Psychology teachers in Kharkov

Completed lessons: 0
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Працюю практичним психологом у Харківській школі, є досвід роботи і волонтером психологом, проведення тренінгів, терапевтичних груп.
0 / 5
12.13 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
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Доброго дня. Мене звуть Світлана) Я є Партнером освітнього центру "Область Можливостей" та займаюся допомагаючою діяльністю. А саме - проводжу трансформаційну гру "Семена Рода", створила авторський курс жіночої трансформації "PROБудись". Сьогодні я допомогаю жінкам відчути свою жіночність. Відчувати...
0 / 5
12.13 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Харків in the subject Psychologist What to find a tutor in Харків in the subject Psychologist of more than 2 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Харків, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject Psychologist.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the Psychologist lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Харків.

Psychology is a profound science, the understanding of which clarifies many things in life. Each person's reactions to the same situation may be fundamentally different. When making decisions, everyone is guided by their own projections. To understand the system of what is going on in the world, one must delve into psychology. You can find the keys to solving different life situations and overall the science is very interesting. Lessons in psychology in Kharkov give a chance to change the picture of the inner world.

In work and life, it is important for everyone to develop an error-free attitude. To accept the person without evaluation. To live by the formula “I am okay, and you are okay.” This is the only way to look at situations soberly and deal with them constructively.

What can a tutor in psychology in Kharkov

In today's world, psychological knowledge is important, and in order to structure it, you need to learn from a professional. You can read the theory in books, but to master the necessary skills in life, you need to work more, with the presence of practice. In this will help the services of a tutor in psychology in Kharkov.

What knowledge you will master:

  1. Psychology of Individuality. Character, peculiarity, personal growth, temperament.
  2. Interpersonal relationships. Mutual understanding, communication, verbal and non-verbal communication.
  3. Family relations. Functions, roles, dynamics of relationship development.
  4. Relationships between children and parents.
  5. Emotional health. Self-help, maintenance of psychological health, protection, recognition and overcoming of stress.
  6. Successful business communication. The culture of business relations.
  7. Stressful situations. The impact of the mind with emotions, stress coping techniques.

Also, psychology lessons with a tutor develop awareness. It helps to notice what is happening, understand yourself, make contact with the world, and work with inner fears and anxieties.

For whom individual psychology lessons are suitable

Regardless of whether you want to do child psychology, personality or social psychology, the first step is the knowledge base. To work with the inner world of another person, you first need to start with yourself, hence find a psychology tutor.

It is possible to live more easily, more easily, and more effectively when the level of reflection (self-knowledge) is at a high level. There are many manipulations of people and to recognize them, you need at least to know the basic level of psychology.

Understand human psychology, how to influence your life, build relationships in society and understand yourself – all this helps to master the psychology tutor in Kharkov. To objectively assess the situation, you can only detach from it. This is the development of awareness. Setting goals when you need a psychology tutor is different. However, the lessons will suit you in the situation if you want to develop professionally, and for self-development.

What does the cost of a psychology teacher in Kharkov depend on

It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to study on your own. Buying textbooks and courses is sometimes more expensive than the cost of a psychology tutor. You need to understand how much a psychology tutor costs, so you don't overpay.

On what depends on the price per hour, see below: 

  1. Qualifications. Who owns the information – he owns the world. The more a specialist is educated in psychology, the more expensive.
  2. Experience. A professional senior student is distinguished by his level of knowledge, which comes not only with education but also with experience.
  3. Demand. The demand for a psychology tutor in Kharkiv, the higher the price.
  4. Self-perception. Psychology tutors can set the price not based on the above factors, but on their own feelings, knowing that they will effectively present the material.

In a good way, quality should correlate with price, but this is not always the case, so take a trial lesson and determine if the specialist is right for you. Tutor search service TeMa will help you find the right price for a psychology lesson to suit your abilities.

How Psychology Lessons Happen

Studying and applying the knowledge of practical and theoretical psychology must be interesting, otherwise, the results will not please you.  It is possible to improve old knowledge and get new ones through in-depth study of the subject. Comfortable time and a comfortable environment disposes of the brain to gain new knowledge, so classes are easy. 

How does the study of psychology go:

  • the study of theory in a systematic form, understandable for perception;
  • practical part. A breakdown of real-life situations and their solution; 
  • games and exercises are given to develop an understanding of the human psyche; 
  • videos are given for illustrative examples of human behavior in different situations.

Tutor search service TeMa conducts all psychology classes right on the platform. No need to go anywhere and spend time on the road. Psychology tutors Kharkiv teach you comfort and safety. Also, there is no need to buy materials for training, everything is provided electronically.

How to find a psychology teacher in Kharkov

The first factor in choosing a psychologist is qualifications. You can type in a search engine looking for a psychology tutor and get many sites in response. However, it is important to make sure that the tutor has the required training for the job, not just a pretty description.

The second factor is comfortable communication. You should feel comfortable with the specialist. Then getting new knowledge will be even easier.

The third thing to consider is other people's feedback. How much the lessons helped you get the results you wanted, what the presentation was like, and whether the teachers advise you. 

Tutor search service TeMa recruits professionals.  You can study without worrying about the result because the best psychology tutors will do their best to realize your goals.