Tutors in German by specialization Preparing for school online

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я молодий репетитор, який закохає в німецьку мову. Зможу просто пояснити складні правила. Так, я студент, але ми завжди навчаємось, тому запрошую вас вивчати світ разом зі мною.
0 / 5
9.59 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт, я Наталія Буду рада працювати з відповідальними та цілеспрямованими людьми !
0 / 5
6.00 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доброго дня, мене звуть Катерина, я обожнюю німецьку і працюю з нею давно, допоможу вам добитися гарних результатів, лише за це літо змогла допомогти дітям перевестися в німецький клас, а дорослим знайти роботу, звертайтесь, працюю з усіма рівнями.
0 / 5
10.79 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor for a subject German by specialization Preparing for school To find a tutor for a subject German Preparing for school of more than 3 tutors. Use filters to make your search more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson in a subject German Preparing for school, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Once you go to the specialization Preparing for school, tutor questionnaire, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to a lesson with specialization Preparing for school, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the beginning of the subject German lesson. Once connected, you will find yourself in the video conference where the lesson with the Preparing for school tutor will take place.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Subject German for the Preparing for school level?

How do I choose a subject German tutor for my level Preparing for school

When choosing a subject German tutor for your level Preparing for school, look at: cost per hour, positive reviews, experience, specialization, credentials, then take a trial lesson to see if the subject German tutor is appropriate for your level Preparing for school or not.

How much does it cost to have a German teacher for Preparing for school level?

The cost of a lesson in a subject German for a level Preparing for school varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the subject, the amount of work, and the availability of highly competitive skills (high qualifications, experience, positive feedback). You can see the specific cost of a German lesson for the Preparing for school level in the instructor's profile.