Math tutor

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0 reviews
Posiadam wykształcenie matematyczne. Udzielam korepetycji w zakresie szkoły podstawowej (4-8 klasa) i średniej. Przygotowuję do egzaminów i matur. Tylko online.
0 / 5
18.05 USD/hour
MathematicsLinear algebra
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Привіт! Мене звати Софія, і я з радістю допоможу тобі підкорити математику — від елементарних задач до складних прикладів ДПА та НМТ. Моя мета — не просто "пройти тему", а навчити мислити! Я тут для того, щоб твої зустрічі з математикою перестали бути нудними чи стресовими. Уяви: уроки, де ти не зуб...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Являюсь высококвалифицированным программистом в сфере веб-программирования (JavaScript, React, Node JS / Express JS) и в сфере создания видеоигр на Unity + Blender. Окончил Одесский национальный университет имени Мечникова и получил диплом магистра, сейчас работаю программистом в сфере создания игр...
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я Вікторія - молода та креативна викладачка математики. Моя мета - зробити навчання цікавим та ефективним. Я впевнена, що атмосфера на уроці має бути дружньою і без стресу, тому завжди намагаюся створити середовище, в якому учні можуть відчувати себе комфортно і зручно. Математика - це не л...
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Polish, Russian
0 reviews
Для меня самое важное — это ментальное благополучие ученика, ведь только в комфортной обстановке возможно настоящее обучение. Уже более 10 лет я помогаю детям разного уровня подготовки — от тех, кто участвует в олимпиадах, до малышей с особенностями развития. Я уверена, что эффективная работа строит...
0 / 5
20.63 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Маю понад рік досвіду роботи репетитором з англійської мови з дітьми віком від 1 до 8 класів. За цей час допомогла багатьом учням покращити свої знання та впевненість у спілкуванні англійською. Використовую інтерактивні методи навчання та створюю дружню атмосферу на заняттях, щоб кожен учень відчува...
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Маю досвід репетиторства у 7-11 класах. Дуже люблю свою справу Легко знаходжу спільну мову з дітьми. Допоможу вашій дитині: 1) Навчитися логічно мислити, аналізувати та засвоювати інформацію. 2) Розв'язати домашні завдання та заповнити пробіли знань. 3) Підготоватися до екзамену або іншому контролю...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
🎓 Репетитор з Математики 🎓 (3-11 класи). Допоможу "наздогнати" учбову програму, покращити рівень знань та подружитися зі складним предметом школярам, у тому числі – тим, хто на сьогодні проживає за кордоном, але продовжує вчитися за програмою української школи. Окрім основної теми уроку, разом з учн...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Студент , вчуся на вчителя фізики та математики ,навчаюсь на 3 курсі
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Мій блог
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Mathematics In order to find a tutor for a subject Mathematics from more than 79 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Mathematics, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Mathematics, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Mathematics, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Mathematics tutor will take place.

Most professions require knowledge of mathematics. That is why mathematics is most relevant when applying to universities. Algebra and geometry are not easy for everyone, which is normal given the huge number of formulas and theorems. School adapts the learning material for the average student with a predisposition to science, not taking into account that students have different perception of information. Unlike schools, private math classes provide an individualized approach, taking into account the characteristics of the individual student and adapting the program to his or her existing knowledge.

When do I need a math tutor?

Regardless of one's level of knowledge, it is highly likely that one will encounter difficulties when learning an exact science. There's no getting away from it, and misunderstandings in solving math problems are normal.

When you need a math tutor:

  • a knowledge deficit that prevents us from laying a mathematical foundation;
  • infrequent class attendance. You have to make up for lost time to avoid big gaps in your knowledge;
  • raise your grades to maintain your grades;
  • knowledge consolidation. Practice tasks and solidify knowledge;
  • preparing for exams. Catch up on lost time, repeat topics for exams, practice solving exam tests.

