Written exam in English

Written exam in English

Greetings! Today, we've arrived to assist you in preparing for the upcoming English language examination. This marks a pivotal juncture in a student's academic journey, so let's ensure we're primed for success. Our aim is to provide valuable insights and guidance for both the fundamental and advanced levels of this examination. The Basic English Entrance Exam is specifically crafted to assess your language proficiency, and we're here to support you every step of the way!

At the foundational level, be attentive to the following:

  1. Comprehending Instructions. Your journey commences with a thorough understanding of instructions. Take the time to carefully read and grasp the assignment guidelines. This will enable you to align your responses with the expectations of the evaluators.
  2. Storytelling Structure. Keep in mind the fundamental narrative structure: introduction, development, and conclusion. Adhering to this framework will enhance the readability and coherence of your essays.
  3. Neat handwriting. Maintain legibility in your writing. Strive to write with clarity and precision, avoiding common spelling errors that can impede understanding.
  4. Examination Familiarity. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the entrance examination itself. This knowledge will prove invaluable when analyzing and interpreting textual content.
  5. Grammar Refresher. Dedicate time to revisiting the essentials of English grammar. This will help you steer clear of basic grammatical errors and ensure your language usage is impeccable.

How to write a high school exam

To begin with, it's essential to grasp the task's structure. The English written examination comprises various components, encompassing both open-ended and closed tasks. At the elementary level, you'll encounter relatively straightforward texts for reading and responding to, whereas the advanced level presents more intricate texts demanding more precise responses.

One of the paramount pieces of advice we can offer is to meticulously peruse all the instructions and task descriptions. Take note of the scoring allocation for each task and gauge the time you can allocate to each. Writing in English may appear daunting, yet with a strategic approach, you can excel. Here, we present some strategies to aid you in both the foundational and advanced tiers.

Initial Level

Opting for the Beginner English tear entails embracing shorter and more straightforward texts in comparison to their Advanced English counterparts. Your primary objective lies in comprehending the text and furnishing concise yet coherent responses. Endeavor to employ diverse tenses while eschewing redundancy. It's paramount to bear in mind that the English language examination at the foundational level evaluates your fundamental language proficiencies; thus, refrain from attempting to incorporate excessively intricate vocabulary. Direct your focus towards articulating your ideas with clarity.

Achieving success at the foundational level necessitates:

  • harness a diverse vocabulary to circumvent repetition. This will manifest your English proficiency level;
  • strive to construct intricate sentence formations, showcasing your capacity to convey more intricate concepts;
  • infuse creativity into your expression of ideas and viewpoints, steering clear of formulaic responses;
  • engage in the practice of dissecting literary works and newspaper articles, a pivotal skill that becomes increasingly crucial at the advanced level;
  • cultivate a habit of composing essays regularly and delving into text analysis. Consistent practice paves the way to perfection.

Advanced level

At an advanced level, the texts will be more demanding. You are expected to understand the deeper meaning of the text and be able to analyze its content. Your answers should be more detailed, include specific examples, and be relevant to the questions that will be asked. It is also worth paying attention to the expression of your opinion in the answers. You may be asked to give your opinion on a text or an issue raised in the text. Try to argue your position and use a variety of vocabulary. An English tutor can be found on the TeMa platform.

The English exam may seem difficult, but don't be fooled. With the right preparation and practice, great results can be achieved. Remember that the key to success is reading comprehension, expressing your thoughts clearly and using various elements of the English language.

No matter what level you are taking the English exam, proper preparation and work on writing skills is the key to success. Regularity, understanding of instructions, and linguistic correctness are critical. At an advanced level of English, it is also worth developing the ability to analyze and interpret texts. Good luck on your English exam!