Tutors in Lviv

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!
0 / 5
4.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене блок!
0 / 5
48.27 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вітаю! Я Вікторія, і вже понад рік допомагаю дітям і дорослим вивчати англійську мову на рівні від A1 до B1. Пропоную заняття з поглибленим вивченням граматики, розвитком розмовної мови та тематичні спікінг-клуби. Мій підхід включає індивідуальні плани підготовки для кожного учня з інтерактивними за...
0 / 5
5.43 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я репетитор англійської мови, який кайфує від кожної маленької перемоги своїх учнів 😀 На заняттях вчимося не боятися говорити англійською.
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Підготовка до ЗНО/НМТ з історії України. Мене звати Михайло, мені 29 років. На заняттях використовую авторські конспекти. Учень забезпечений усіма навчальними матеріалами. Заняття проводжу на вибір онлайн або офлайн (в офісі). Індивідуальний підхід до учнів. Досвід у підготовці до ЗНО/НМТ 10 років....
0 / 5
9.65 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Мене звати Анастасія, я є студенткою, але це мені не заважає викладати англійську мову. На жаль, в школі в мене не було хорошої можливості вивчати англійську мову, тому завдяки інтерактивним індивідуальним заняттям я полюбила цю мову і зрозуміла, що кожному можна пояснити матеріал якщо зосереджуват...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Junior classesUkrainianMathematicsPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Вчитель початкових класів.Освіта вища.Закінчила Дрогобицький педагогічний університет імені І.Франка.Вчитель 1 категорії.Стаж роботи в школі понад 20 років.3 роки працюю в онлайн із дітьми.Працюю за програмою НУШ.Уроки проводжу на платформі zoom.
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
З дитинства люблю та вивчаю англійську мову. Також добре ладнаю з дітками, готова ділитись знаннями з ними, Весела, комунікабельна, пунктуальна. Готова до співпраці. Можливий онлайн формат при наявності доступних Ваших книг. Writing, reading, speaking. Рівень англійської мови B2.
0 / 5
6.52 USD/hour
Junior classesEnglishMathematicsBiologyPreparing for school
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Пропоную свої послуги як репетитор, маю досвід роботи з дітьми різного віку та можу допомогти у засвоєнні основних понять і вмінь. Мій підхід до навчання базується на індивідуальному підході до кожного учня. Завдяки цьому, дитина отримує можливість розуміти матеріал більш глибоко і впевнено викону...
0 / 5
6.03 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Львів To find a tutor in Львів from more than 42 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Львів, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to the lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a tutor from Львів.

Tutoring services are gaining momentum, and this is not surprising, because the quality of education leaves much to be desired. Today the search for a tutor in Lviv has a great demand.  Parents want to give their children the best, so they additionally start early: services of a speech therapist, preparation for school, elementary classes. Middle and high school requires an approach to teaching the exact sciences, not all children easily understand math, physics, chemistry. It is possible to enter the budgetary places or pass the test by preparing well for the exams with a specialist who knows the pitfalls of testing, structure, tasks. Often use the services of tutors and adults in demand for mastering foreign languages, advanced training, self-development.

Who needs tutoring services in Lviv?

Competitiveness in today's world is high, if you don't improve, it will be very difficult to reach the heights. Additional classes with an online tutor are sought by parents, schoolchildren, and people who have graduated from the university. With regular training, mastering competitive skills is easy. Knowledge of languages, sciences, grammar, and mastery of other skills greatly increases the chances of finding a prestigious and well-paid job. 

When the services of a private tutor are mostly required:

  • to preschoolers in preparation for school;
  • elementary school children;
  • Schoolchildren who want to improve their grades;
  • Applicants who are preparing to pass test, competitive exams;
  • students wishing to expand the range of knowledge;
  • Adults to improve their skills and get a job;
  • people who are going to move to another country to master the language;
  • those who want to improve and develop their skills.

