Chinese tutors

Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Chinese
0 reviews
🐾Зроблю так, що ваші діти полюблять мови: англійська/китайська 💕Викладаю з любов'ю 🐾Досвід викладання 4 роки. Дійсний репетитор та вчитель англійської у приватному садочку 💕Рівень володіння англійської B1+ / китайської HSK4 (Навчаюся у Міжнародному гуманітарному університеті)
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese
0 reviews
大家好!我的中文名字是达莉娅,热烈欢迎大家来到我的课堂! Мене звати Дар'я і я - висококваліфікований викладач китайської мови, яка виходить за рамки традиційного підходу до навчання. Здобула вищу освіту в Харківському національному педагогічному університеті імені Григорія Сковороди, де отримала гл...
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
大家好! 我叫索菲亚(Sofiya), 我为乌克兰语和俄语学生的汉语老师。 我的专业是汉语和英语辅导。 我已经多三年努力得学习汉语, 而且我有点儿跟原语民聊天儿的经验。 现在我住在基辅,正在我在基辅在线上较汉语。 向我说了多人中文很复杂, 但是汉语是有趣的和容易极了, 汉语法语也很简单。 如果对您还是汉语一点儿能,...
0 / 5
6.76 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Chinese, Korean
0 reviews
Навчаюсь на вчителя китайської та англійської мови, знаю корейську - вивчаю її вже протягом 5 років. Можу вести уроки українською або російською мовами. Атмосфера на уроках комфортна та ненапружена. Китайська: займаємось за програмою HSK, починаючи з початку та, щонайменше, до 4 рівня. Проходимо та...
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Вітаю! Мене звати Валерія, навчаюсь на третьому курсі на викладача китайської та англійської мови. З 15 років вивчаю корейську мову і повністю закохана в азіатську культуру. Постійно розвиваю свої знання в різних напрямках. Сама постійно проходжу різні курси для підвищення кваліфікації. Також прийма...
0 / 5
5.43 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Chinese In order to find a tutor for a subject Chinese from more than 5 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Chinese, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Chinese, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Chinese, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Chinese tutor will take place.

Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. Despite this, every year it is studied by a large number of people who want to move to China to study. Translators are in great demand in the country. Asian countries are attracted by their number of different places for employment in prestigious companies and agencies. The ability to easily open your own business. As well as a high standard of living. The culture of the country is original and colorful, thus not leaving indifferent tourists. Traveling to China without speaking is not easy, as it does not look like Slavic. It is almost impossible to find similar words or meanings. Don't worry, one-to-one Chinese tutoring services will help you master the spoken language and feel at ease when communicating with the locals.

Private Chinese lessons on the TeMa platform 

Today, individual learning of speech is not a problem. Various applications on a smartphone, video lessons on the YouTube platform, and other auxiliary techniques that promise to master speech on their own. Is it efficient? Yes, but there is no 100% certainty. Because the services of learning Chinese from scratch will not do with a simple alphabet and cramming foreign words. Writing and pronunciation are two different worlds in Chinese speech, you can easily communicate with native speakers without knowing how to write and read characters. Chinese is rich in various groups of dialects. And this is only a small part of the nuances and features of speech. Private lessons with a tutor will help you build the learning process and see the results from the first lesson. Because, an individual approach, in addition to cramming and reading, includes the correct study model. It will provide an opportunity not only to gain knowledge, but also to enjoy the process.

How to find a Chinese teacher?

Chinese, when studied, can be frightening in complexity. But if you choose the right services of a specialist, the process of learning will cause only positive emotions. How to do it right? 

Here are some tips to help you find a Chinese tutor:

  1. In the process of searching, pay attention to the number of positive reviews. Rating and comments will help you choose the most suitable mentor service.
  2. Qualification and experience. Depending on the age category and the experience of preparing the student, different teacher qualifications will be required. For children, individual services of a local mentor are suitable, and for applicants and the older generation, the services of carriers will be required.
  3. Each individual teacher has their own cost per lesson. Despite this, everyone will be able to find a mentor according to their budget.

The TeMa tutor search platform will help you find a specialist, in accordance with all your requirements. And thanks to search filters, cost and qualification, this process will speed up significantly. Already today, you can agree with the teacher on a convenient time for the first lesson.

What is the price of a Chinese tutor?

If you are interested in the cost of a Chinese tutor, you can go to the TeMa resource and get acquainted with the prices for the services of teachers of the resource. If you are interested in a specific cost per lesson, you can use the cost finder. They will help you filter the cost that suits your budget. 

To understand what determines the cost for classes with different tutors, consider the following factors:

  • the level of preparation of the student, if learning from scratch, more lessons will be required to obtain the desired result;
  • the cost depends on the qualifications and level of training of the tutor, the more experience, the more valuable the lesson will be;
  • the principle of training and an individual approach also affect the cost;
  • if you need an accelerated course of study, more lessons will be required and the total cost for classes will be more.

The platform makes it possible to find tutor services that will meet all your requirements, including cost. Therefore, do not put off until later what can be done today, start learning now, and the resource specialist will help you with this.

How to choose a Chinese tutor on the TeMa platform?

Chinese is difficult to learn in all its manifestations. Hieroglyphs in the form of an alphabet are a small part that you will have to deal with in the learning process. The right choice of the services of an individual teacher will facilitate the learning process and will allow you to master speech much faster than doing it yourself. How to find a Chinese tutor? When choosing services, you need to build on not only visual characteristics, but also sensations. Indeed, sometimes our inner voice will tell you with which tutor you will be more comfortable in the classroom, with whom it is easier to find a common language. By visual characteristics, we mean information on the platform. Mentor training is an important selection criterion. Since there are those who can prepare for international exams, and there are those who will help you master conversational speech. In the selection process, comments and reviews of other students will help, as well as information about the specialist, which you can find in the questionnaires of mentors. Start learning Chinese now and communicate freely with native speakers.

Benefits of Chinese Teacher Services

If you want to learn Chinese, immediately contact the services of Chinese tutors. The service of a teacher is a control that will help to establish the learning process and study the necessary material in a dosed manner. In addition to the rules and the study of hieroglyphs, the mentor will help you cope with spoken dialects, sound, and tone. From the very first lessons, you will immerse yourself in the world of Chinese speech, practice writing and communicating. Due to the fact that the lessons will be held online on the resource, you will not need to additionally download applications or use other sources. All communication between students and tutors takes place in one place. Already now, you can choose a mentor service and start the path to learning a new speech.


What level of knowledge is needed to study with a Chinese teacher?

You can start learning Chinese from scratch. On the TeMa platform, you can find a teacher for the youngest students, as well as for applicants who need help in passing exams. In addition, platform tutors will help not only learn the language, but also use it in real life.

How much do Chinese tutors cost?

The cost of classes with a Chinese tutor will depend on the length of the course required by the student, since everyone has their own level of knowledge. Depending on the level of the teacher's training, the higher the qualification, the higher the price of the lesson. Despite this, on the platform you will be able to find a mentor according to your budget.

What are the benefits of studying with a Chinese tutor?

Studying with Chinese tutors, you can be sure of a guaranteed result. Since the mentor will build the program in such a way that you not only learn theory, but also practice speaking at each lesson. In addition, if some rules or hieroglyphs are incomprehensible, the teacher will explain the moment you do not understand.