Psychology tutors

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я активна, старанна, комунікабельна та цілеспрямована. Завжди в пошуках нових технологій, способів донесення інформації, актуальних змін сталих норм мови та можливостей покращити заняття. Викладацька діяльність приваблює можливістю ділитися здобутими знаннями та стимулом до розвитку і вдосконалення...
0 / 5
3.63 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Психолог, логопед, працюю з дітьми і дорослими різного віку, володію навиками логопедичного масажу, швидко знаходжу спільну мову з дітьми і дорослими, працюю на результат.
0 / 5
9.68 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я - Юлія Щербакова, психолог, МАК коуч Здобула освіту магістра з психології у 2019 році. В особистій психотерапії з 2015, і тоді це було зовсім не “модним”))) тому з часом я пропрацювала свої реакції на коментарі: “У психологів є проблеми?”, “До психологів ходять тільки психи”, “ Немає куди гроші тр...
0 / 5
19.37 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Polish
0 reviews
Мене звати Анна Ігорівна, мені 18 років,я репетитор початкових класів з англійської мови. Також можу навчати польської мови дітей 5-7 класів. Люблю те,що я роблю і стараюсь,як найкраще донести матеріал діткам і зробити все,щоб їм не було нудно на заняттях,використовую психологічні методи навчання,та...
0 / 5
9.68 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Russian
0 reviews
Меня зовут Алина. Закончила КИМО международные отношения уклон на иностранные языки испанский и английский . Преподаю онлайн более 3х лет. Использую инновационные методы обучения, легкую подачу что способствует быстрому усвоению материала. Предоставляю все материалы в любом формате.Сертифицированный...
0 / 5
21.79 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 3
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю, я Анна - системний психолог з питань життя та кар"єри Працюю на рівнях: “Я”, “Ми”, “Самореалізація”, “Соціум”. Що Ви отримаєте: - станете дбайливіше до свої потреб - оновите сенси життя - нормалізацію станів (емоції, вигоряння, агресія) - стабілізацію самооцінки - корекцію харчової поведінк...
0 / 5
21.54 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Давайте знайомитись. Мене звати Людмила. Мені 40 років, у мене троє дітей: 5,10 і 16 років. Закінчила Прикарпатський національний університет ім. В.Стефаника. Факультет педагогіки та практичної психології. Маю досвід роботи як з дорослими, так і з дітками, в тому числі і з різними розладами у ді...
0 / 5
24.21 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Практичний психолог, гештальт терапевт, арт терапевт. Працюю з дітьми та сім'ями Готую дітей до школи за авторською методикою. Навчання проходить в дуже цікавому форматі. Діти, за допомогою форм відчуттів(слухової, тактильної, зорової) скоріше запам'ятовують вивчений матеріал. Я гарантую, що після п...
0 / 5
10.89 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Репетитор з соціально-поведінкових наук: психологія, політологія. Привіт! Мене звати Антон, працюю у сфері освіти та маю досвід викладання понад три роки. Про себе: Вища освіта за спеціальностями Психологія та Політологія (з відзнакою), аспірант факультету соціально-поведінкових наук за спеціальні...
0 / 5
5.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Мене звати Вікторія, і я захоплююся психологією уже 8 років. Про мою освіту і досвід: - Здобула освіту практичного психолога у Національному університеті "Львівська політехніка". - Стала консультантом у методі Позитивної Психотерапії у 2019р, отримавши міжнародний сертифікат у Візбаденському універс...
0 / 5
8.47 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Psychologist In order to find a tutor for a subject Psychologist from more than 15 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Psychologist, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Psychologist, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Psychologist, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Psychologist tutor will take place.

A person's psychological state determines the quality of his or her life. The modern world requires emotional flexibility. If there is no inner harmony, strength, understanding, and acceptance, it is difficult to live in the current realities. Events prevent psychologically to tune in to work, worsen relationships with loved ones, students with immature psyche more difficult to adapt to circumstances, and parents get double stress. To stay afloat to grow and develop requires work with a tutor psychologist, who will find the root of the problem, together you will work it out, and the emotional state will greatly improve. Psychological help is needed even the most resistant people, because everyone needs to remove the unnecessary emotional burden. Lessons in psychology online will help you to better adapt to situations, understand people, yourself, to build a successful career.

What gives a tutor in psychology?

In addition to self-help skills, the modern world requires knowledge of human psychology to build interpersonal relationships. There is a lot of information on the Internet where you can read useful information, but among the vast amount it is difficult to decide what is right for you specifically. Structured individual process allows you to adjust to a specific student and to analyze in-depth anxiety situations, to decompose the information, to build the reception so that you could communicate easily, without being stiff and embarrassed. Only an online psychology tutor will be able to take into account all the personalities and emphasize the important things.

