French tutors

Completed lessons: 0
English, French
0 reviews
Мене звати Маргарита. Мені 18 років, маю досвід викладання з дітками/підлітками. Навчаюся в КНУ Шевченка на міжнародних відносинах. Люблю читати, співати, фотографувати, вивчати щось нове, а також навчати інших.
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, German, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю! Я директор онлайн школи англійської мовиTalkUp Academy, і я щиро рада, що ви вирішили приєднатися до нашої великої мовної родини! Я завжди вірила, що знання англійської відкриває безліч дверей у житті — від подорожей до кар’єрних можливостей. Саме тому я створила цю школу, щоб допомогти людя...
0 / 5
10.86 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
French, Arabic
0 reviews
бесплатное ознакомительное занятие, даю скидку, если вы заплатите вперед за несколько занятий. Работаю под ритма ученика. Для начинающих, через 5 уроков можно начинать заговорит.
0 / 5
10.88 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Провожу заняття в зумі,скайпі і viber. Комунікативна методика викладання,індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня,доступно пояснюю,допоможу позбутись мовного бар'єру. Проводжу тестування на визначення рівня. Розробляю індивідуальну програму для кожного студента залежно від рівня і цілі вивчення м...
0 / 5
5.79 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject French In order to find a tutor for a subject French from more than 5 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject French, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject French, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject French, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject French tutor will take place.

French is an international language and ranks fifth in the top 10 most popular languages in the world. The demand is high, and knowledge of several languages develops the intellect, expands career opportunities, and gives confidence. If you want to develop well in French-speaking countries and earn good money, it is necessary to learn French at a proper level. Students, for a long time, have not been given a good education, and universities have not lowered the requirements. A tutor of French will prepare you for the entrance exams in a short period of time. You can keep up with the times only if you develop your skills and improve yourself. You should master business French at work, communicate with your partners in everyday life and improve the quality of your communication with the French speaking people.

Why do I need a French teacher?

Everyone sets personal goals, based on abilities, set deadlines, tasks requires an individual approach. When the required level is above average, regardless of whether you are going to learn French from scratch or already have the basics, you need to connect a comprehensive work. The key to successful learning is a working method developed individually. 

Consider the main reasons for learning French:

  • expand your business, collaborate, negotiate with partners without an interpreter;
  • study, speaking French you have a huge chance to enroll for free, and upon completion to build a career;
  • self-development, online French lessons intellectually develop your thinking;
  • get a job in French-speaking countries (France, Switzerland, Canada, Monaco, Belgium, part of Italy, African countries);
  • develop communication skills;
  • read literature in the original language, watch movies.

Tutor search platform TeMa will help you find the right online tutor who will give relevant skills at a reasonable price and will find an approach to everyone, regardless of age. Travel, work and study without language barriers is real, thanks to the platform.

The advantages of private French lessons

Any professional will confirm that learning French requires a structured presentation of the material. Studying on your own, you can read on the Internet learning how-to's, but the wrong foundation will form mush in your head, you will know a set of words, but it will be very difficult to communicate. French tutors will choose the right methodology, workload and rules, the price is almost no different from group tutoring. Attention is directed to one student, the emphasis on the required topics, whether it is preparation for exams or professional communication.

If you need to learn French from scratch in a limited time, a specialist will choose an intensive program, tell you about the pitfalls of FCE and international testing, will work on the result, correcting mistakes.

Why a French tutor online at TeMa is better than offline

Modern realities have made online classes in high demand. Learning French in convenient time, in a comfortable and safe environment, is realistic because the distance learning format makes it possible. There is no need to spend time and money for travel, the only thing you need is the Internet. Tutor search service TeMa offers French lessons at different levels: student, pupil, adult. 

Why choose the online format:

  1. Flexible schedule. Combine your studies and personal plans.
  2. Large selection. The best French tutors are available all over the world.
  3. No location constraints. Choose a French tutor and study anywhere in the world.
  4. Individual approach. An online French tutor will take into account your level of knowledge, needs and deadlines and build an effective lesson plan.
  5. Price. Online lessons are cheaper than offline ones, and you can choose the price range you want.

Each student has a personal account on the site, storing teaching materials and lessons. It is possible to revise the lesson, choose a tutor anywhere in the world, set a suitable price. You only need to go higher, set the filter of country, subject, price range.

How to find a tutor for French

The Internet has made it even easier to find a private teacher. Initially write down the goal, whether it is written business French, conversational French, for exams or French from scratch for beginners. The teacher specializes in his or her subject matter in a particular area. For example, passing the entrance tests requires knowledge of the structure, nuances, common questions from the teacher. If it concerns conversational French, the teacher has to communicate in French as a native speaker.

Pay attention to the education, experience, price, qualification, reviews of the teacher. To understand whether the teacher suits you or not, try it. If you feel that you feel comfortable with the tutor, you get new knowledge, there is conversational practice, then feel free to book the next lesson. Online tutor search service TeMa offers a 50% discount on three trial lessons for your financial convenience.

What the cost of learning French online depends on

The ranking of the price depends on the skills and experience of the teacher. Required French lessons from scratch or to improve knowledge, the amount of work done is different. As written above, the price of online French lessons is less than usual and the benefits are more. 

Why the price can be so different:

  1. Qualifications. The presence of several diplomas of prestigious universities, courses, or a student of recent courses.
  2. Experience. Teaches French tutor for ten years or 2 years.
  3. Rating. Being in high positions, teachers can increase the price.
  4. A native speaker or a fluent teacher.

TeMa Convenient payment method, refunds for cancelled classes, security of payment data guarantee the safety of using the site. Register and book a trial lesson to get knowledge now.


💰 How much is a french tutor per hour?

At TeMa, we understand the importance of finding an affordable French tutor. Our rates vary depending on the tutor's qualifications and experience, but we strive to offer competitive pricing without sacrificing quality.