Elementary school tutors online

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Працюю репетитором та вчителем початкових класів. До кожного учня застосовую індивідуальний підхід. Намагаюся зробити заняття цілеспрямованими,цікавим та якісним. Також надаю допомогу у виконанні домашніх завдань з різних предметів. Я працюю з кожним учнем для досягнення результату.
0 / 5
6.31 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Пропоную свої послуги як репетитор, маю досвід роботи з дітьми різного віку та можу допомогти у засвоєнні основних понять і вмінь. Мій підхід до навчання базується на індивідуальному підході до кожного учня. Завдяки цьому, дитина отримує можливість розуміти матеріал більш глибоко і впевнено викону...
0 / 5
6.31 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Досвід роботи в освіті 7 років. За освітою викладач вищої освіти, магістр початкової освіти, вчитель початкових класів та музичного мистецтва. Працюю за програмою НУШ. Маю досвід роботи онлайн з учнями початкової ланки. Сприяю розвитку навичок читання, письма та математики, створюючи атмосферу тепл...
0 / 5
7.58 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доброго дня, мене звати Ольга, я студентка філологічного факультету в Чернігівському педагогічному університеті. Я зараз набираю учнів на репетиторсво з української мови , Можу займатися як за навчальною програмою, підтягуючи учнів по темам, готуючи до контрольних, допомагаючи виконувати домашні за...
0 / 5
5.05 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я Оксана. Маю досвід роботи учителем 7 років. Працювала за програмою НУШ та «Інтелект України». Швидко знаходжу мову з учнями та зацікавлюю інтерактивними завданнями.
0 / 5
6.31 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вже понад пʼять років викладаю англійську для діток та дорослих. Враховую індивідуальні потреби кожного учня, маю комплексний підхід до вивчення мови, щоб навчання було цікавим та результативним) Маю педагогічну освіту і пристрасть до викладання☀️
0 / 5
8.84 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Маю великий та успішний досвід репетиторської діяльності. Вмію легко та цікаво пояснити будь який матеріал. Багато моїх учнів здобули високі бали при складанні іспитів ЗНО, покращили шкільні оцінки та здобули впевненість на уроках. Допоможу з легкістю освоїти та полюбити природничі дисциплін. Маю су...
0 / 5
2.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
вітаю) мене звати Соломія і я репетитор з англійської мови для дітей .Моя ціль- навчити як можна більше дітей англійської мови , простим , ненав'язливим методом . Я категорично проти зазубрювання та змушування дітей вивчати мову. Оскільки для мене головне це задоволення та інтерес дітей до вивчення...
0 / 5
2.78 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вітаю! Мене звати Каріна і я допоможу Вам легко та цікаво вивчати англійську мову)
0 / 5
5.05 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Репетитор англійської мови для дітей та дорослих. Допоможу дитині у вивченні мови ,підготовці до іспитів та співбесід ,розвитку комунікативних навичок
0 / 5
10.10 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Junior classes In order to find a tutor for a subject Junior classes from more than 29 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Junior classes, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Junior classes, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Junior classes, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Junior classes tutor will take place.

Many parents of future first-graders think that they can teach their children to write and read on their own. At the same time, it is important to take into account that modern school programs provide for serious requirements for students. Therefore, high-quality and independent preparation of the child may not be enough. At this crucial moment, professional primary school tutors will come to the rescue. The TeMa platform will help you find a specialist. Here are collected dozens of profiles of different teachers, with real reviews and grades. In addition, why take the risk with training, if you can turn to a professional tutor.

Why do you need an elementary tutor?

Sometimes in independent learning of preschoolers, parents realize that they need the help of a professional. Since children do not always want to do what they are told, and especially when it comes to learning something. There is a problem with whims, disobedience, and lack of interest in learning. In this case, tutors will come to the rescue.

There are several advantages of a primary school tutor:

  1. Reliability. A competent tutor will not give unnecessary information. On the contrary, it focuses on important topics.
  2. The teacher selects an individual approach to the child.
  3. The tutor will be able to prepare immediately in all areas, from mathematics to writing.

The teacher will help to adapt to the school curriculum and workloads in general. Explain complex issues in simple and accessible language. This form of education will give the child an understanding that learning is interesting and exciting.

How to find an elementary school tutor?

If your child needs help with lessons, tutors on the TeMa platform will help. The service will find experienced primary school teachers anywhere in the world. TeMa is a platform where questionnaires of teachers of different qualifications and experience are collected. In the search for a tutor, filters will help you, set the necessary parameters in accordance with your requirements, and the search system will find the necessary options. Also, reviews will be useful to you in choosing. Each tutor is checked for compliance with the reliability of information and qualifications.

Classes with a primary school tutor on the TeMa platform

All classes are held exclusively on the platform. No need to use additional programs and resources. Lessons are held in a “live” format. At a prearranged time, the tutor, and the student connect to the conference. In the process, a tutor is called with the child to sort out incomprehensible topics and study new material. To consolidate the result, individual homework is given so as not to burden the baby too much.
To make classes interesting, the tutor of elementary grades alternates complex and simple topics, including various videos and games in the learning process. This increases interest and increases the desire to learn.

How to choose a primary school teacher?

When looking for primary school tutors, parents are wondering who to choose, a tutor with more than 20 years of experience or a young energetic specialist. Each family has its own approach to choosing. In this case, it is possible to make the right choice. If the child fails to concentrate on the subject, there are problems with the organization of time. If necessary, a more experienced tutor will help the student become more organized and diligent. 

If a student has problems in establishing contact, fears and insecurities, then here you can find a junior teacher. The modern approach makes it easy to find contact with the child and build trusting relationships, thereby speeding up the process of assimilation of the material. Tutor selection TeMa will help you find the right tutor.

Primary school tutor service cost?

It's no secret that in the process of choosing the best tutor for a baby, many parents first of all ask themselves the question “How much can it cost?”. 

The cost of tutoring service cost depends on many factors:

  • how will the classes be held, in pairs or individually;
  • duration and frequency of classes. Since if the child initially has poor preparation, it will take more time;
  • demand of the teacher, his experience, and qualifications. The more practice and lessons the tutor has, the higher the price per lesson will be; 
  • the cost can be affected by the complexity of the task that the tutor faces and the time frame for which you need to achieve the desired results.

The site provides filters, the parameters of which are selected by tutors in accordance with your budget. Do not waste time on empty searches. The TeMa platform is the best  tutors for elementary grades. Qualified teachers enable preschoolers to acquire basic knowledge and skills. And it is also possible to unlock the potential of your child.

FAQ about a junior high school tutor

What are the benefits of online tutoring for primary grades?

An online primary school tutor offers convenient class schedules, flexible teacher options, access to a wide range of teaching materials and reduced tuition fees.

How do I find a tutor for primary school?

You can find a tutor on the TeMa platform. You will be able to set all the necessary parameters and find an expert who will help you to solve your tasks.

Why choose individual tutoring sessions for primary classes?

It will be easier for your child to get used to learning in primary school with a tutor. Children are beginning to get to know different sciences and to make things easier for them, a tutor will explain everything and give them confidence and knowledge. Private tuition ensures your child gets a better grasp of the subject matter.