Tutor in discrete mathematics

MathematicsFurther MathematicsSlovakDiscrete MathematicLinear algebra
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Slovak, Russian
0 reviews
Завершила навчання на бакалавра у словацькому Технічному Університеті в Кошицях за спеціальністю комерційна логістика. Завдяки навчанню за кордоном, знаю, як знайти ефективний та цікавий підхід до вивчення математики. Мої знання в області математики виникли внаслідок глибокого зацікавлення цією наук...
0 / 5
290.59 USD/hour
MathematicsFurther MathematicsDiscrete MathematicLinear algebraMathematical analysis
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Досвідчений викладач та репетитор з математики, вищої математики, теорії ймовірності та інших предметів математичного спрямування. Проводжу індивідуальні заняття онлайн
0 / 5
12.07 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Discrete Mathematic In order to find a tutor for a subject Discrete Mathematic from more than 2 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Discrete Mathematic, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Discrete Mathematic, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Discrete Mathematic, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Discrete Mathematic tutor will take place.

It is difficult to imagine life without technology, computers, smartphones and other gadgets. All this would not exist without mathematics and similar sciences. Therefore, people who do not see life without devices, microcircuits and virtual programs cannot do without the knowledge of discrete mathematics. Science requires a lot of strength and patience to study. Especially when the question is about passing exams or entering a university. In such a situation, a tutor in discrete mathematics will come to the rescue. The services of teachers will help you learn how to solve problems and equations of any complexity. Understand the principles of the subject and pass the exams successfully.

Individual tutors in discrete mathematics on the TeMa platform

You can study the subject on your own, studying a large amount of information, thanks to books and the Internet. But this method is very time-consuming. And the services of experienced teachers will help you acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of discrete mathematics in a short time. Teachers will help curb science, tell you about the intricacies of solving algorithms, and guide you through the pitfalls of theorems. Individual lessons will allow you to go deeper and understand the material. What can not be said about group courses or lessons with numerous students. Only an individual technique and approach can bear fruit. Therefore, do not hesitate, register on the platform and book your first lesson now.

Why Choose Learning Discrete Mathematics?

Online education has long crossed the line of something unique. In addition to additional lessons for learning languages, you can meet teachers in piano, drawing and other subjects. Discrete Math is no exception. After all, the study of graphs, probability theories, combinatorics and other tools of science can be mastered remotely. Thanks to a simple and convenient video chat on the TeMa resource, you can participate in lessons from a convenient location. Use a home workspace or just a sofa. It is important that you have a good Internet and a gadget at hand. The rest of the process is performed by the platform and discrete mathematics tutor.

What is the cost of a discrete math tutor on the TeMa platform?

When looking for the services of a good teacher, you always pay attention to the price. Since this is one of the important factors that add motivation, optimality. And the opposite can happen if the price exceeds the budget. 

What determines the price of discrete mathematics tutoring services and why teachers have different prices:

  1. In training, knowledge that is confirmed by diplomas and awards has a lot of weight. The more the mentor devotes time to his own development, the higher the price of services.
  2. The number of positive reviews. If a teacher was able to prepare most of the students to pass exams for a high score, then the price of services will increase.
  3. The price may depend on the tasks. Because there is a big difference between school exams and university entrance.
  4. The level of knowledge of classes affects the price. If the student has a minimum level, it will take less time than a person with zero knowledge.

Thanks to the cost filters on the platform, the student can set a price that will fit into the budget parameters. Already now, you can book a lesson and start studying with a tutor in discrete mathematics.

Benefits of a Discrete Math Tutor

Discrete mathematics, a science that is rarely found in the school curriculum. Despite this, it can often be seen in the lists of exams when entering the university. The question arises how to learn such a complex subject in a short time. In such a situation, it is important to immediately agree on classes with a tutor to prepare for discrete mathematics. 

The benefits of a teacher's service are as follows:

  • at each lesson, there will be not only an analysis of the topic, but also practice in solving problems and algorithms;
  • in a situation where a difficult topic comes across, a mentor can help by choosing a teaching methodology so that the student learns the material faster;
  • service of a tutor in discrete mathematics for the 1st year, will allow you to prepare for exams and pass them to the highest score;
  • by studying online, you can arrange classes at a convenient time.

Don't waste time educating yourself. Trust tutors. Since only teachers of the TeMa platform will be able to lead the applicant to the desired result and goals.

How to choose a discrete math tutor on the TeMa platform?

You can find teacher services in minutes by touching the search bar. And it happens that you have to spend days or weeks on it. Is it luck or the right approach? In order to search for a tutor in discrete mathematics for a school or university, it did not take much time. Scroll up to search filters. The search engine will help in a matter of time to find a teacher who will help you master science. Thanks to the filters, it will be possible to choose not only the subject, the price of classes, but also set the qualification. What is very important when choosing a teacher. The level of preparation and skills of teachers is different, so compare the tasks with the capabilities of the teacher. The filter will find a teacher who will help you prepare for tests, exams, and university entrance. So don't put off until later what you can do now.


What is the cost of a tutor in discrete mathematics?

The cost of classes with a tutor in discrete mathematics may vary from different amounts. It all depends on the level of training and qualifications. Teachers with experience, rectors, professors will charge a higher price for the cost of their services than teachers who have less experience.

How to find a teacher in discrete mathematics?

To find a discrete math teacher, you can go straight to the TeMa search filters. There you can set all the necessary parameters and find a specialist who will help you solve your tasks.

Why choose individual lessons with a tutor in discrete mathematics?

In the process of self-study, you can encounter many pitfalls. This is especially true for such a complex science as discrete mathematics. Thanks to individual lessons, you will really learn the information that will be useful to you in the future. Without wasting time on long searches, misunderstandings and a bunch of sleepless nights.