Tutor speech therapist

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Кваліфікований логопед дефектолог. Досвід роботи більше 5 років, працюю з дітьми та дорослими,які мають різні порушення мовлення,індивідуально підбираючи корекційну програму.
0 / 5
12.02 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Профільна логопедична освіта 🩷Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка Ступінь вищої освіти: Бакалавр Спеціальність: Спеціальна освіта Освітня програма: Логопедія Професійна кваліфікація: Асистент вчителя-логопеда, вчитель початкової школи для дітей з тяжкими порушеннями мовлення 🩷Уманський де...
0 / 5
12.02 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Психолог, логопед, працюю з дітьми і дорослими різного віку, володію навиками логопедичного масажу, швидко знаходжу спільну мову з дітьми і дорослими, працюю на результат.
0 / 5
9.61 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Практичний психолог, гештальт терапевт, арт терапевт. Працюю з дітьми та сім'ями Готую дітей до школи за авторською методикою. Навчання проходить в дуже цікавому форматі. Діти, за допомогою форм відчуттів(слухової, тактильної, зорової) скоріше запам'ятовують вивчений матеріал. Я гарантую, що після п...
0 / 5
7.21 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Доцент кафедри початкової освіти, кандидат педагогічних наук
0 / 5
7.21 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
З чим до мене звертаються? - Заїкання; - Відсутність фразової мови; - Постановка і корекція звуків; - Підготовка до школи; - Клінічні затримки мови; - Особливі діти; - Корекція мови у дорослих. Напишіть мені і ми обов'язково знайдемо спільне рішення Вашої проблеми!
0 / 5
4.81 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Проводжу корекційні заняття з дітьми які мають тяжкі порушення мовлення. Маю магістерську освіту . Володію різними методиками постановки звуків, подолання заїкування у дітей та дорослих. Працювала з дорослими після інсульту які мають - Афазію. Впроваджую методику глобального читання з дітьми які маю...
0 / 5
3.61 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Логопед онлайн. Удобно, интересно, результативно. Филипьева Инна Валентина логопед высшей квалификационной категории. Большой опыт работы позволяет сделать занятия не только интересными, но и результативными в минимальные сроки. Ваш ребёнок легко научиться выговаривать Яша, Ж, Р, Л, С и до.звуки....
0 / 5
9.61 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Speech therapist In order to find a tutor for a subject Speech therapist from more than 8 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Speech therapist, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Speech therapist, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Speech therapist, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Speech therapist tutor will take place.

Speech, literacy, and writing are necessary components of early development. First sounds are spoken, then words, then sentences. Not everyone's speech development goes well. At a certain point, difficulties arise, making it difficult to attend kindergarten and then elementary school. Therefore, at an early age it is necessary to contact a speech therapist, so as not to run the problem. The specialist will work through various speech disorders: lack of development, absence, speech failure due to psychological trauma, which is why parents of young children and adults turn to him.

Private lessons with a speech therapist for children

Learning is easier than retraining. Many parents do not pay much attention to minor problems in their children's speech or try to correct them themselves, not realizing that only a specialist who has the techniques to correctly correct speech can teach them correctly. An online speech therapist for children is not limited to the correct production of sounds, because to solve the problem you need to eradicate its source, as well as eliminate the accompanying difficulties.

What the lessons of the speech pathologist include:

  1. Development of auditory perception. Ability to distinguish sounds by ear.
  2. Teaches the correct construction of grammatical speech, expands the vocabulary.
  3. Defectologist forms coherent speech. To build a statement of thoughts, to retell what they have seen. 
  4. Work on tone, timbre, power, technique, pauses, tempo of speech.
  5. Helps to master literacy. Letters and sounds.
  6. Develops speech of non-speakers.
  7. Develops fine motor skills, memory, and attention.

The TeMa tutor search platform includes professionals who can help correct developmental problems through a personalized approach. All children at the age of three need to see a specialist to check if the process of pronunciation of sounds, speech construction, perception of new information is correct and to avoid difficulties, so take lessons from an online tutor for speech development so that the development goes correctly.