What online tutoring services provide:

  1. Diagnosing the problem and identifying the causes of the problem. 
  2. Working through and eliminating negative beliefs.
  3. Dissection of the internal state and structuring of the experience.
  4. Getting out of conflicts, solving life situations, achieving goals.
  5. Find the inner strength to overcome adversity, to change their lives.
  6. Unlock potential and achieve goals.
  7. Build relationships with the outside world.
  8. Save time, strength, and resource.

If you find a psychology tutor, you will master self-help skills, maintaining psychological health, recognizing and overcoming stress. The TeMa tutor search platform provides online tutoring services with convenient schedules, a wide price range, and the ability to find a tutor who is just right for you.

Why do I need a psychology tutor?

Self-knowledge, the desire to improve the quality of life, problem / conflict resolution is not only interesting, but requires work. Self-study will not give the same results as individual psychology lessons with a tutor. The services of a specialist are required not only in the emergence of global problems, but also self-development, maintaining a quality level of psycho-emotional state. People of different age categories are addressed, because the harmonious inner state is required from childhood to old age. Children need to lay the correct settings in the subconscious, so that in adulthood there are no unpleasant situations due to childhood traumas and deficiencies. Adults suppressing themselves or overreacting to experiences, over time notice discomfort and constant tension.

Online psychology lessons will help to understand yourself, understand yourself, successfully develop a career, build harmonious relationships in the family, to build trusting relationships with children. An individual approach guarantees that the work with you will be built qualitatively, interesting, without being overloaded with unnecessary information.

Advantages of psychology lessons online at TeMa

Nowadays, there are factors that prevent you from steadily visiting a specialist offline. At first, it was inconvenient because of technical problems. Now the online format is in demand. In addition to convenience, it is safe and less costly, and the expanding range of options makes online psychology classes even more productive.

What are the benefits of online sessions:

  • no location constraints, conduct sessions anywhere you have internet access;
  • flexible schedule, conduct therapy at a convenient time;
  • a large base of psychologists, choose the services of a professional from any city;
  • savings, the cost of a psychology tutor remotely is much cheaper than offline classes, since there are no associated costs (travel, food, etc.);
  • a wide range of cost of services, choose a specialist to suit your financial capabilities;
  • convenience, no need to travel.

Tutor search service TeMa conducts sessions on an online platform, in the user's personal cabinet, you can create ads, specifying in more detail your wishes to find the most suitable online psychologist and choose it by interest.

How to find a psychologist tutor?

The Internet allows you to find a teacher without much effort. There is no need to go looking for ads, ask friends and acquaintances if they know a good teacher. Everything is much easier. Go higher, set your search filters: country, subject, acceptable cost and choose among the list of the best psychology tutors to your own.

Initially, decide on the purpose, what experience, specialization, and qualification you need. It is important that the process is not only cognitive, but also psychologically comfortable, try to take several trial sessions with different tutors to understand which is the best fit. TeMa online tutor search service provides a 50% discount on the first three sessions for your financial convenience.

What does the price of a psychology tutor depend on?

Choosing the services of a specialist, one of the important factors is the cost of services. Some put the cost per hour of 20 $. More expensive does not mean better quality, and not everyone needs tutors of the highest category. If you decide to study psychology for your own knowledge, you won't need a teacher with twenty years of experience. 

What does the cost of a psychology lesson depend on:

  • qualification, the presence of one or two diplomas, constant improvement of its affect the cost of services;
  • experience, the more passed psychologist tutor personalities, the clearer the understanding of the individual approach;
  • demand, the cost of services of in-demand online experts, higher than usual;
  • the average price of the country, starting from it, set their own.

Every day is a chance to improve, don't postpone the development, elimination of internal and external conflicts for tomorrow. Psychology tutors on our service with the help of an individual approach will find the right approach, help you understand people better, and in personal life crises you can easily help yourself emotionally. Register, choose the services of a psychology tutor and start learning today, laying the foundation for a successful future.

FAQ about the psychology tutor

How to choose and find a psychology tutor?

When choosing a specialist, we recommend to pay attention to such factors as: cost per hour, positive feedback, work experience, specialization, diploma of educational institution, then take a trial lesson to make sure whether the teacher is suitable or not.

Why do you need a psychology tutor?

If you choose the right specialist, you will significantly improve your knowledge in this area in a few months and will be able to: improve your grades, pass the entrance exams, improve your skills, develop and improve your communication skills.

Can I book a lesson for 30 minutes, not 60?

No, that is not an option at the moment. If you do not have time, or if you want to make the training process shorter, we recommend rescheduling the lesson, or to reconsider the number. In the optimal 60 minutes, you get practice and theory, consolidating the knowledge that leads to the result.