Ukrainian A1-A2 level tutor

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я активна, старанна, комунікабельна та цілеспрямована. Завжди в пошуках нових технологій, способів донесення інформації, актуальних змін сталих норм мови та можливостей покращити заняття. Викладацька діяльність приваблює можливістю ділитися здобутими знаннями та стимулом до розвитку і вдосконалення...
0 / 5
5.96 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Люблю свій предмет і роботу з дітьми. Моя професія – це моє найбільше хобі. Комунікабельна, відповідальна, пунктуальна, творча. Мої заняття проходять у доброзичливій та невимушеній атмосфері. Рада допомогти кожному охочому у вивченні української мови та літератури. Працюю із задоволенням та тільки...
0 / 5
4.77 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я Олексій, українець. Мешкаю в Києві. Полюбляю читати, цікавлюся всім потроху, особливо історією. Готую до ЗНО, НМТ, ДПА з української мови, літератури, історії України. Працюю з дорослими. Досвід: - вчитель в Середній загальноосвітній школі двадцять м. Києва - з дві тисячі тринадцятого...
0 / 5
10.73 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Spanish
0 reviews
Маю дві вищі педагогічні освіти. До кожного учня застосовую індивідуальний підхід. На моїх уроках цікаво й пізнавально.
0 / 5
5.49 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Викладаю більше двох років польську мову, онлайн і в живу. Курс від нуля до рівня А1-А2, маю сертифікат.
0 / 5
3.58 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я вчитель української мови. Запрошую на навчання дітей та дорослих. Викладаю курс ділової української мови.
0 / 5
10.73 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Досвідчений репетитор допоможе у вивченні української мови та літератури (1-11 класи), математики (1-5 класи), підготує старшокласників до ЗНО з української мови та літератури. Найвищий результат моїх учнів на ЗНО 198 балів. Навчаю української з нуля російськомовних та англомовних. Також викладаю...
0 / 5
9.54 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian by specialization Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary) To find a tutor for a subject Ukrainian Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary) of more than 7 tutors. Use filters to make your search more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson in a subject Ukrainian Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary), go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Once you go to the specialization Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary), tutor questionnaire, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to a lesson with specialization Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary), go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the beginning of the subject Ukrainian lesson. Once connected, you will find yourself in the video conference where the lesson with the Levels А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary) tutor will take place.

Ukrainian language tutor for beginners

Are you intrigued by the idea of acquiring Ukrainian language skills, but unsure of how to begin your journey? If so, you've stumbled upon the perfect solution! Our program offers Elementary Ukrainian lessons, taught by a highly trained instructor. TeMa provides an optimal environment for those seeking to learn the basics of Ukrainian. With the assistance of our knowledgeable mentors, you can enhance your command of grammar, expand your vocabulary, and refine your pronunciation. In the subsequent sections, we'll delve into the particulars of our TeMa platform and how it can facilitate the attainment of your language-learning objectives.

Ukrainian language lessons at A1-A2 level on the TeMa platform

The TeMa platform offers one-on-one lessons with an experienced Ukrainian language tutor at the A1-A2 proficiency levels. Our virtual Ukrainian language courses cater specifically to beginners, and our instructors are experts in helping students overcome linguistic obstacles.

By enrolling in our Beginner Ukrainian lessons, you'll be able to study at your own convenience and pace, regardless of your location. With no need to commute to your lessons, you can maximize your language learning experience with ease and efficiency.

Why do we need Ukrainian lessons for beginners?

Our Ukrainian language for beginners offer an efficient and convenient approach to learning the language. You have the flexibility to schedule your classes at a time that suits you. Our tutor is well-equipped to help you overcome any language obstacles and develop your Ukrainian speaking skills within a few lessons.

For those who are new to Ukrainian language, this is an outstanding chance to expand their linguistic abilities and gain proficiency in a foreign language. However, finding the right tutor to assist you in achieving your language learning goals can be a daunting task.

Below are some important criteria that will help you choose the best Ukrainian language tutor at A1-A2 level:

  1. Teaching Experience: The most crucial factor in choosing an A1-A2 level Ukrainian language tutor is their teaching experience. It's essential to select a tutor who is well-versed in the nuances of the Ukrainian language and can teach it effectively.
  2. Professional Qualifications: Checking the qualifications and experience of the tutor is critical. Look for a tutor who has attended a reputable university and completed Ukrainian language courses. The best tutors possess certificates that validate their qualifications.
  3. Availability: Confirm that the A1-A2 level Ukrainian tutor's schedule is suitable for your needs. Inquire about free time slots, so you can select the most appropriate class time.

Don't delay effective Ukrainian language A1-A2 level, as each passing day represents an opportunity lost to learn about Ukrainian culture, communicate with new people, and broaden your horizons. A tutor with A1-A2 proficiency in the Ukrainian language is ready to assist you in achieving your language objectives and unlocking new possibilities.

FAQ about Ukrainian language tutor with A1-A2 level

What is the cost of lessons with a Ukrainian language tutor at A1-A2 level?

The cost may vary depending on the experience of the tutor, his qualifications, location, specialization, and duration of the lesson. Usually, the cost of a lesson is from 5 to 20 USD.

What skills can I expect from learning Ukrainian at A1-A2 level with a tutor?

At A1-A2 level, you can expect a tutor to help you develop basic reading, writing, grammar and pronunciation skills in Ukrainian. You will also learn how to use everyday expressions, talk about yourself and your interests, and understand simple dialogues in Ukrainian.

How often do I need to study with a Ukrainian language tutor at A1-A2 level?

It is recommended to study with a tutor at the A1-A2 level at least once a week. However, the frequency of classes may depend on your schedule, time and financial possibilities.