Sales training tutor for managers

Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Досвід в маркетингу з 2008 року. Багато практики, роботи та консультування маркетингових відділів та агенцій. Досвід в освіті з 2014 року. Створення своїх тренінгів та курсів, досвід лектора та тренера. Постійна робота з навчання школярів, студентів та ТОП-менеджменту компаній. Підвищую кваліфікаці...
0 / 5
12.10 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Ти можеш розпакувати свою особистість, підвищити або освоїти нові навички в області підприємництва, проектного менеджменту, продажів та перемовин. Я в цьому із задоволенням допоможу, адже маю практичний досвід у цих напрямках більше 8 років. Хто я сьогодні? - банкір - підприємець - засновник Націон...
0 / 5
24.21 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Sales In order to find a tutor for a subject Sales from more than 2 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Sales, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Sales, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Sales, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Sales tutor will take place.

In the labor market, the profession of a sales manager is considered the most common. Thanks to the ability to sell goods and services, “salesmen” can receive high wages. In everyday life, the skill of selling is also very helpful. Negotiate a discount, resolve a conflict, be sociable and in the spotlight, such opportunities can be obtained thanks to the best sales tutors. Mentors will help you get out of your comfort zone, teach you how to properly communicate with different types of people, and show you high-quality tools and sales techniques. The TeMa tutor search platform will help you to get acquainted with such specialists and start classes right now.

Top selling tutors on the TeMa platform

Someone is heard with a suspended tongue, and it is not difficult for him to find a common language with the interlocutor, but someone has to try very hard to start a dialogue first and keep the conversation going. The services of a sales tutor will help anyone who wants to become confident, feel at home in any company. Also, tutors will help to master the technique of sales, the principles of negotiation at any stage of the agreement. They will introduce you to sales funnels and the secrets of real salespeople. The entire learning process will be supported by practice and role-playing, so that the student understands how to act with examples.

How to find a sales tutor?

In the old days, the search for services converged to post advertisements, newspaper advertisements, and recommendations from acquaintances. Nowadays, everything has become more convenient. In order to find a private sales tutor, it is better to turn to the TeMa platform. The resource allows you to find a mentor in a short time who will help you master science. Platform filters help you achieve your goals. You just need to choose the region of residence of the tutor, qualifications, and experience. There are group lessons or private lessons available. The filter allows you to adjust the cost, which will fit the student's budget. Therefore, do not wait, right now go to the “Tutors” section and choose the service of a tutor when booking a lesson with him.

Sales tutor on the TeMa platform

Many companies have switched to a remote work format. Because it saves money on office maintenance and is generally very practical. For employees, work has not been a disappointment. Since you do not need to spend money and time on trips back and forth. 

Sales lessons are also held in the distance learning mode, because:

  1. The learning service is beneficial for both the student and the tutor. It is possible to set a convenient time for the lessons.
  2. Additional classes take place after school and work, so you have to return home late. The distance format allows you to receive knowledge in warmth and comfort.
  3. Distance learning with tutors allows you to study in a free mode.
  4. If the student has questions or misunderstandings, the tutor will immediately resolve all issues.

Motivation, the guarantor of learning success. So that motivation does not disappear, it is important that the student is comfortable, does not feel stress, and study does not seem like something unbearable. Sales lessons with the best teachers will help you achieve this result.

How much does a sales tutor cost?

How much does a sales lesson cost? How do the prices of different teachers differ? Why is it so expensive? These questions are faced not only by sales managers, but also by ordinary people who want to master the profession. We offer to understand the cost of services.

What the cost of the best sales tutors depends on:

  • length of service, qualifications, and experience affect the cost of services;
  • there are mentors who train within the company and take a fixed cost, there are those who conduct solo training for everyone;
  • reviews, characteristics, recognition, can affect the cost of a teacher;
  • the cost is affected by the level of training and knowledge of the student.

Sales educators set value based on market rules or internal beliefs. But the TeMa platform will help you choose a teacher in accordance with the budget. Do not put off until later what you can learn now, and mentors will help you with this.

How to choose a sales tutor?

Choosing a mentor for training takes time and effort. Because there are many aspects that can complicate the choice: different views on life, differences of opinion. The teacher may have a teaching method that does not suit the student. There can be many such reasons, and they will all be individual. Thanks to the services of the TeMa tutor search service, you can find a sales teacher who will meet all the criteria. To do this, go right now to the “Tutors” section, set the parameters and choose your tutor who will help you achieve your goals.


How much do sales tutors cost?

The cost of sales tutor services may vary, it all depends on the demand for a mentor and the level of training. The price may also depend on the tasks that the teacher will face.

How to find a sales teacher?

In order not to waste time and effort, it is better to immediately turn to the TeMa platform for help. The resource will help you find a teacher in accordance with all the requirements of the student. And thanks to the description in the questionnaires, the search will speed up at times.

Who can use the services of an online sales tutor?

The services of an online sales tutor are suitable for absolutely everyone who wants to be confident in communication, who wants to get a job in an international sales company, or even those who just want to feel confident among the environment.