School readiness tutors

Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Репетитор для учнів 1-4 класів
0 / 5
7.26 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Мене звати пані Марія, мені 20 років, я вчитель початкових класів, допоможу вашим діткам підтягнути знання з різних предметів та зацікавлю їх до вивчення шкільних дисциплін
0 / 5
6.05 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Комунікабельна, доброзичлива, вмію знаходити підхід до дітей, застосовую ігрові методики та індивідуальний підхід. Кожне заняття - це частинка мого серця, бо готуюсь з любов'ю, проводжу з енергією та вкладаю всю себе в те, що люблю, в те, що роблю. Мої уроки - це моє натхнення. Використовую технічн...
0 / 5
8.47 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вчитель початкових класів.Освіта вища.Закінчила Дрогобицький педагогічний університет імені І.Франка.Вчитель 1 категорії.Стаж роботи в школі понад 20 років.3 роки працюю в онлайн із дітьми.Працюю за програмою НУШ.Уроки проводжу на платформі zoom.
0 / 5
12.10 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
студент педагогічного університету, спеціальність 012 початкова освіта, легко знайду спільну мову з вашою дитиною.
0 / 5
4.60 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
З дитинства я мріяла стати вчителем) Закінчила педагогічний коледж в Білій Церкві на факультеті образотворчого мистецтва. Працюю в приватній школі, до занять в мене творчий підхід, сам через творчість краще сприймати нову інформацію Практикую нетрадиційні методики, обожнюю працювати з дошкільнятами)...
0 / 5
4.84 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Працюю репетитором та вчителем початкових класів. До кожного учня застосовую індивідуальний підхід. Намагаюся зробити заняття цілеспрямованими,цікавим та якісним. Також надаю допомогу у виконанні домашніх завдань з різних предметів. Я працюю з кожним учнем для досягнення результату.
0 / 5
6.05 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Пропоную свої послуги як репетитор, маю досвід роботи з дітьми різного віку та можу допомогти у засвоєнні основних понять і вмінь. Мій підхід до навчання базується на індивідуальному підході до кожного учня. Завдяки цьому, дитина отримує можливість розуміти матеріал більш глибоко і впевнено викону...
0 / 5
6.05 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доброго дня, мене звати Ольга, я студентка філологічного факультету в Чернігівському педагогічному університеті. Я зараз набираю учнів на репетиторсво з української мови , Можу займатися як за навчальною програмою, підтягуючи учнів по темам, готуючи до контрольних, допомагаючи виконувати домашні за...
0 / 5
4.84 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вже понад пʼять років викладаю англійську для діток та дорослих. Враховую індивідуальні потреби кожного учня, маю комплексний підхід до вивчення мови, щоб навчання було цікавим та результативним) Маю педагогічну освіту і пристрасть до викладання☀️
0 / 5
8.47 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Preparing for school In order to find a tutor for a subject Preparing for school from more than 24 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Preparing for school, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Preparing for school, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Preparing for school, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Preparing for school tutor will take place.

Modernity has made its adjustments. More and more people and children are slowly getting used to online learning. And the basics of reading, writing, grammar, are still required in the first grade. Preparation is not just buying stationery, it is important to prepare the child mentally and intellectually. In addition to lessons because still have to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, peers, teachers. Initially, it is possible to make high performance with the help of a teacher to prepare for school, thereby simplifying life for yourself and your child

Do I need a tutor to prepare me for school?

Often parents try to do their own school preparations. After reading on the Internet, asking acquaintances, an idea of the work is formed. Money is spent on developmental notebooks/books. After a couple of weeks comes the realization that preparing for school by private lessons is a better solution. 

Why parenting classes are ineffective:

  • mom and Dad are not perceived as educators; 
  • you pity the child, and the awareness of discipline is not formed;
  • a professional will immediately identify defects in pronunciation or writing and advise you to see a speech therapist;
  • there is no way to track progress.

Thinking requires development. Even with high intelligence, a child should be taught to practice knowledge. It is easier to teach than to retrain. For a structured approach, it is better to find a tutor in preparation for school, and form the right knowledge initially

Why do you need a tutor to prepare for school?

In school, 60-70% of the time, information is presented orally. Vocabulary is needed to understand what is being said. Without perceiving half of what you hear, the information is automatically translated by the consciousness into background noise. Preparing for elementary school a tutor will not just give a foundation of knowledge, but will teach perception of information, writing, and possession of the grammatical foundations of notes.

A child who is used to perceiving the world through play may have difficulty adapting to the new pressures and discipline of school. It is important that the preparation of the child for school should be as nativelike as possible, without making the process of learning unpleasant. Qualified teacher, uses a playful method of learning. The child receives lessons identical to those at school, only in a perfect way.

Online classes to prepare for school benefits

The distance format has changed from a fashionable trend to one of safety and comfort.  If the best tutors for school preparation are not available in your city, the format of online classes allows you to find a teacher anywhere in the world and not to go to another continent. 

What are the pros of the distance program:

  • the child is at home with you;
  • the opportunity to personally observe the learning process;
  • convenience in the schedule, adjusting the schedule of classes;
  • do not waste time on collecting and travel;
  • cost, the price of online classes is lower than offline;
  • lessons are saved, revisit for revision.

If there are still doubts about preparing for elementary school tutor online, take a trial lesson. The TeMa tutor search platform offers a 50% discount on the first three lessons. No additional applications are needed, lessons take place on the platform, using modern technology the risk of lesson failure is practically zero.

Tutor to prepare children for school how to choose

When choosing a tutor, initially formulate a goal. To learn only literacy or learn to read, write, count, think, making life easier for your child. Next, choose a site with a quality tutor database, such as the tutor search service TeMa.

Looking for a teacher with 20 years of experience is not necessary, the main thing is the approach. Young tutors often find common ground with children faster. Look at the methods of teaching when preparing children for school whether the tutor knows how to interest the child. The conventional storytelling format is ineffective. The best preparation for school online uses games in conjunction with practice involving in the process.

A child's disposition is good, but it must be supported by specialized education. Professional skills of tutoring preparation for school mastered in the university. It is important not only to be able to communicate with children, but also to teach knowledge. Study the reviews of predecessors, to understand whether the teacher prepares for school can give the desired result, but do not rely on the full measure, because the techniques that did not work for others, you may be suitable, you can understand it by taking a trial lesson on the platform TeMa.

Also, pay attention to the cost of the tutor for school preparation. The price is listed directly in the profile. Compare the offered prices and your finances. Read on to learn more about the factors that affect the cost.

What affects the cost of services of a tutor in preparation for school

When choosing a tutor, you don't want to overpay. When the set price is higher than expected, you need arguments, whether the professional meets the monetary bar. Price is not an indicator of quality, look at the characteristics to understand the reasons for the set price.  

School preparation tutor price depends on:

  1. Education. Diplomas of prestigious universities or a student of the last years of pedagogical university.
  2. Experience working with children. Everyone needs an individual approach, and the skills of a professional are formed by experience.
  3. The established average price.
  4. Demand. Demand increases the price.

TeMa online tutor search service includes a variety of price segments, no risk of overpayment, only specialists with proven qualifications. Teachers choose effective methods for a reasonable price.