Tutors in Odessa

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене
0 / 5
2.37 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 1
0 reviews
Тестовий блог про мене!
0 / 5
2.37 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене
0 / 5
2.37 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Днепропетровский университет, работала доцентом кафедры высшей математики. Преподаватель вуза с 30 летним стажем работы. Все ученики, прошедшие подготовку в полном объёме, успешно сдали ЗНО и поступили в одесские или зарубежные вузы. Многолетний опыт работы с разными по уровню первоначальных знаний...
0 / 5
4.75 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Репетитор для учнів 1-4 класів
0 / 5
7.12 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Молодий викладач, який стане для тебе другом.На моїх уроках тобі не стане нудно, адже немає ніякої зубрьожки. Працюю на результат
0 / 5
5.94 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, German, Russian
0 reviews
Дипломированый специалист в области немецкой филологии и преподавания с интересным и индивидуальным подходом к каждому)
0 / 5
9.50 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Репетитор з математики. Маю широкий досвід роботи у репетиторстві. Успішна підготовка до ДПА/НМТ при систематичній роботі. Розвиток аналітичного та логічного мислення. Заняття проводяться в комфортній атмосфері у зручний для учня час. Онлайн уроки на платформі ZOOM з використанням інтерактивних мат...
0 / 5
10.68 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Усім привіт 😊 Я вчителька (репетиторка) англійської мови. Працюю з дорослими відповідальними людьми, які розуміють навіщо їм англійська. Зі мною легко підтягнути мову або вчити з нуля🔥 Працюю на результат. Для мене важливо взаємоповага і конект між вчителем та учнем. Вчитель це в першу чергу друг, н...
0 / 5
14.25 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Вивчаю англійську мову, тому хочу не тільки поділитися своїми знаннями, а ще й навчати дітей віком від 3 до 6 років або тих, хто тільки починає вивчати мову. Хоч досвід в викладанні в мене невеликий, та все ж я вмію знаходити підхід до діток, і зможу зацікавити їх вивчати англійську мову, яка відкри...
0 / 5
5.94 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Одеса To find a tutor in Одеса from more than 29 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Одеса, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to the lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a tutor from Одеса.

Nowadays, it is necessary to develop, raise qualifications, improve knowledge, and learn new things in order to earn money, get high grades, and grow personally. The quality of education in Ukraine is at a weak level, and modern realities make learning in state organizations unstable. A private tutor for lessons Odessa online comes to the rescue. Tutor services are used by both preschoolers and adults. After all, you can study individually for different purposes: school education, ZNO, enrollment, self-development, work, etc. The main thing is to make the educational process as effective and interesting as possible.

What are the benefits of classes with a tutor in Odessa

Some people do not see the point in hiring a private teacher, because you can educate yourself without spending money. But in the huge amount of information provided, it is difficult to choose the right one for you, in the end you get only a set of knowledge, without understanding the big picture. The path of trial and error can take a long time, and laying the wrong foundation of knowledge, it is harder to learn in the future. In order not to waste time and effort you need to initially find a tutor in Odessa, which will find an approach, build a structure, and in a short time you will already see the result.

What are the advantages of a tutor in Odessa:

  • all the attention is directed to one student, the presentation of information, the pace, the load, is chosen for a particular student;
  • identifies gaps in knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses in order to make a training plan;
  • arranges the schedule as convenient to the student;
  • a psychological approach, comfort in communication;
  • motivates to achieve results.

Tutor search platform TeMa includes more than 130 subjects in different areas, of which 44 are linguistic, there is an opportunity to select the services of a teacher online for different purposes and finances, and the cost of a tutor in Odessa online classes are more profitable than offline.

How does an individual tutor in Odessa

The main goal of the individual teacher - to give the appropriate level of knowledge and make learning as comfortable as possible, this requires taking into account the characteristics of the student. Before building an effective work plan, tutors in Odessa
Initially, analyze the existing knowledge. The services of a tutor are quite different from school classes and self-study, because the work is tailored to the student, and this is felt after the first lessons.

How tutors in Odessa teach:

  1. Analyzing knowledge, identifying voids and closing them.
  2. Go beyond the usual educational curriculum. 
  3. Diversifies lessons to engage and keep the focus of attention.
  4. Teaches to the point, with no unnecessary water.
  5. Communicates freely for psychological comfort.

Tutor search service TeMa includes a database of the best teachers with good reviews. Formulate your request, and our tutors will find the right program.

When do you need a tutor in Odessa?

The services of private teachers are used in various cases. If we take the most common ones, it is to improve academic performance, preparation for the ZNO, learning languages. Often people just want to develop their skills, or learn computer literacy, because to achieve success is only possible by constantly developing. If you feel that you do not get good knowledge or want to learn something new, you need a tutor.

How to find a teacher in Odessa on TeMa?

In the world of digital technology, you don't need to look for a tutor through advertisements on the streets, everything is much easier, when you need tutor help in Odessa, you need to use a proven service. To browse professionals, go above and set your search filters: country, subject, price range.

Online tutor search service TeMa checks the qualifications of specialists, has a wide range of prices, a large selection of teachers for different needs. You are offered only teachers who meet your expectations, and you can book a lesson by registering.

How to choose the best online lessons in Odessa quickly?

Distance lessons have long proven themselves. There is no need to spend time, money, energy on travel, convenient schedule is built, the materials are provided in electronic form. You are not limited to geolocation and can choose the best online tutors Odessa from any part of the world. Also, do not forget that you can get distracted during the class and miss important information, with the online format you can review the lesson in the recording to better absorb it.

What to pay attention to when choosing the services of an online specialist in Odessa:

  • education, at least one university degree;
  • specialization, what exactly is the teacher's specialty;
  • reviews, people who received the services will tell you better about the quality of teaching than the description;
  • experience, a tutor who has seen more than a dozen students, understands how to work more productively.

These factors need to be taken into consideration, but the trial method works best. Choose several online tutors, and book a trial lesson, see with whom it is more comfortable, and for your financial convenience tutor selection service TeMa gives a 50% discount on the first three classes.

How much do tutoring services in Odessa and how not to overpay?

In the field of education, it is impossible to immediately determine whether the quality of services corresponds to the stated price, the understanding comes when you see or do not see the result. If a tutor with little experience indicates the same price as an experienced one, there is a clear discrepancy. The cost of services online lessons in Odessa depends on different factors. The first is the subject, with the complexity and relevance of the prices of tutors in Odessa higher. Also, affects the qualifications, experience, methods, and rating. View the price can be found in the profile of the teacher.

The specialization of tutors in Odessa also has a big role in the construction of the price tag, because with a general education program of work is done less than with individual requests. We are talking about the actually developed methodology, which affects the tutor Odessa cost, it is additional efforts, courses, completed work, which is also paid.