Whether it's math lessons from scratch or supplementing your knowledge, you shouldn't have your head boiling over in class. A qualified professional will find the key to understanding complex science.

Preparing Mathematics Online for the tests 

It is important to make a distillation of the entire school program and repeat it so as not to form mush in the head. There are a lot of tricks in the way the test is set, and if you don't take them into account, you can fail the test with success. Math tutor preparation for the exam will help you understand the nuances.

It is not enough to reread the textbooks, to pass the tests of previous years, to go boldly to pass the exams. Such a system can do a disservice. Because you need to know not only the formulas, but their application to problem solving. Math tutors provide regularity, responsibility, and a comprehensive approach.

What are the benefits of an online math tutor?

With the advent of modern technology, studying has become easier. There is no need to travel to the other end of the city, limited to locally selecting a specialist, waiting for the next class to clarify unclear points. Tutor search platform TeMa creates a personal office for each user, where recorded lessons and materials are produced and stored, you can review the lesson, contact the tutor and after the lesson to quickly get an answer to a question, study at any convenient location. There's no need to install additional applications and understand the functionality, just log in to the platform and start learning math online.

Why this format is effective and convenient:

  1. No connection to the location and physical presence in the city.
  2. Time Convenience. The schedule is made as convenient as you want it to be.
  3. The program is built clearly for you. The program is made on the basis of your knowledge.
  4. Comfort. Knowledge is better absorbed in a familiar environment.

Teaching online opens the horizons of the best teachers. You need to go to the site, choose the teacher you like, and determine an acceptable price for a lesson in mathematics. If you have any questions when doing your homework, the tutor will help you figure out the difficult points in the chat without waiting for the next lesson.

How to find the best math tutor for your purpose 

At first glance, it is not difficult to choose a good tutor. Making a request on the Internet for the best math tutors leads to a list of sites where the number of tutors is in abundance. Studying the questionnaires you get questions like: "Why do I need a tutor with three diplomas, when I need to tighten the subject, not write a dissertation? 

So, clearly articulate the goal of finding a math tutor. Then look at the level of knowledge, the teacher specializes in children's lessons or preparation for the exam, what experience of working with children or applicants. How comfortable emotionally.

We recommend paying attention to the reviews, diplomas will not tell you better about professionalism than the students you have already passed. But here remember the rule "what did not work for others, may work well for me. That is, don't be guided by opinions alone. Even if in doubt, take a trial lesson. Check the quality and relevance of the material.

TeMa tutor selection service gives you a 50% discount on the first three classes to get acquainted. After all, the price of a math tutor determines your choice.  In three lessons, you can understand what a tutor is like and make a decision about further cooperation.

What is the cost of a mathematics teacher and what does it depend on?

When choosing a tutor, there is a price issue. How not to overpay and choose the ideal price-quality ratio.

Let's first analyze the main factors that determine the price of a tutor in mathematics:

  1. Qualifications. Academic degree and number of diplomas play a role in constructing the price.
  2. Experience. When a tutor has many students with successful results, the inflated cost is justified.
  3. Objectives. When a teacher takes a student to prepare for an entrance exam, he or she vouches not only for learning, but also for the results.

The cost of math tutor services may also vary depending on the duration of the lesson, urgency, individual techniques. These points are discussed personally with the specialist. TeMa online tutor search service includes professionals from different price categories, and you can pick up tutoring to suit your capabilities. Prices for tutoring in mathematics are on average 10$.


How do i find a good math tutor?

TeMa platform offers a wide selection of professional math tutors. Simply browse our tutor profiles, read reviews from other students, and choose the best fit for you.

How much does a math tutor cost?

The cost of a math tutor on TeMa platform depends on various factors such as their qualifications, experience, and availability. However, we offer competitive rates to ensure quality education is affordable for everyone.

How to become a math tutor?

If you are passionate about math and want to help others learn, we welcome you to join our community of tutors on TeMa platform. Simply create a tutor profile, showcase your expertise, and start connecting with students who need your help.