Tutors in Kiev

Completed lessons: 6
English, Ukrainian
6 reviews
Я можу зарекомендувати себе багаторічним професійним досвідом, цікавим підходом до вивчення мови та роками спілкування в англомовному середовищі, проживаю в Ірландії. Готую до IELTS. Пропоную активний та дієвий підхід до вивчення бізнес англійської. Також мій пріорітет — Ваша розмовна англійська, ад...
4.8 / 5
12.07 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 1
1 reviews
5 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 1
1 reviews
Якщо ви шукаєте репетитора, який зможе зробити навчання веселим, цікавим та ефективним. Вам точно до мене! 🧡Я пропоную онлайн-уроки за індивідуальною програмою, яка враховує рiвень, iнтереси та потреби кожного. Також використовую креативні методики, ігри, пісні, відео та інтерактивні завдання, щ...
4 / 5
4.83 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, French
0 reviews
Мене звати Маргарита. Мені 18 років, маю досвід викладання з дітками/підлітками. Навчаюся в КНУ Шевченка на міжнародних відносинах. Люблю читати, співати, фотографувати, вивчати щось нове, а також навчати інших.
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
About me!!
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Привіт! Я – Юлія Василівна, онлайн-репетитор англійської мови. ✅ Допоможу вам: 🔹 Покращити граматику та розмовні навички 🔹 Підготуватися до ЗНО, IELTS, TOEFL, FCE 🔹 Освоїти бізнес-англійську або розмовну мову для подорожей 🔹 Подолати мовний бар’єр та почати впевнено говорити 💡 Мій підхід: ✔ Індив...
0 / 5
9.41 USD/hour
Junior classes
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Про мене
0 / 5
2.41 USD/hour
MathematicsLinear algebra
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Привіт! Мене звати Софія, і я з радістю допоможу тобі підкорити математику — від елементарних задач до складних прикладів ДПА та НМТ. Моя мета — не просто "пройти тему", а навчити мислити! Я тут для того, щоб твої зустрічі з математикою перестали бути нудними чи стресовими. Уяви: уроки, де ти не зуб...
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Hey there! Look at you, rocking the day already! Я — креативна викладачка з багаторічним... Жартую. Хіба це перше, на що ми дивимось, коли вибираємо собі вчителя? Розкажу справді про себе. Те, що я сама хотіла би знати. Я ненавиджу оцінки, це ніколи не дає повноцінного опису вмінь і навичок. Ставл...
0 / 5
12.07 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian
0 reviews
Запрошую на свої заняття всіх, хто хоче вивчати, покращувати англійську мову. Я використовую збалансований підхід у вивченні мови - працюємо з всіма аспектами мови - читання, говоріння, письмо та граматика. Також використовую комунікативний підхід. Буде багато цікавого!
0 / 5
7.24 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Київ To find a tutor in Київ from more than 102 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Київ, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the tutor's schedule.
Connecting to a Lesson To connect to the lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will be in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a tutor from Київ.

Due to recent events, education is much more difficult to receive, children are unstable in school, studies were carried out with interruptions. In addition to poor-quality schooling, unstable attendance, attention is constantly unfocused on external factors, and as a result the program is not learned, so a teacher in Kiev online become a salvation. If you need to prepare for exams, to tighten school subjects, pass the credits at university or learn the language for life in another country, the services of tutors in Kiev will pick up the curriculum based on the given requirements.

How does the tutor in Kiev

The main task of the teacher is to find an approach to a particular student, to find gaps in knowledge, and to eliminate them in parallel building a program taking into account the peculiarities of the student's perception. To build an effective work plan, the teacher initially analyzes the strengths and weaknesses, the existing knowledge, which method of teaching will be best suited to the perception of the mentee. Services teacher is quite different from school classes and self-study, because the work is tailored to the student, and this is felt after the first lessons. 

How a private teacher in Kiev builds an individual process of online learning:

  1. First looks for gaps in knowledge and works through them.
  2. Uses supplementary textbooks, not trying to run through one school curriculum.
  3. Diversifies lessons, so you don't just talk about a topic, but see results.
  4. Teaches productively, without water.
  5. Communicates freely, so that you feel psychologically comfortable.

The TeMa tutor search platform includes a database of the best teachers with good reviews. Formulate your request, and our tutors will find the right program.

What skills teachers with experience have in Kiev

Tutors in Kiev a priori have a wider range of skills than a regular teacher. It is important to become a mentor for your student, motivating him/her to get results. If you need a tutor Kiev in mathematics, English, Ukrainian, you need specialists able to work with different age categories. It is not always additional online lessons take schoolchildren, it can be adults, entrepreneurs, who need to improve the level of knowledge or learn a new language for work. 

What tutoring services in Kiev should include:

  • navigate modern school and university curricula;
  • have a wide range of knowledge in their subject;
  • competent oral and written language;
  • have an understanding of psychology to provide an individualized approach.

The relevance of the online teacher in Kiev

Current realities have made the online format more advanced. It's been years since I've had to study remotely, but some remain of the opinion that offline lessons are better. Of course, you don't see in person, but is it so terrible when the quality of teaching is better? There are human factors, fatigue, distracting events that can interfere with memorization or concentration. When something like this happens in an online lesson, you have the opportunity to review it in your personal account. 

It often happens that you are not in the city, but you want to find a teacher in Kiev, online it is possible to study without local binding. The price for the services of tutors in Kiev is lower, and tutorials do not need to buy, everything is in electronic format. Choosing the services of tutors in Kiev online you significantly save in the associated costs of travel, snacks, etc.

Tutor search service TeMa is designed specifically for online classes, there is no need to download additional applications, because everyone has a personal office, where lessons are held, materials, records of classes are stored and you can review them. Stable and quality education is possible with us. Qualifications are verified, so the quality of online classes is both technically and practically assured.

How to find a tutor in Kiev

Finding a tutor with the advent of technology is not too difficult. Everyone has their own requirements. To ensure that the cost of a tutor in Kiev corresponds to the quality, and you do not spend weeks trying online lessons, initially establish what kind of specialist would like to hire. 

We advise to pay attention to such parameters:

  1. Qualifications. Specialist with a diploma or a student of courses.
  2. Specialization. It is preparation for the test, to improve grades or for work.
  3. Experience, an experienced teacher in Kiev on the basis of past students, understands what works best.
  4. Reviews. People who have used the service, I'll say a lot more description.

Online tutor search service TeMa has made the search as easy as possible for the user. Go above to the online tutor search page, set, subject, country, price range, and choose the right tutor. 

How much do the services of teachers in Kiev on TeMa

The cost of online lessons in Kiev varies depending on different factors. The first is the subject, if it is learning Chinese, the price will be higher. Also affect the price of tutor Kiev qualifications, experience, methods and rating. The price is set by the tutor himself, based on the average cost in Kiev.

In education, you don't touch the product to see if it's worth the stated price. You can correlate the price with the quality of services provided by checking. How? By taking a trial lesson. In an online class you look at the technique of teaching, intensity, usefulness, and most importantly, psychological comfort. Online tutor search service TeMa offers a 50% discount on the first three lessons. The average price for finding a tutor in Kiev is 8 USD.