Tutors for learning programming

Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Люблю навчаться і ділитися своїми знаннями. Уже 7 років в ІТ індустрії.
0 / 5
8.53 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
За першою освітою - викладач, за другою - інженер-розробник, тому завжди професійну роботу розробника поєднував з робою викладача з програмування. Маю багаторічний досвід викладання та досвід розробки комерційного програмного забезпечення з використанням сучасних стеків технологій. З роками при...
0 / 5
9.75 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Навчаюся на 2 курсі спеціальності "квантові комп'ютери та квантове програмування", паралельно працюю декілька годин на тиждень асистентом викладача з робототехніки та програмування
0 / 5
4.87 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю! Мене звати Катерина , я навчаю математики та інформатики учнів з 5 по 11 клас. Досвід роботи репетитором понад пʼять років , а також два роки викладання у гімназії. Працюю з будь-яким рівнем знань, навчаю з нуля та до повного засвоєння матеріалу. Безліч дітей та їхніх батьків задоволені резул...
0 / 5
6.09 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Курс по языке Java проходит в онлайн формате. Перед началом дается небольшой тест на знания (если таковые имеются в программировании). После этого программа курса будет подстроена лично под Вас. Домашние задания и связь со мной по любым вопросам кода. Опыт работы в программировании 4 года, окончил В...
0 / 5
4.87 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Програміст із 4-ох річним досвідом програмування мовою С++. Добре розбираюся у аспектах цієї мови, можу пояснити та навчити реалізувувати різнопланові задачі на ній. На заняттях ми розберемося як писати невеличкі программи на цій мові та будемо поглиблюватися у сладніші речі, такі як масиви,вектора,...
0 / 5
4.87 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Привіт, мене звати Сергій. Люблю море :))) Завдяки тому, що писати код можна не тільки в офісі вже декілька років живу біля Середземного моря і працюю віддалено. Маю досвід викладання як офлайн так і в онлайн школі, з дорослими та дітьми. З дітьми працюю в візуальній системі програмування Scratch...
0 / 5
9.75 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Займаюся програмуванням вже більше 10ти років. Зіткнувся з тим, що в ВНЗ, останнім часом, стали викладати за застарілими методиками, в зв'язку з чим звернув свою увагу на інший підхід в навчанні. Готовий поділитися з вами реальним досвідом роботи на мовах програмування: C ++, Java, JavaScript, Pytho...
0 / 5
16.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Добрий день, Моє ім'я Юрій Васюк. Я працюю розробником програмного забезпечення та баз даних з 2017 року. У 2018 році закінчив університет Брігама Янга в Айдахо, США, за напрямком Компютерно Информаційні Технології. Під час навчання працював помічником викладача та тьютором класу баз даних. До ун...
0 / 5
14.62 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Programming In order to find a tutor for a subject Programming from more than 9 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Programming, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Programming, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Programming, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Programming tutor will take place.

Virtual reality, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and the constant development of computer technology have become an integral part of the modern world.
All this could not exist without IT-specialists. The field of information technology is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in the labor market. To get a position, you need to know and understand programming languages. On this path, individual programming teachers will become assistants. Mentors will determine the ability of the student to develop and develop the potential of the student.

Programming tutor services

In order to start learning in the field of programming, it is enough to have a comfortable place at hand. A work desk or sofa, stable internet and a computer or laptop. There are many videos and free courses on various sources, thanks to which you can learn the material. As practice shows, only a mentor can lead a student to the desired result. Programming languages ​​are full of pitfalls and nuances, it is not always possible to immediately see errors. A tutor in programming, they will be able to remotely conduct training, advise and check assignments. Sitting at home, there is an opportunity to master the direction that allows you to receive the desired level of salary without leaving your home. Since work in the field of information technology is mainly built on remote cooperation between the employee and the company.

How to find a programming tutor?

A tutor is a mentor who will accompany the student throughout the entire time of obtaining knowledge. Not only the result depends on the right choice, but the motivation and desire to continue learning the craft. To find a coding teacher, it's best to go directly to the search filters on the TeMa tutor search platform. 

Filters will help you find a mentor in a matter of time, for this you need:

  1. Select the region where the teacher lives.
  2. Due to the large number of languages, there are different directions in the field of information technology. Qualification will help you find a teacher in the right direction.
  3. In the selection criteria, you can set a cost that will fit the budget.
  4. There is an opportunity to work in groups and individually.

Go to the “Tutors” section, enter the parameters that meet the requirements and scroll through the profiles of mentors. In the questionnaires, you can see descriptions of programming teachers, achievements, and teaching methods. By switching now, there is an opportunity to study the material faster and increase your income several times.

The cost of a programming tutor on the TeMa platform

Work in the field of information technology is one of the most paid in the world. Therefore, the services of programming tutors can be higher than the lessons of other teachers. Despite this, there are a number of reasons that affect the cost of lessons. 

Factors that affect the cost:

  • experience and level of training of the tutor;
  • qualification of teacher services, programming languages ​​are different in complexity and the cost is also different;
  • the cost differs between group and individual lessons;
  • the level of knowledge of the student also affects the total cost of classes.

Thanks to the TeMa platform, you can find a mentor that will fit the budget of the student. Do not wait, now choose the service of your programming teacher and start learning material that will bring a lot of income in the future.

How to choose a programming tutor?

All teacher services are divided into categories and qualifications. Some are suitable for teaching kids and schoolchildren. Others are popular with the older generation. In order to choose the service of individual programming lessons, you need to understand what result the student wants to achieve. How much time is possible to allocate to classes and what intensity of lessons is required. Everything else is taken care of by the platform. The TeMa resource will select a programming teacher, and then the student will need to choose the best mentor from the list and book a lesson time. Start learning now. Learn, gain knowledge and achieve your goals.

Benefits of TeMa Programming Tutors

Programming languages ​​can be learned on your own. There are videos, courses and other materials on the Internet that can help you get started. But, as in any subject, there are situations when the student is faced with a lack of understanding of the material, complex functions and not knowing how to solve the problem. A programming tutor will help you at every stage of gaining knowledge. It will help you organize your work. If a student writes a function incorrectly, the mentor will correct it and give recommendations for further work. Self-learning does not give such a quick and effective result. Therefore, do not leave for what you can do now, find and book classes.


Who are programming tutors for?

Programming tutors are suitable for everyone who decides to associate themselves with the IT direction. Professional teachers will teach students all the basics and prepare them for real tasks and projects.

How much do lessons with programming tutors cost?

There are a lot of directions in programming. And tutoring services differ depending on the programming language. In order not to waste time searching, go to the filters and set the price that will fit your budget.

How to find a programming teacher?

In order to find a programming tutor, just go to the platform filters and set the criteria that will meet your requirements: region of residence, cost, qualifications and type of classes. Then, from the submitted questionnaires, you will need to choose a mentor and book a lesson with him.