Physics tutoring

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!!!!!!!!
0 / 5
1.21 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Студент , вчуся на вчителя фізики та математики ,навчаюсь на 3 курсі
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я репетитор з великим стажем роботи і великим багажем знань. Маю досвід викладання математики 5 -6 класах, алгебра і геометрія 7 - 9 класи і фізика 7 -9 класи. Працюю онлайн , індивідуально підбираю для кожного учня програму занять. Допомагаю з виконанням домашніх завдань, підготовкою до контрольни...
0 / 5
5.43 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Стаж викладання 20 років, освіта вища , кваліфікаційна категорія вища
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
На моїх уроках учні не відчувають себе стиснутими, діти відкрито ставлять будь-які запитання без сорому.. Я підтримую дружню атмосферу на уроках та поза ними. Мої учні можуть звернутися до мене з будь-якими питаннями по предметам і я з радістю поясню їм все, що незрозуміло, та викликає питання. Це д...
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Школярі: підвищення рівня, ліквідація прогалин навчання, експреспідготовка ДПА, ЗНО з математики та фізики. Школярі від 7ого класу і старші. Бакалаврат: загальна фізика, сопромат, теоретична механіка, Бакалаврат: матаналіз, аналітична геометрія, лінійна алгебра, основи теорії ймовірності, основи с...
0 / 5
10.86 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Творча людина, що дуже полюбляє свою роботу. Більше 20 років присвятила себе викладанню фізики і математики. Багато моїх учнів мають вищу освіту, багато дітей достойно пройшли випробування ЗНО, мультітесту і зараз навчаються в Вузах. Вмію знайти спільну мову з дитиною, намагаюся дати учню не тільки...
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я, Юлія, закінчила НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, спеціальность середня освіта (математика) з додатковою спеціальністю фізика. Проводжу додаткові заняття з математики для учнів 5-11 класів та фізики для учнів 5-9 класів. Досвід роботи 3 роки. Допоможу Вашій дитині зрозуміти та полюбити ці предмети. Змож...
0 / 5
9.39 USD/hour
MathematicsPhysicsComputer literacy
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Подобається працювати з дітьми.Допомагати їм зрозуміти математику і навчитися вирішувати будь які задачі
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Маю гарні результати в своїй діяльності
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Physics In order to find a tutor for a subject Physics from more than 14 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Physics, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Physics, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Physics, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Physics tutor will take place.

Physics is an exact science that studies matter, substances, general laws of nature, and rules of transformation. Laws exist in all material systems. Studying physics, mathematics, chemistry, it is normal to encounter difficulties. Multifaceted, a huge number of processes, formulas are difficult to understand at once.

Science is making adjustments to school curricula, making it harder to learn. Not everyone can learn quickly enough. By combining in-school and private tutoring, you can improve your knowledge quickly and efficiently. Physics tutors can help you improve your grades, prepare for exams, and master the science.

When you need the services of a tutor in physics

Physics is a compulsory subject in the school curriculum, and knowledge of the basics is necessary, not only for normal academic performance, but also for life. You can read the theory in the textbooks, but there are still questions about the problems. A tutor helps you understand the relationship between theoretical and practical applications of the laws of physics. 

Make a request to look for a physics tutor when:

  • gaps in knowledge. Pull up knowledge, understand difficult topics, solve problems;
  • the poor quality of teaching at school. There are plenty of questions after the lesson;
  • to master science professionally and to link their lives with physics, gaining knowledge that goes beyond the school curriculum;
  • to prepare for the successful passing of the exams.

How physics is studied online  

TeMa tutor search platform conducts classes online, in video mode, technical interruptions are almost impossible, so quality communication is ensured. Studying physics online takes place using online whiteboards, new topics and homework are sorted out. Lessons are saved in your personal account, you can review them if necessary. Students take notes from the class, solve problems with the teacher, and difficult points are explained. 

The best physics tutors in the world are freely available, you are not tied to the location, the choice of specialists, level, form (individual, group) work is great. Qualifications are confirmed by the platform. You significantly save on travel, time without spending hours on travel and collection. Preparing for tests is carried out by repeating the material learned in school, passing tests and problems, filling the gaps in knowledge structurally and without water. You get really important knowledge with clear explanations.

What approach does an online physics tutor take to teaching

Teaching methods and different approaches to students distinguish between regular school lessons and private lessons. Perception is individual, one grasps information on the fly, and wants to get more knowledge, the other needs time and more detailed explanation to understand what it is about. The best physics tutor adjusts the program to the student's needs.

Before creating a program, the tutor looks at your level of knowledge of physics. Then selects the materials relevant to you and the way of presentation, so that the study of physics online was productive. In the case of the best memorization in practice, the main part you solve problems, if the opposite, in equal proportions theory and practice, but in any case you are involved in the work. Progress is checked with problems, how you handle them. 

How to find a tutor in physics

Modern technology allows you to find a tutor quickly. The Internet on the request of the best physics tutors gives up many sites, with specialists of different qualifications and cost. In classes with a tutor identifies and develops the abilities of the student. If you need lessons in physics from scratch should be particularly careful to select a teacher to initially lay the correct foundation of knowledge. 

See below for the criteria for determining the best physics tutors:

  1. Education. Graduation and academic degree.
  2. Experience. By going through different students and preparing them for the ranks, a professional will be able to provide results when both work together.
  3. Cost of services. When choosing the price of a physics tutor, remember that an overpriced tutor is not an indicator of quality.
  4. Materials, whether different from school.
  5. Reviews. Explore the results of other students.

Information about the teacher can be read in the profile on the site. However, it is difficult to evaluate without a live trial. The TeMa tutor search service gives you a 50% discount on the first three sessions to get to know each other, so you can determine if the tutor you choose is right for you.

Tutor in physics price how not to overpay

In education, you can't touch the product and see if it's worth the advertised price. When choosing additional classes, you pay attention to many factors, and among them the cost of a tutor in physics. First of all, choose a service where prices are relevant to quality, for example the online tutor search service TeMa. 

The cost increases are influenced by:

  • specialization, it is preparation for the entrance exams (the load is more) or regular classes;
  • a graduate or undergraduate student;
  • the duration of the lesson, if it is more than one hour, the subsequent time is usually cheaper than the first;
  • demand, the more people who want to study, the higher the price.

Tutor selection service TeMa includes a wide range of prices to suit everyone's capabilities and you can not worry about overpayment. The prices are set according to the norms of the average cost of tutor services, saving a lot of money in Europe. You only need to formulate the purpose of the lessons, the allowable cost of a lesson in physics and choose a candidate.


💰 How much is a physics tutor?

The price of a physics tutor varies depending on their qualifications and experience. Check out TeMa platform to find affordable options.

🤔 How to tutor physics?

TeMa can help! Our platform offers resources and tools for physics tutors, including lesson plans, practice problems, and virtual classrooms. Check us out and start tutoring like a pro!