Korean language tutors

Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Polish, Russian
0 reviews
Доброго дня. Мене звати Софія. Я студентка 3 курсу КНЛУ. Загалом маю досвід вивчення корейської мови вже більше 5 років. Вивчала також корейську на мовних курсах в Південній Кореї. Англійську мову вивчаю, як 2-гу основну мову в університеті.
0 / 5
8.46 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
안녕 ~ Вітаю поціновувачів корейських дорам, K-pop культури і просто зацікавлених у корейській мові. Мене звати Максим. Я дипломований викладач/перекладач корейської мови. Закінчив КНУ ім Т.Г. Шевченка. Неодноразово проходив навчання і стажування у Південній Кореї( університети 서강 і 고려). Проводж...
0 / 5
12.08 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю! Я дуже комфортна викладачка корейської мови :) З раннього підліткового віку я цікавилася корейською культурою, а через деякий час почала і вивчати мову. Зараз же я вже її викладаю :) Це моя стихія і моя страсть, тому всі заняття проводжу в позитиві, ділюся не тільки знаннями, а й гарним на...
0 / 5
7.25 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Добрий день, мене звати Евеліна.Я закінчила Київський Національний Лінгвістичний Університет за спеціалізацією - корейська мова, література та переклад. Також вивчала корейську мову в Кореї і жила там більше року, викладаючи її. Я товариська та відповідальна, легко і доступно пояснюю граматику, будо...
0 / 5
13.53 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Chinese, Korean
0 reviews
Навчаюсь на вчителя китайської та англійської мови, знаю корейську - вивчаю її вже протягом 5 років. Можу вести уроки українською або російською мовами. Атмосфера на уроках комфортна та ненапружена. Китайська: займаємось за програмою HSK, починаючи з початку та, щонайменше, до 4 рівня. Проходимо та...
0 / 5
4.35 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю! Мене звати Валерія, навчаюсь на третьому курсі на викладача китайської та англійської мови. З 15 років вивчаю корейську мову і повністю закохана в азіатську культуру. Постійно розвиваю свої знання в різних напрямках. Сама постійно проходжу різні курси для підвищення кваліфікації. Також прийма...
0 / 5
5.20 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Korean In order to find a tutor for a subject Korean from more than 6 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Korean, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Korean, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Korean, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Korean tutor will take place.

Korea is an amazing country that is developing at lightning speed. In just a couple of decades, it has evolved from an agrarian state into an advanced economic country that exports electronics and cars. Korean culture has engulfed the world not only with technical inventions, but also with the music, cosmetics, and food industries. Therefore, more and more tourists visit this country every year. And education in Korea annually attracts more than one hundred thousand students from other countries. It is worth noting that in addition to education and just recreation, the country is popular with the working class and those who have their own business or are planning to start one. When moving to Korea, you should think about learning speech. The services of a Korean tutor will help you not only learn the spoken language, but also immerse yourself in the culture of the country.

Learn Korean with TeMa

Korean has its own unique alphabet, unlike Chinese or Japanese. It was specially created over six hundred years ago to simplify the process of learning speech. Despite this, speech includes a complex grammatical and lexical structure that is not similar to Slavic. Because of this, the learning process can be difficult. At the same time, the services of the best Korean tutors on the TeMa tutor search platform will help you in the learning process. Specialists will help you structure the learning process in such a way that you feel comfortable and see the result of learning with each lesson. Therefore, already know, you can book a lesson with a mentor and start learning Korean from scratch.

Where can I find a Korean language tutor?

It happens that it is possible to find the services of a specialist in a short time, and it happens that the search process consists of trial and error. If you are looking for a Korean tutor, TeMa tutor finder will help you. The search will not take much time, the main thing is to understand the key search factors. 

To find the services of a Korean language tutor, you need:

  1. Understand what result you want to achieve in the learning process.
  2. The search for a specialist includes an analysis of services. You can immediately choose a mentor who is at the forefront of the search engine, or you can review a couple of questionnaires to compare offers and choose a more suitable option.
  3. One of the selection criteria may be student feedback. They can be an auxiliary assistant in the choice, but not the main one, since each has its own priorities, goals, and objectives in the study. And what doesn't work for one will work for another.
  4. In the questionnaires of tutors, you can find qualifications, approach, and methods. It is worth paying attention to this, because the speed of assimilation of the material depends on it.
  5. Thanks to the filters, you can choose the price that will meet your requirements. Cost control allows you to calculate in advance the amount to spend on Korean language lessons.

On the platform, you can quickly find a teacher service that will meet all your desires and requirements. Additionally, it is possible to contact the tutor via chat to discuss the details of the classes and the overall process of further education.

The cost of a Korean tutor on the TeMa platform?

The process of finding a teacher is always accompanied by a question about the cost of a Korean language tutor. And that's okay, because learning to speak takes time. Someone can study it in a couple of months, while someone needs half a year or more. And initially, you need to understand the approximate cost of the costs. 

The cost of a Korean language lesson depends on factors such as:

  • education and qualifications affect the cost. Since if a tutor, in addition to general education, regularly attends courses and improves his level, then the price of services will be higher;
  • work experience allows specialists to increase the cost of their services;
  • the demand for the item, the greater the demand, the higher the cost;
  • seasonality also affects the price of the service, because if this is the time for passing the exams, the demand will be higher, and tutors can set the cost above the minimum.

Despite all these factors, the platform will help you choose a teacher according to your budget. To do this, go to the search filters and set the cost that will be acceptable to you. Book your Korean classes as this is the best time.

 Why Korean Tutoring Services?

Independent study of speech is not given to everyone. But if such a need arises, measures must be taken to resolve this issue. An individual Korean tutor will help you not only learn the language from scratch, but also prepare for exams. If the student is studying at a school or university, the teacher will help with homework. If you need to learn Korean for work, such a specialist will help you master not only colloquial, but also professional speech. The services of tutors will help to build the learning process in such a way that you have time to do your daily activities, and can calmly, without haste, study the necessary material, achieving your goals.

Benefits of Tutoring Korean

There are two ways to learn a language. The first is self-study, the second is classes with a tutor. Of course, learning Korean from scratch is much more effective.

Let's look at a number of reasons why you should contact a tutor:

  • the services of a mentor will allow you to cope with such an adversary as laziness. Because at the initial stages, it is very difficult to establish a study regimen and regularly study speech;
  • motivation, when we paid the cost, we do not have a desire to postpone or postpone training for a lesson;
  • classes with a Korean tutor will give you a positive result in any case;
  • if the topic or rule is not clear, the mentor will come to the rescue and explain the complex to simple;
  • feedback will help eliminate learning errors.

Don't waste your time, start learning now, and the tutors of the Korean language of the TeMa platform will prove to you that learning the language is easy and simple, and also interesting. Since the program of classes for teachers includes not only lectures, but also entertaining games, presentations, and puzzles.


How to choose a Korean tutor?

In order for the choice of a tutor to be correct, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives that the teacher will face. The price limit that you can spend on the services of a mentor. Further search filters will help you decide on the choice of specialist services.

Why do you need a Korean language tutor?

The Korean language is filled not only with the alphabet in the form of hieroglyphs, but also with complex rules, and the laws of correct pronunciation and other nuances. Only a tutor will help you deal with these moments in such a way that you enjoy the learning process.

How to find a Korean teacher?

To find a Korean language teacher, you need to go up to the search filters of the TeMa platform, they will help you choose a teacher according to all your requirements. To start your search, select your region, subject, qualification, and price range. So you can now choose a specialist and start learning Korean.