Individual lessons with a speech therapist for adults

It is not only children who use the services of a speech therapist. Speech defects at an early age or psychological trauma can lead to disorders in adulthood, such disorders prevent you from feeling confident. It is never too late to seek help from a speech pathologist for adults. The first lesson tests the pronunciation of sounds, diction, phonemic hearing, articulation, and breathing cramps. Then the program is tailored to the specific situation, age, psychological characteristics, and imperfections are eliminated.

Why find a speech therapist online at TeMa?

Distance classes are gaining in popularity. There is no need to waste time picking up children, traveling, and waiting for appointments to end. Adults don't have to worry about setting up a schedule, take lessons when it's convenient. Thanks to the format of online services, the cost of a speech therapy session has decreased significantly, as it is less costly for the online speech therapist and the student.

Why you should choose the services of individual lessons with a defectologist online:

  • a large selection of specialists;
  • convenient class schedule;
  • parents can watch the process of lessons;
  • no binding to the location;
  • more economical, there are no associated costs;
  • the choice of services of a tutor speech therapist, defectologist anywhere and many other countries;
  • the use of interesting teaching methods.

Tutor search service TeMa will help you find speech therapy services online, learn effectively, and see the result after a few sessions. Also, you can create an ad for a speech therapist with a more precise request so that the most suitable specialist will respond.

How do I find a speech therapist?

In today's world, finding a professional has become easier. You don't have to go looking for ads, make a bunch of calls to acquaintances, hoping that they will recommend a professional. All you need to do is define your goal and calculate your finances and go higher on the search page of our service. Then set your search filters: country, subject, price range of services. Our service will offer both speech therapy lessons for adults and speech therapy lessons for children due to a large database of tutors.

How much does a session with a speech therapist cost?

When choosing the services of specialists, one of the important factors is the cost. Some specialists charge 20 USD per hour, while others charge 10. But not always the cost determines the quality, and you do not want to overpay. To understand how much a speech therapist costs, you should correlate the price with the information in the profile.

What determines the cost:

  1. Qualifications. Multiple degrees from educational institutions raise the cost bar.
  2. Experience. Having gone through many students, more understanding of the individual approach, and online tutoring services will be of higher quality, respectively the cost is higher.
  3. Scope of work. After the first lesson, a specialist will determine the amount and complexity of work.
  4. Individual methods. Since the professionals of our site use a quality program, an individual approach, the development of lessons are personal.

To understand for sure how suitable the services of an online tutor, you can take a trial lesson, to see whether psychologically comfortable, teaching techniques, professionalism. The TeMa online tutor search service gives you a 50% discount on the first three lessons. Don't put off development and opportunities until tomorrow. Go higher, register, look for the right tutor and start working on your imperfections now with the best professionals.

FAQ about a speech therapist

How to choose the right online speech therapist lessons?

When choosing the best speech therapist, it is important to understand what professional skills you would like to find a speech therapist with. We recommend looking at: specialization, cost per hour, education, what kind of speech therapist online reviews have received.

What is the need for a speech therapist tutor?

A speech therapist not only puts the individual sounds correctly. The range of possibilities of a professional is wider. Online tutor services help: to develop speech, restore, improve vocabulary, put a clear diction and build literate speech.

When should parents see a speech therapist?

If your child is under a year old is not trying to pronounce the sounds, humming, or under two years of vocabulary is not more than 10 words, you should consult a professional.

Where do classes take place?

By preventing technical glitches, fiddles with additional applications, and inconveniences, we make the process of obtaining knowledge as simple as possible. Lessons take place on the TeMa platform, designed specifically for online lessons. A registered user has a personal account where lessons, materials, scheduled classes, and other features are available for quality lessons.

How do I find a speech-language pathologist online?

The TeMa tutor selection service includes a huge database of verified professionals from many countries. You can find a tutor by interest, desired cost, selected region, and choose the language of instruction, by going higher and registering you will easily find the services of an online speech therapist.