Online chemistry tutors

Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Люблю життя і переконана: немає такої вершини, яку людина своїми зусиллями і стараннями не змогла б подолати. Привіт! Мене звати Любов. Допоможу вам зрозуміти цю складну, але цікаву, логічну і, насправді доступну науку - хімію. В 2008 році закінчила хімічний факультет Черкаського національного уні...
0 / 5
8.45 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Рада вітати на своїй сторінці! Мене звуть Влада, мені 23, і я з Одеси. Маю вищу хімічну освіту, але почала працювати репетитором ще навчаючись в старших класах школи. Викладання- дуже важлива частина мого життя, адже я справді люблю свою роботу та виросла в сім‘ї викладачів. Я на 100% переконана, що...
0 / 5
9.65 USD/hour
BiologyChemistryJunior classesMathematicsJurisprudenceUkrainian
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Маю 4 вищі освіти та досвід викладання 5 років. Тому з радістю допоможу вам опанувати бажану дисципліну!
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Студентка 4 курсу спеціальності Біотехнології та біоінженерія. Навчаюся в Кременчуцькому Національному Університеті імені Михайла Остроградського. Чотири роки займаюсь науковою діяльністю на кафедрі. Брала участь в олімпіадах з хімії, тому гарно орієнтуюсь в цьому предметі і буду рада викладати його...
0 / 5
5.55 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Викладаю в ліцеї хімію 8 років, біологію - 5 років. На уроках використовую презентації, відеодосліди. Пояснюю матеріал доступно, починаючи із найпростішого. На уроках приділяю увагу практичній частині. На заняттях одразу приділяю увагу на закріплення, використовуючи різні прийоми - кросворди, онла...
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я випускниця хімічного факультету КНУ ім. Т.Г.Шевченка. Досвід роботи викладання 8 років. 1.Пояснюю матеріал швидко та зрозуміло школярам 7-11 класів 2.Підготовка до ЗНО 3.Підготовка до Олімпіад 4.Виконую контрольні та самостійні роботи 5.Проводжу заняття ОНЛАЙН.
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Мене звати Юрій Мащакевич, маю більш ніж 50-річним досвідом роботи у школі вчителем хімії та біології. Закінчив факультет біології Львівського університету імені Івана Франка. За свою кар'єру я багато чого навчився і багато чому навчив. Зараз я допомагаю студентам з хімії та біології як онлайн репет...
0 / 5
3.02 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Маю вищу категорію, звання учитель-методист. Працюю за власною методикою розвитку критичного мислення, від простого до складного, у логічній послідовності. Задачі розв'язуємо як стандартними, так і нестандартними методами, щоб дитина бачила логічно-послідовні зв' язки. Враховую вікові та психологічн...
0 / 5
24.14 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Я -- лікар, і знаю, як здобути знання без стресу і синдома відмінника у медичному університеті. Завжди рада допомогти вам протягом всього навчання.
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Викладаю хімію і біологію. Досвід роботи більше ніж 12 років
0 / 5
9.65 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find the best tutor for a subject Chemistry In order to find a tutor for a subject Chemistry from more than 20 tutors. Use filters to make your search faster and more comfortable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson on a subject Chemistry, go to the tutor profile and click on "Details". Once you go to the subject Chemistry, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to the lesson To connect to a lesson on a subject Chemistry, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in the video conference where the lesson with the subject Chemistry tutor will take place.

For some, the exact sciences are easily given, while for others, the study causes sheer torment. Usually, schoolchildren who need to improve their knowledge are looking for a tutor in chemistry. Applicants who take exams for admission to universities and international universities. Also for people who want to work in the European market. Since many well-paid positions imply knowledge of chemistry. Chemistry is not an easy subject, therefore, when choosing services of a teacher, it is important that he is not only qualified, but also able to choose an individual approach, explaining the complex in simple terms. You can find such a teacher on the platform for finding tutors TeMa. 

How are individual chemistry lessons?

All classes with chemistry tutors take place on the platform. Therefore, you do not need to additionally download applications or use the services of other resources. You can choose individual lessons and classes in groups. Learning is convenient because you do not need to spend time and money to get to the end of another city. You choose a convenient time for classes, a comfortable environment. 