Tutor search platform TeMa includes more than 130 subjects in different areas of which 44 are linguistic, you can find a tutor in Lviv online for any purpose and financial capabilities, the more that the price of a tutor in Lviv online classes are cheaper than offline. Experience and qualifications confirmed by the platform.

Why is an individual teacher in Lviv cheaper than a group class

In group classes, whether it is a course or a school, the attention is dispersed, the teaching in such classes does not involve parsing mistakes, additional explanation to a particular student. If we take foreign languages, people often choose courses, thinking that it is cheaper, but one course will not be enough, for a conditional 3 months you do not get the desired level, and you will be offered to buy another course, as well as with other subjects. In the case of an individual teacher, for the productivity of one lesson more than three group, respectively, the number of lessons is reduced, and the cost of a tutor lesson in Lviv will be cheaper than courses. When the program is chosen clearly for your level of knowledge, and take into account the characteristics, goals, moderate load, then you save not only financially (because the result is visible faster), but also in time.
Tutor search service TeMa allows you to choose a suitable price range, that is, you select the services of an online tutor at a reasonable cost and get a decent level of teaching, because the services of our tutors include effective teaching methods.

Why do I need a tutor in Lviv

Often there is no desire to learn, it seems boring. Such a thought arises because of the poor quality of teaching in educational institutions. Parents try to attract children to study with the carrot and stick method, adults force themselves, because it is necessary. But it's not about the subject, but the approach. 

Let's look at why it is advantageous to study with a tutor online in Lviv:

  1. The focus is on one student. This ensures that the information is constructive and presented in an appropriate method. If the visual memory is better developed, there will be more visual presentation, if the auditory memory is better developed, on the contrary, the main thing is the result.
  2. Uniform distribution of the load. The speed of perception is different for everyone, so the teacher in Lviv online takes this into account when constructing individual lessons.
  3. The actual program. Before drawing up a training plan, the objectives are taken into account, for which the material is selected.
  4. Expanded knowledge. Modern educators do not stand still and evolve, therefore going beyond trivial knowledge.

Tutor search service online TeMa contributes to the most effective training in Lviv, through the use of up-to-date information.

Are online lessons effective in Lviv?

Although the current format of online learning is already more in demand, there remains a debate as to whether online or live communication is better. Yes, communication without smartphones is more enjoyable, but more in the case of friends/relatives, regarding lessons, the results are lower. Why? Because there are human factors, you can't be productive 24/7 and keep your focus from beginning to end of class. Some points are missed and then you have to rework them. If something like this happens in an online class, you can revisit, repeat, and reinforce the material.

Convenience speaks for itself, there is no need to spend money, time and energy on the road, and the associated costs of snacks, travel, etc. is absent. You are not limited to the choice and location of the online tutor, you liked the teacher in Lviv, and you are in another place - no problem, you just need the Internet. 

Tutor selection service TeMa creates a personal account for each user, where learning materials, recordings and scheduled online lessons are stored.
You choose a convenient schedule, combining it with your personal plans, register and make sure of the convenience of the service.

How to find an experienced tutor in Lviv?

With the advent of information technology, it is easy to find a teacher online in Lviv. But how to choose a qualified specialist with experience is another question. It is no secret that the best tutors in Lviv usually have experience under their belt and can find effective approaches faster. After going through more than a dozen students, Lviv tutors navigate where what methods will work, and where to pick up other methods. 

How to pick a specialist:

  • initially formulate the ultimate goal;
  • study the information in the profile beforehand (specialization, education, description);
  • look at the reviews, but do not rely entirely on them;
  • pay attention to the experience;
  • compare how much individual lessons cost in Lviv and their quality.

Let's say you liked several teachers, but who is better? You can find this out by taking a trial lesson, you will clearly understand with which teacher is more comfortable morally, productively, and whether expectations are met. The site for finding a tutor TeMa gives you a 50% discount on the first three lessons.