Tutors for graphic design

Graphic arts
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!!!!!!!!!!
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Graphic designGraphic arts
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
*Провожу занятия по чертежу, начертательной геометрии, рисунку, живописи. *Обучаю компьютерной графике в программах: AutoCAD, SketchUp. Преподаю полный курс "Дизайн интерьера", создание проекта. Готовлю абитуриентов к поступлению на архитектурный факультет. Выполняю чертежи в AutoCAD, построение 3D...
0 / 5
9.65 USD/hour
Graphic arts
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Всім привіт,мене звати Софія,я маю середню-спеціальну освіту: закінчила ДХСШ ім.Шевченка та отримую вищу (НАОМА) факультет скульптури. Маю досвід викладання вже більше року, успішно пройшла педагогічну практику, працювала вожатою у дитячому таборі,вмію находити спільну мову з різними людьми і до всі...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Graphic designGraphic artsComputer literacy
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Усім привіт! Мене звати Ася, я викладаю понад 15 років Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesigh, Procreate, Gimp, 3D Макс, 3D Maya, Autocad. Малюю на планшеті, маю художню освіту та освіту дизайнера. Спочатку я визначаю мету занять, тобто чому Ви хотіли б навчитися. Потім складаю індивіду...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Graphic designGraphic arts
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, German
0 reviews
Репетитор з малювання з багатим досвідом та любов'ю до дітей. Навчаю дітей різного віку та рівня підготовки - від початківців - до досвідчених художників. Заняття проходять індивідуально, що дозволяє знаходити підхід до кожного учня. Використовую різноманітні методики та прийоми, щоб зробити проц...
0 / 5
10.86 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Graphic arts In order to find a tutor for a subject Graphic arts from more than 5 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Graphic arts, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Graphic arts, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Graphic arts, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Graphic arts tutor will take place.

Every day we see the work of a graphic designer, from milk cartons to complex virtual games. The services of the digital professions are more in demand, and the visual part of the products comes first. Making a lot of money offering visual creation services for the digital world is now more real than ever, thanks to the study of computer graphics. Virtually every company needs a graphic designer, and it's no surprise because any project requires graphics. You don't need to have the talent of an artist to create virtual artwork, it's important to have the skills and knowledge that computer graphics tutors teach.

What do individual graphics lessons give

Many who come to the site at least once admired what they saw. Perfect quality, harmoniously matched colors, vivid images, at first glance attracts customers. If you have a desire to draw, create animations, game characters, modeling exciting projects, then be sure that high-quality learning from an online tutor for graphics and design in the labor market you will become a sought-after specialist. 

What kinds of graphics you will learn:

  1. Raster. Illustration of books, magazines, comics, where a pixel is taken as the basis for the screen image, and if ordinary, a dot.
  2. Vector. This is based on a line which can be used to play with images in an interesting way.
  3. Fractal. Creating a complex, multifaceted drawing at the expense of simple elements.
  4. Three-dimensional. Used in movies with special effects.
  5. 3D graphics. Uses modeling, texturing, adds realism, animation.

The TeMa tutor search platform empowers you, and helps you master graphics so that you can provide graphic design services yourself. If you want to learn computer graphics from scratch, our experts will teach the necessary skills and take your professionalism to the next level. 

Why do we need a computer graphics teacher?

Graphics is everywhere: games, movies, advertising, websites, corporate identity, etc. There are many courses in this direction. But you can learn the graphics to perfection only if you take an integrated approach, taking into account your abilities. Checking homework at the courses of errors are solved in general, in individual lessons, you work out to the ideal material.

Availability of constant feedback, attention only on the development of your skills, and the program is based on your tasks. Classes with a tutor in computer graphics is practically a guarantee that you will get not just knowledge, but also mastered to perfection the skills of online graphics , and will become a sought-after specialist in the world.

What do the services of a tutor in graphics provide

IT is a very popular area, because our countries have high prices on the international market, and therefore they set high prices for services. To build a successful career, to become more confident is possible in quite a short time if you find a tutor in computer graphics. 

What knowledge and skills give you lessons in graphics online: 

  • the structure of work in graphics editors, understand the functionality of the top graphics creation programs and Photoshop;
  • create impressive projects, learn how to take pictures and process images in 3D/2D;
  • processing (color correction, retouching, adding realism to the graphics);
  • matte-painting, make a beautiful location instead of a white background;
  • rendering, drawing pictures in the computer.

How computer graphics tutors teach online at TeMa

It is important to teach not just how to draw beautifully in graphic applications, but how to mentally create a picture in your head. A lot of practice, the introduction of modern technology into teaching to create models and textures, game engines, graphic images - this is what you learn by deciding to learn computer graphics online.

Distance format implies convenience and savings in both price and time. There is no need to spend time on travel, the opportunity to study at any location, safety, flexible schedule. And the choice of online computer graphics tutor is not limited to location, find a tutor, and study wherever it is convenient for you. 

The tutor search service TeMa creates a personal account for the user, and online lessons are held directly on the site, there is no need to download additional applications. Materials and recordings of lessons are stored, you can review the lesson or reread the information at any time. Take a trial lesson and see the quality.

How to find a graphic arts teacher

The Internet space has made finding online teachers easier. However, it is more difficult to choose a graphics specialist who will really lead to the desired results. First, determine the goal, financial capabilities and the level of the teacher. Ask for cases of students, completed works, ask about the methodology and of course look at the reviews, live people will tell a lot more information in the description. Take trial lessons for the final understanding whether the services of a specialist are suitable. 

Online tutor search service TeMa provides a 50% discount on the first three lessons. The qualifications of teachers are confirmed, so the risk of finding a bad tutor is extremely low. Go higher, set filters for country, subject, price range and choose the right online graphic arts tutor services.