 points.

You can feel confident by studying the material. And to get a high score you need to learn a quality compilation of the material for the whole school program. Additional lessons in Ukrainian language will help.

What do the services of a Ukrainian language teacher

There are moments that even if you want you can not learn on your own, you need to study with a specialist, taking lessons in the Ukrainian language. For example, to correctly build sentences and make perfect spelling you need a teacher. 

Ukrainian language tutor will provide development on grammatical and conversational levels. An individual program is selected. Whether it is learning Ukrainian from scratch or supplementing your knowledge. The quality of classes is high. Training conducted under the strict guidance of a professional provides the opportunity to avoid mistakes. TeMa tutor search service strives to give its users only the best, it is important for us to recommend us to your friends.

How to find a Ukrainian language tutor?

Modern technology allows you to find a specialist from the comfort of your home. When choosing, you pay attention to two things: how much a Ukrainian tutor costs and how suitable the teacher is for the purpose.

What you should pay attention to, so as not to miscalculate:

  1. Qualifications. Several college degrees or a final-year student. If you need a teacher to tighten up your knowledge, a student will do the job, when it comes to more serious study, a certified tutor is better suited.
  2. Experience. A teacher who has been through many students will easily build a program and prepare you for the test.
  3. Consider your financial resources when choosing the cost of a lesson in the Ukrainian language and remember that more expensive does not mean better quality.
  4. Topical Materials. When studying literacy and words, it is important to avoid outdated norms of vocabulary no longer in use in modern society.

TeMa online tutor search service for a modern approach to education. Avoid making the wrong choice and wasting time looking for a quality specialist is possible by contacting us.