Classes are held like regular lessons at school, including yourself:

  • videos and presentations that help not only to hear information, but also to see;
  • formulas, inorganic and organic compounds;
  • analysis of complex and incomprehensible topics on which difficulties may arise;
  • laboratory work, tests, exercises to test knowledge;
  • interactive games and tasks to increase interest.

As a result of classes with a teacher, you will be able to easily solve difficult problems, formulas and understand equations. Knowledge of chemistry will help you get a prestigious position in the European market. Don't put off studying until later, start gaining knowledge now. If you need to find a chemistry tutor as soon as possible, TeMa tutor search service will help you with this.

Where can I find a chemistry tutor?

Finding a chemistry tutor is not difficult these days. The search engine produces thousands of ads with the services and cost of a teacher. The question is, how do you choose the right mentor from so many? You can spend a lot of time sorting teacher profiles, taking the first lessons, looking for a qualified teacher at the best price. Or, you can use the services of the TeMa resource and find the right teacher in the shortest possible time. How to do it? Everything is simple! Above you will find filters, you can set the required region, the qualification of the teacher and the cost that suits you. Next, you will have access to a database of profiles of professional teachers who have confirmed their qualifications with diplomas and certificates. The resource will help you choose the services of a tutor for both the youngest students studying chemistry from scratch, and for applicants.

Chemistry tutor price on the TeMa platform

What will be the cost of the services of a chemistry teacher for the TeMa tutoring service? The cost will depend on many factors, including the individual rates of the teacher himself. 

The cost of a lesson is influenced by such factors as:

  • qualifications of the mentor, his skills, and experience;
  • the level of knowledge and preparation of the student in chemistry;
  • tasks and goals that will face the teacher;
  • duration of training and regularity of classes.

The platform provides cost filters. They will help you find a teacher to suit your budget. By choosing a teacher, you can predict what cost will be needed for a full course of individual lessons in chemistry. Don't waste your time on other resources, start learning now with the TeMa platform.

Chemistry tutor services

Many believe that the services of individual lessons can be replaced by studying notes, watching video lessons, or independently going through topics from a textbook. Chemistry belongs to the exact sciences, and it is difficult to understand the intricacies of the lesson. Therefore, the option of self-study is not suitable for everyone. Teachers of the TeMa resource will be able to provide a comprehensive explanation of the material. 

The following advantages of working with the best chemistry tutors can be noted:

  1. Methodology and professional approach. Teachers select the program individually for each student.
  2. When studying with a mentor, you can be sure that you will get the right amount of information and the presentation will be clear and understandable.
  3. The teacher always focuses on the quality of teaching, as the resource has a rating system and reviews.

In any case, chemistry lessons with TeMa platform teachers will bear fruit, as qualified teachers will work with you to help you understand complex topics and answer your questions.

How to choose a chemistry teacher?

If you need a chemistry tutor, you need to remember that this is a responsible task. Since the timing of achieving your goals depends on the right choice of a mentor. As well as the level of difficulty in understanding the material. If the mentor is chosen correctly, the learning process for you will be as unnoticeable and exciting as possible, and in the classroom you will receive only positive emotions. If the mentor is not chosen correctly, you will go to the tasks set for a long time, and the learning process will be accompanied by stress and misunderstanding. To prevent this, the platform will help you make the right choice. To do this, go above, to the filters and set the necessary parameters. Questionnaires of teachers will help you quickly make a choice. Knowledge is opportunity. Start discovering them now with TeMa tutors.


How to choose a chemistry tutor?

To choose the best chemistry tutor, first, you need to understand what tasks and goals he will face. Also, the filters of the TeMa platform and tutor cards, which contain a description of qualifications and experience, will help you in your choice.

Cost of chemistry tutors on the TeMa platform?

The cost of lessons with a chemistry tutor depends on such points as: the experience and qualifications of the teacher, an individual approach and teaching methods. The cost is also affected by the goals set for the teacher and the level of knowledge of the student.

How are chemistry classes going?

Classes with a chemistry tutor are held on the platform via videoconference. To make the lesson productive and effective, different games and video materials are used. Also, in addition to the lecture, the teacher uses a screen demonstration so that the information is perceived not only by ear, but also visually.