Primary and elementary school tutors in Lviv

Junior classesUkrainianMathematicsPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вчитель початкових класів.Освіта вища.Закінчила Дрогобицький педагогічний університет імені І.Франка.Вчитель 1 категорії.Стаж роботи в школі понад 20 років.3 роки працюю в онлайн із дітьми.Працюю за програмою НУШ.Уроки проводжу на платформі zoom.
0 / 5
7.19 USD/hour
Junior classesEnglishMathematicsBiologyPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Пропоную свої послуги як репетитор, маю досвід роботи з дітьми різного віку та можу допомогти у засвоєнні основних понять і вмінь. Мій підхід до навчання базується на індивідуальному підході до кожного учня. Завдяки цьому, дитина отримує можливість розуміти матеріал більш глибоко і впевнено викону...
0 / 5
6.00 USD/hour
Junior classesPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я вчитель початкових класів, який любить свою роботу та закохує в навчання інших. Маю 2 педагогічні освіти та 4 роки стажу роботи з дітьми. Зі мною вам буде легко, комфортно навчатись та розвиватись.
0 / 5
7.19 USD/hour
Junior classesPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Стану чудовим репетитором для ваших діточок! Знаходжу індивідуальний підхід до кожного учня. Використовую сучасні методи та ігрові форми навчання.
0 / 5
8.39 USD/hour
EnglishJunior classesMathematics
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Працюю в школі вчителем початкових класів три роки. Впродовж цього часу проводжу додаткові індивідуальні заняття діткам віком від 6 до 13 років онлайн та офлайн. Найбільше практикую допомогу з таких предметів як математика та англійська мова.
0 / 5
5.40 USD/hour
UkrainianJunior classesEnglish
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Випускниця ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, магістр філології, педагог з досвідом. Для кожного учня розробляю індивідуальну програму відповідно до рівня знань та мети підготовки. Уроки проводжу у приємній, невимушеній атмосфері.
0 / 5
4.80 USD/hour
Junior classesPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Знайду спільну мову з вашою дитиною. Веселі та цікаві заняття онлайн у зручному для вас середовищі.Діти приймають активну участь у спілкуванні,соціалізуються.Враховую уміння,інтереси та настрій кожної дитини,щоб процес був максимально комфортний. Використовую ігрові методи,завдяки яким навчальний пр...
0 / 5
2.16 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Львів in the subject Junior classes What to find a tutor in Львів in the subject Junior classes of more than 7 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Львів, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject Junior classes.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the Junior classes lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Львів.

The significance of tutors in the contemporary educational system is continuously growing. Children in this age group require additional assistance and a personalized method to effectively adjust to the school environment. Numerous parents in Lviv opt for tutors to ensure their children receive a high-quality education and a strong foundation for their academic journey. A primary school tutor in Lviv possesses an understanding of the developmental characteristics specific to this age range and holds valuable experience working with young learners. They excel at establishing an environment of trust and support, enabling children to freely inquire and learn without the fear of making errors. These tutors play a vital role in fostering the development of essential skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and other subjects crucial for achieving success in primary school.

Primary tutors in Lviv on the TeMa platform

The TeMa platform has gained popularity as a reliable resource for locating tutors. On this platform, you can discover proficient and seasoned tutors who specialize in assisting primary school children. The primary school tutors available on the TeMa platform undergo meticulous selection and possess the essential expertise and abilities to support your child in achieving academic success. The TeMa platform serves as a popular hub for parents seeking a primary school tutor. It offers a convenient avenue for finding and selecting a tutor by providing comprehensive details regarding their qualifications, experience, and feedback from other parents.

Primary tutors in Lviv: How to choose?

Choosing a tutor is a responsible and important decision. Remember that every child is unique, so choose a tutor who can accommodate their individual needs and help them succeed in their studies. They can help your child close the gaps in their knowledge, strengthen their academic skills and help them develop independence and confidence.

When choosing a tutor, it is advisable to consider the following factors:

  1. Be aware that experience working with children of this age can make a big difference to the effectiveness of the lessons. Find out about his education, certificates, or diplomas related to education.
  2. Each tutor has his or her own style of teaching. Make sure that the tutor's teaching style matches your child's needs and preferences.
  3. A Lviv primary school teacher should not only have knowledge of the subject area, but also pedagogical skills. He or she should be able to explain complex concepts in a simple and straightforward way, be patient, and be willing to adapt his or her methods to suit your child's individual circumstances.
  4. It is important that your child feels comfortable and trusts your tutor. Find out about the tutor's approach to making contact with children and their ability to create a friendly and supportive atmosphere in the classroom.
  5. Check out reviews and references about the tutor. This can give you an idea of his professionalism and successful experiences with other children.

Advantages of private lessons for primary school

Individual tutoring sessions offer numerous benefits. Firstly, a skilled tutor specializing in primary school education in Lviv can create a supportive and motivational environment that enhances a child's confidence in their abilities. The personalized attention and encouragement provided by the tutor boost the student's self-esteem and inspire them to achieve success. Secondly, a primary school tutor in Lviv can maintain regular communication with parents, keeping them informed about their child's progress and any challenges they may face. This enables parents to stay actively involved in their child's learning journey, leading to a more effective educational experience. Furthermore, private lessons can be scheduled flexibly, accommodating the student's availability and allowing them to balance other classes or extracurricular activities.

It's worth highlighting that tutors available through the TeMa platform undergo a rigorous selection process and possess high qualifications. This ensures the delivery of quality instruction and positive outcomes. Private tutoring sessions with a reputable tutor offer a reliable means to support your child's academic progress and foster the development of essential skills for a strong start in school. Additionally, if your child requires assistance in mathematics, you can also find a math tutor for children on the TeMa platform.

What is the cost of a tutor for primary school in Lviv?

The pricing for primary school tutors in Lviv can vary based on several factors, such as the tutor's experience and qualifications, lesson duration, and the specific needs of your child. On the TeMa platform, you can discover primary school tutors whose rates align with your budget. It's crucial to understand that investing in your child's education is a valuable and worthwhile endeavor. The services provided by primary school tutors on the TeMa platform can assist your child in grasping fundamental subjects, developing effective study habits, and enhancing academic performance. Remember, a quality education serves as a cornerstone for your child's future. Choosing a tutor is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of their experience, teaching style, and the standard of education they offer. Fortunately, with the TeMa platform, you can confidently select a competent tutor who will nurture your child's growth and foster their academic achievements.

Don't delay this important decision. Begin your search for a tutor on the TeMa platform today and provide your child with dependable support and exceptional learning opportunities. Unleash their potential and set them on a path to educational success!