English tutor in Kiev

Completed lessons: 6
English, Ukrainian
6 reviews
Я можу зарекомендувати себе багаторічним професійним досвідом, цікавим підходом до вивчення мови та роками спілкування в англомовному середовищі, проживаю в Ірландії. Готую до IELTS. Пропоную активний та дієвий підхід до вивчення бізнес англійської. Також мій пріорітет — Ваша розмовна англійська, ад...
4.8 / 5
12.00 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 1
1 reviews
5 / 5
2.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 1
1 reviews
Якщо ви шукаєте репетитора, який зможе зробити навчання веселим, цікавим та ефективним. Вам точно до мене! 🧡Я пропоную онлайн-уроки за індивідуальною програмою, яка враховує рiвень, iнтереси та потреби кожного. Також використовую креативні методики, ігри, пісні, відео та інтерактивні завдання, щ...
4 / 5
4.80 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
About me!!
0 / 5
2.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я – Юлія Василівна, онлайн-репетитор англійської мови. ✅ Допоможу вам: 🔹 Покращити граматику та розмовні навички 🔹 Підготуватися до ЗНО, IELTS, TOEFL, FCE 🔹 Освоїти бізнес-англійську або розмовну мову для подорожей 🔹 Подолати мовний бар’єр та почати впевнено говорити 💡 Мій підхід: ✔ Індив...
0 / 5
9.36 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Hey there! Look at you, rocking the day already! Я — креативна викладачка з багаторічним... Жартую. Хіба це перше, на що ми дивимось, коли вибираємо собі вчителя? Розкажу справді про себе. Те, що я сама хотіла би знати. Я ненавиджу оцінки, це ніколи не дає повноцінного опису вмінь і навичок. Ставл...
0 / 5
12.00 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Запрошую на свої заняття всіх, хто хоче вивчати, покращувати англійську мову. Я використовую збалансований підхід у вивченні мови - працюємо з всіма аспектами мови - читання, говоріння, письмо та граматика. Також використовую комунікативний підхід. Буде багато цікавого!
0 / 5
7.20 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Polish, Russian
0 reviews
Доброго дня. Мене звати Софія. Я студентка 3 курсу КНЛУ. Загалом маю досвід вивчення корейської мови вже більше 5 років. Вивчала також корейську на мовних курсах в Південній Кореї. Англійську мову вивчаю, як 2-гу основну мову в університеті.
0 / 5
7.20 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене!
0 / 5
2.40 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Репетитор з української та англійської мов з понад 2-річним досвідом успішної роботи. Спеціалізуюся на індивідуальному підході до учнів різного віку, що дозволяє забезпечити максимально ефективне засвоєння матеріалу. Моя методика викладання базується на поєднанні традиційних і сучасних методів навч...
0 / 5
6.00 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Київ in the subject English What to find a tutor in Київ in the subject English of more than 36 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Київ, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject English.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the English lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Київ.

English teachers in Kiev the key to success

English tutor Kiev provides exceptional support for individuals seeking to enhance their language proficiency, acquire essential knowledge, and get ready for crucial examinations. On the TeMa, you can discover a skilled teacher who carefully considers all of your requirements and tailors a unique learning experience for each student. The classes are conducted both in a one-on-one setting and in groups, ensuring that you receive personalized attention that suits your learning style.

Why study English in Kiev?

Why should you choose to study English in Kiev despite it being one of the most commonly spoken languages across the globe? The answer is clear-cut: by learning English in Kiev, you can unlock a multitude of benefits and prospects.

There are numerous advantages to learning English in Kiev, including:

  1. Enhanced career prospects: Learning English provides access to higher-paying jobs and opportunities to work in international corporations.
  2. Global communication: English is the language of international communication, and mastering it enables individuals to connect with people all around the world.
  3. Travel: Being the language of tourism and travel, English is essential for those exploring new places.
  4. Improved educational opportunities: Learning a foreign language like English opens doors to top-notch educational opportunities at foreign universities and schools.

On the TeMa platform, you can access experienced tutors who will help you attain your language learning objectives. With convenient and effective lessons, you can acquire quality knowledge and become fluent in English effortlessly.

Individualized English tuition in Kiev

Choosing a teacher is a very important step that will determine your future knowledge of language. The TeMa platform offers a unique opportunity to choose a tutor based on the level of knowledge, cost of lessons, work experience, and many other parameters. Choose only the best to achieve maximum results. On the TeMa platform, you can also find a Ukrainian language tutor in Kiev if you want to improve your skills in that language.

Lessons with a tutor in Kiev are not only a fast way to improve your language skills, but also an excellent opportunity to gain experience communicating with a native speaker and learn to pronounce words correctly. On the TeMa platform, you will find teachers who will help you prepare for exams, study assignments, and improve your conversational skills.

Best English Tutors in Kiev

If you are looking for the best English in Kyiv, TeMa platform is your ideal choice. On our platform, you will find numerous qualified teachers who have extensive experience in teaching English to both adults and children. We guarantee that our teachers will help you significantly improve your knowledge and skills in the language, regardless of your level.

Choosing a tutor on the TeMa platform is very simple and convenient. All you need to do is register on the platform, select a person who best suits your needs and preferences, and book a convenient time for your lessons. You can choose a teacher based on their rating, reviews, and experience. We guarantee that you will receive high-quality education at an affordable price.

How much does an English tutor in Kiev cost?

The cost of English lessons with a teacher on the TeMa platform depends on the duration of the lesson, and the number of lessons you plan to book. The cost of lessons on the TeMa platform starts from $10 per hour and can reach up to $30 per hour, depending on the qualification and experience. We guarantee that our prices are among the most affordable in the educational services market.

How to choose the right English tutor services in Kiev?

Learning English is not only an exciting process, but also a serious investment in your future. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right tutor services.

Here are a few tips that will help you make the right choice:

  • determine your goals and needs in learning the language;
  • study the rating and reviews on the TeMa platform;
  • find out about the qualification, experience, and approach of the tutor;
  • choose a tutor based on your level of proficiency;
  • clarify the cost and schedule of lessons;
  • have a trial lesson to evaluate the tutor's approach;
  • use the services of the TeMa platform, where you will find experienced and qualified English tutors working both online and in schools, with an individual approach to each student and extensive teaching experience.

They have a high level of English language knowledge and successful experience in preparing students for TOEFL and IELTS exams. Choose the TeMa platform and ensure high-quality English language learning in Kiev!


How to determine the level of English proficiency for choosing a tutor in Kyiv?

To determine your level of English proficiency, you can use special online tests. After that, you can choose a tutor that is right for your level.

Is it possible to study with an English tutor in Kyiv online?

Yes, on the TeMa platform you can choose an English tutor in Kyiv and study with him online without leaving your home. This is convenient and allows you to save time on the road to class.

What English exams can be taken with the help of a tutor in Kyiv?

English tutors in Kyiv can help prepare for the TOEFL, IELTS exams, as well as in preparation for the EIT and DPA in English.