Tutor in mathematics in Odessa

Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Являюсь высококвалифицированным программистом в сфере веб-программирования (JavaScript, React, Node JS / Express JS) и в сфере создания видеоигр на Unity + Blender. Окончил Одесский национальный университет имени Мечникова и получил диплом магистра, сейчас работаю программистом в сфере создания игр...
0 / 5
9.62 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Днепропетровский университет, работала доцентом кафедры высшей математики. Преподаватель вуза с 30 летним стажем работы. Все ученики, прошедшие подготовку в полном объёме, успешно сдали ЗНО и поступили в одесские или зарубежные вузы. Многолетний опыт работы с разными по уровню первоначальных знаний...
0 / 5
4.81 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Репетитор з математики. Маю широкий досвід роботи у репетиторстві. Успішна підготовка до ДПА/НМТ при систематичній роботі. Розвиток аналітичного та логічного мислення. Заняття проводяться в комфортній атмосфері у зручний для учня час. Онлайн уроки на платформі ZOOM з використанням інтерактивних мат...
0 / 5
10.82 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Преподаватель вуза с 33 летним стажем работы. Все ученики, прошедшие подготовку в полном объёме, успешно поступили в одесские или зарубежные вузы. Многолетний опыт работы с разными по уровню первоначальных знаний по математике учениками позволяет сформировать оптимальный план действий, гарантирующий...
0 / 5
10.82 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Люблю математику, тому доводжу кожному своєму учню, що з нею можна потоваришувати. Займаюся з дітьми понад 7 років. Працюю у школі з 2018 року. Знаходжу індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня.Використовую на уроках інтерактивні вправи.Заповнюємо прогалини у знання.
0 / 5
8.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Творча людина, що дуже полюбляє свою роботу. Більше 20 років присвятила себе викладанню фізики і математики. Багато моїх учнів мають вищу освіту, багато дітей достойно пройшли випробування ЗНО, мультітесту і зараз навчаються в Вузах. Вмію знайти спільну мову з дитиною, намагаюся дати учню не тільки...
0 / 5
8.41 USD/hour
EnglishMathematicsJunior classes
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Репетитор английского языка и математики. Помощь в выполнении домашних заданий, подготовка к экзаменам, контрольным работам, тестам. Дополнительный материал предоставляется. Занятия на территории ученика. Возможны парные занятия при одинаковом уровне знаний учеников
0 / 5
8.41 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Одеса in the subject Mathematics What to find a tutor in Одеса in the subject Mathematics of more than 7 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Одеса, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject Mathematics.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the Mathematics lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Одеса.

Why do you need a maths tutor in Odessa and how can they help your child?

Mathematics is an indispensable subject in school that forms the basis of many other sciences, such as physics, economics, and computer science. Nonetheless, numerous students encounter difficulties with this subject. A competent math teacher can provide not only problem-solving skills but also logical reasoning skills, which are applicable not only in academia but also in everyday life where mathematics is frequently used to address diverse problems.

Moreover, a math teacher can instill in a student the confidence in their knowledge and abilities, which can be a crucial factor in their future achievements. If you are searching for a math teacher, you have the chance to find a genuine expert who can lead you to success in this subject.

How to choose a maths tutor in Odessa?

Choosing the right math tutor in Odessa can be challenging, but by taking into account various key factors, you can ensure that you find the perfect fit for your requirements. The tutor's qualifications and experience in teaching mathematics are vital factors to consider. You should research the tutor's reputation and read feedback from other students and parents to ensure their reliability and effectiveness.

Some crucial considerations include:

  1. Essential to verify that the tutor has appropriate qualifications, diplomas, and certificates in mathematics. 
  2. If you are preparing for exams like the DPA or ZNO, you should select a tutor who has experience in preparing students for these exams and can assist you in achieving high results.
  3.  Additionally, the tutor's teaching methodology should be customized to your needs and syllabus. 
  4. Other factors to consider include the tutor's availability and cost.

When selecting a math tutor in Odessa, take the necessary time to find the most suitable candidate who can help you succeed in your studies and achieve your goals. By taking into account these crucial factors, you can ensure that your tutor is the perfect match for you, and you can achieve the best possible results in mathematics.

Individual tutoring in mathematics in Odessa

If a student in Odessa requires personalized attention and struggles to stay focused during class, one-to-one tutoring through the TeMa platform may be the optimal solution. The available educators possess extensive teaching experience and advanced expertise in mathematics, creating customized tutoring plans tailored to each student's unique needs and learning level. This results in unparalleled support and assistance for the student, leading to optimized learning outcomes.

How much does it cost to tutor mathematics in Odessa?

The cost of a math tutor in Odessa varies based on factors such as the teacher's experience, the student's level of knowledge, and the duration of the lessons, but the average cost is typically around 250-300 UAH per hour. Experienced teachers with higher education and more extensive experience may charge more. Overall, individual tuition in mathematics with a teacher is an excellent opportunity to reinforce knowledge and understanding of the material.

What other additional subjects can I choose from?

In addition to mathematics, a variety of subjects such as physics, English, and chemistry are taught by numerous instructors. This is beneficial for students who require assistance in these subjects or desire to expand their knowledge.

Tutoring provides students with the opportunity to not only enhance their knowledge in various subjects but also to develop fundamental skills necessary for academic success, such as time management, concentration, and self-discipline. By working with a tutor, students can improve their comprehension of the material, receive answers to their inquiries, and practice problem-solving. Additionally, tutoring sessions can boost motivation and foster an interest in learning.

Tutoring in Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry Odessa

As well as general knowledge of mathematics, you can find tutors who specialize in algebra and geometry. The TeMa platform offers specialized tutors in mathematics, algebra, and geometry who can provide assistance to students who struggle in these areas or desire to deepen their knowledge. Some instructors are also capable of teaching physics, as it is closely connected to these subjects. With a -50% discount on the first three lessons, finding the ideal tutor on the TeMa platform is easy, even if you are not confident in your math abilities.