Turkish language tutors online

Completed lessons: 0
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Я працюю над тим, щоб кожен мій учень відчував себе впевнено в спілкуванні турецькою мовою та отримував задоволення від навчання. Незалежно від вашого рівня підготовки, я допоможу вам досягти вашої мети в освоєнні турецької мови. Надаю всі матеріали (аудіо, pdf). На звʼязку з учнями 24/7.
0 / 5
7.20 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
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Привіт, мене звати Сергій. Люблю море :))) Завдяки тому, що писати код можна не тільки в офісі вже декілька років живу біля Середземного моря і працюю віддалено. Маю досвід викладання як офлайн так і в онлайн школі, з дорослими та дітьми. З дітьми працюю в візуальній системі програмування Scratch...
0 / 5
9.60 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Если вы все желаете выучить турецкий, а для вас он сложный и вы перепробовали множество методик изучения, а толку мало, предлагаю изучать турецкий по авторской, специально разработанной методике, которая направлена на быстрое овладение языком. Качество знаний гарантирую, если вы действительно не тол...
0 / 5
14.40 USD/hour

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Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Turkish, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Turkish, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Turkish, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Turkish tutor will take place.

One of the most popular and visited countries in the world is Turkey. The country attracts tourists with relatively inexpensive holidays, climatic conditions and cultural program services. Turkish education is considered one of the most sought after among applicants. Therefore, learning the Turkish language from scratch is useful not only in the direction of relaxation, since knowing the language you can walk around the local bazaars, buy a lot of useful things at an inexpensive cost. Speech will be needed when entering universities and applying for a job. You can find mentor services to help you master speech on the TeMa tutor search platform.

Benefits of a Turkish Tutor

Learning languages ​​requires a lot of effort, time, and most importantly, motivation. Sometimes, starting to study speech on your own, you may encounter a lack of understanding of grammar rules, incorrect pronunciation, and a lack of real practice with a native speaker. Therefore, only the services of Turkish language tutors will help you quickly acquire knowledge. Soon, you will be able to study the necessary information, master colloquial speech and correct pronunciation. It is important to take the learning process responsibly, because when communicating with Turks, incorrect pronunciation or the formation of sentences can cause negative emotions in them. At Turkish lessons, you will be told the general rules of pronunciation, the laws of constructing phrases and sentences. They will give a full understanding of generally accepted norms of communication in Turkish. We offer you to start studying now so that you can master the Turkish language as soon as possible.

The best Turkish tutors on the TeMa platform

Turkish speech is not as much in demand in learning as other languages. Since, in most cases, the country is visited by tourists. And the locals have adapted to visitors and can communicate in different languages. At the same time, the absence of a speech barrier works only on tourism. If your goal is to move, study or work in Turkish companies, knowledge of the language is a must.

On the tutor search service TeMa you will find the best Turkish tutors who will help you:

  • learn the general rules of grammar and lexically;
  • get acquainted with the rules and features of Turkish speech;
  • you can not only know the words, but confidently build sentences and communicate freely with native speakers;
  • in addition to the general rules, the tutor service will help you to plunge into the culture of the country and show the peculiarities of the culture.

Turkish tutors will give you the opportunity to master speech from scratch and feel comfortable not only when traveling, but also during exams and interviews for a new job.

How to find a Turkish tutor?

Finding a Turkish tutor is not as easy as finding an English or German tutor. Because the language is not so in demand in learning. At the same time, the TeMa platform has made it easier for users to search. In order to choose the right mentor, you need to understand what result you expect to get from classes with a teacher. If the study will be from scratch, then it is better to contact the services of a local teacher. He will explain the basics and general rules. He will build the learning process bit by bit so that you not only learn the material faster, but also strengthen your motivation. The carrier will provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of the country, help to use the studied material in life. You can find such a tutor on the TeMa tutor search service.

Cost of a Turkish tutor on the TeMa platform?

When choosing a Turkish language tutor, many people first pay attention to the price. It is clear that the less demand for training in a particular speech, the higher the cost. 

The price of Turkish language classes may also be affected by:

  1. The cost will depend on the goals and objectives that the teacher will face.
  2. The level of preparation of the student. If you need to study from scratch, then you need more time to study.
  3. The price of native speakers is different from the cost of local teachers.
  4. Teaching methodology and experience will also increase the price of a tutor.

Despite all these points, the TeMa resource offers a large selection of teachers. Thanks to the filters on the platform, you can set the necessary parameters and choose a tutor according to your requirements and cost.

Why a Turkish teacher?

It's no secret that most companies, if possible, go. This is due not only to lower budget costs for office maintenance, but also to convenience. No need to wake up early in the morning and drive through the city to your destination. If we talk about tutoring, the situation is similar. Teaching Turkish is practical. Together with the teacher, you choose a convenient time for the lesson. The Internet and a gadget are the only thing that is needed for the lesson to take place. And uncomfortable chairs and desks will replace your comfortable armchair or sofa. A lesson is beneficial, since the price of training will not include transfers back and forth. So don't waste your time, start learning Turkish right now with TeMa tutors.


How to choose the right Turkish tutor on the TeMa platform?

In order to choose the right Turkish language tutor, first, you need to identify the goals that the teacher will face. If you are planning to learn a language from scratch and the goal is to understand incomprehensible topics, then a local teacher is suitable here. If the task is to move or a new job, you will need the services of a native speaker who will help you master the spoken language.

What is the price of a Turkish tutoring session on the TeMa platform?

The price of classes with a Turkish teacher will depend on several factors: the knowledge and level of preparation of the student, the goals, and objectives that will be set for the tutor. Also, the price can be affected by the duration and intensity of training.

What are the benefits of a Turkish tutor?

When learning foreign languages, many face misunderstanding of topics, incorrect pronunciation and similar difficulties. The services of a Turkish tutor will help you choose the right format and teaching methods. So that you get the first results in the first lessons.