English tutors in Lviv

Completed lessons: 0
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Про мене!
0 / 5
2.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене блок!
0 / 5
47.96 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вітаю! Я Вікторія, і вже понад рік допомагаю дітям і дорослим вивчати англійську мову на рівні від A1 до B1. Пропоную заняття з поглибленим вивченням граматики, розвитком розмовної мови та тематичні спікінг-клуби. Мій підхід включає індивідуальні плани підготовки для кожного учня з інтерактивними за...
0 / 5
5.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я викладач англійської мови з понад 5-річним досвідом. Спеціалізуюсь на підготовці до TOEFL, викладанні Business English та розмовної англійської. Використовую інтерактивні методи навчання, адаптую матеріал під індивідуальні потреби кожного учня. Постійно вдосконалюю свої знання та методики, щоб зро...
0 / 5
9.59 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я репетитор англійської мови, який кайфує від кожної маленької перемоги своїх учнів 😀 На заняттях вчимося не боятися говорити англійською.
0 / 5
6.00 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Мене звати Анастасія, я є студенткою, але це мені не заважає викладати англійську мову. На жаль, в школі в мене не було хорошої можливості вивчати англійську мову, тому завдяки інтерактивним індивідуальним заняттям я полюбила цю мову і зрозуміла, що кожному можна пояснити матеріал якщо зосереджуват...
0 / 5
7.19 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
З дитинства люблю та вивчаю англійську мову. Також добре ладнаю з дітками, готова ділитись знаннями з ними, Весела, комунікабельна, пунктуальна. Готова до співпраці. Можливий онлайн формат при наявності доступних Ваших книг. Writing, reading, speaking. Рівень англійської мови B2.
0 / 5
6.48 USD/hour
Junior classesEnglishMathematicsBiologyPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Пропоную свої послуги як репетитор, маю досвід роботи з дітьми різного віку та можу допомогти у засвоєнні основних понять і вмінь. Мій підхід до навчання базується на індивідуальному підході до кожного учня. Завдяки цьому, дитина отримує можливість розуміти матеріал більш глибоко і впевнено викону...
0 / 5
6.00 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Вас вітає школа англійської мови! Ви можете побачити нашу сторінку у Інстаграм та ТікТок, а також відгуки. Сучасне викладання іноземної мови є насамперед важливим кроком. Тому чекаємо Вас за заняттях!
0 / 5
8.39 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Наші висококваліфіковані викладачі присвячують себе навчанню на всі 100%. Кожен з наших інструкторів має міжнародні сертифікати TOEFL та великий досвід у викладанні англійської мови як іноземної відповідно до міжнародних стандартів. Вони регулярно проходять навчання у Великій Британії, щоб бути в ку...
0 / 5
9.59 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Львів in the subject English What to find a tutor in Львів in the subject English of more than 20 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Львів, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject English.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the English lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Львів.

Many individuals in Lviv have a keen interest in acquiring English language skills, whether for academic, professional, or travel-related purposes. However, to truly excel in English and accomplish your objectives, it is crucial to have the proper assistance and guidance. Engaging the services of an English tutor is an ideal solution for those seeking to enhance their abilities and boost their confidence in using the language. Mastering the English language in Lviv unveils boundless opportunities for personal and professional growth. Regardless of whether you are a student, a working professional, or an enthusiast, a tutor can provide invaluable assistance in overcoming language barriers and refining your fluency and self-assurance when communicating in English.

English Tutors in Lviv: the benefits of private tuition

Tutors offer the benefits of private tuition to help students achieve better results. One of the key benefits of private lessons is an individual approach to each student. An English Lviv tutor can tailor the curriculum to suit the student's unique needs and goals. Tutors also create a supportive and motivating environment where students feel comfortable learning English and asking questions. In addition to a personalized and supportive environment, studying with a tutor offers a number of other benefits that help students succeed in their language learning. 

Here are a few of them:

  1. Tutors understand that students may have limited time due to study, work or other commitments. They therefore offer flexible timetables that can be adjusted to suit your schedule, ensuring you learn comfortably and conveniently.
  2. Unlike group classes, where you need to follow the general pace and level of the group, lessons with a tutor allow you to move forward at your own speed.
  3. Tutors can focus on the specific skills you require. 
  4. Tutors provide immediate and immediate feedback on your progress and mistakes. This allows you to see your progress, correct mistakes and encourage you to develop further.

English Language Tutors Lviv on TeMa platform

The TeMa platform presents an extensive selection of tutors specialized in teaching English. Within the platform, you can explore the profiles of experienced and highly qualified tutors, assessing their expertise, educational background, teaching methodologies, and feedback from previous students. By leveraging the TeMa platform, you gain access to the convenience and assurance of online English lessons, allowing for a flexible schedule that accommodates your specific needs. The TeMa platform serves as an ideal destination for those seeking a tutor, boasting a diverse pool of accomplished tutors who are committed to assisting you in reaching your English language learning objectives.

Embracing the convenience and security of online learning, the platform enables you to engage in fruitful sessions with a tutor from the comfort of your own home. The flexibility to schedule classes at your convenience empowers you to tailor your learning experience to suit your lifestyle. Moreover, the platform prioritizes security by diligently monitoring tutor profiles and implementing a comprehensive feedback and rating system, ensuring a safe and trustworthy learning environment for students.

What is the cost of an English speaking tutor in Lviv?

The cost of a tutoring session can vary depending on several factors, such as the level of qualification of the tutor, the duration of the sessions. You'll find tutors with different rates on the TeMa platform, and you'll be able to choose the one whose terms suit your needs and budget. You will be able to find an English tutor in Lviv, which allows you to get quality English tuition in Lviv. The cost of tuition varies and depends on several key factors. 

Here are some of them:

  • the duration of a lesson with a tutor may vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours or more. The longer the lesson, the higher the cost can be. Some tutors may offer different lesson lengths to adapt to the student's needs;
  • offline lessons can be priced differently. Online tuition is usually more affordable and flexible in price, as there are no additional costs for room rental or travel expenses. Off-line lessons can be more expensive because of the extra cost of renting a room or the cost of transport;
  • depending on the student's particular circumstances and requirements, the tutor can offer personalized arrangements and flexible pricing. A long course or group lessons, for example, may have their own particularities in determining cost.

How can I choose the services of an English tutor in Lviv?

When selecting a tutor, there are multiple factors to take into consideration. Experience serves as a crucial aspect to assess when choosing a tutor. The TeMa platform presents a diverse array of tutors, ranging from novices to seasoned professionals, enabling you to select the one that aligns best with your specific requirements and language proficiency level. Another pivotal criterion for tutor selection is their educational background. Within the TeMa platform, you have the opportunity to explore tutor profiles, examining their education, certifications, and qualifications. This comprehensive information empowers you to make an informed decision, finding a tutor who precisely matches your needs.

Teaching methods also play a vital role, as tutors may employ distinctive approaches to facilitate learning. By perusing the TeMa platform, you gain access to reviews from fellow students, offering insights into tutors' teaching methods and aiding you in evaluating their efficacy, ensuring that they align with your expectations. Furthermore, the TeMa platform encompasses various languages, including tutors Spanish and many others. Consequently, the tutors available on the TeMa platform provide personalized instruction, ensuring a tailored approach, superior English tutoring, and utmost convenience for students. Embark on your English language journey in Lviv today by discovering your ideal tutor on the TeMa platform!