Tutors for school preparation in Kharkiv

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Find a tutor in Харків in the subject Preparing for school What to find a tutor in Харків in the subject Preparing for school of more than 2 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Харків, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject Preparing for school.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the Preparing for school lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Харків.

The priority of today's parents is the development of children. And they start to prepare for education in advance.  Changing from kindergarten to school, you need to prepare not only mentally, but also morally. Psychologists use the term “warming up”, which means training for effective work. Children are no exception, they need to “warm up” before they start school.

In childhood, everything is remembered faster and stored in the subconscious. Parents want to protect their child from stress by changing from kindergarten to school. Because school is a new reality, for which you need a tutor to prepare for school.

Why do you need a tutor to prepare for school in Kharkov?

Before first grade, a child should know the bare minimum, you would think. They will learn to read, count and write in an educational institution. In fact, everything is correct. But in practice, giving children in first grade comes with difficulties, and asking for a tutor to prepare for school seems like a reasonable solution. Why? In addition to the basic program, there are introductions, communication, organizational moments, and an increased risk of stress for the kid.

The preschooler will discover the world of grammar, reading, and math. Success in the future depends on the early organization of knowledge. The main goal is to build a foundation of knowledge. With the wrong focus, more effort and finances will have to be spent on retraining.

Lessons in preparation for school in Kharkov lay the educational foundation in the child's mind correctly, learning:

  • reading, writing, and listening comprehension;
  • mathematical fundamentals: counting, number sequences, easy problems;
  • writing, learning letters, practicing fine rhetoric;
  • forming an understanding of society and behavior;
  • proper pronunciation, forming clear speech.

How are individual lessons in preparation for school

The transition to school is not easy for everyone. Tutor services in preparation for school in Kharkov has an approach that combines interesting games and required tasks. The child gradually gets used to discipline, rules and diligence.

Children at an early age are active and find it difficult to keep their attention on one thing. A specialist makes this task easy with games, tutorials with illustrations, and informative videos. Using the technique of rewarding for completed tasks, your kid will be motivated.

Individual lessons will lead to a good performance in the first lessons. Lessons with a private teacher guarantee a personalized approach. Strengths and weaknesses are monitored, and difficult topics are emphasized. 

What is the cost of a tutor to prepare for school in Kharkov

In elementary school there is a large workload, so professionals are needed so as not to overburden the child while giving useful knowledge. Every parent wonders how much a tutor in preparation for school costs. It is important to match the price and quality. 

The cost of a specialist depends on the following:

  1. Education. Specialist with specialized education in higher education institutions or a student of the last years.
  2. Experience. A professional with years of experience working with children is more qualified and more expensive.
  3. Season. There is a higher demand for preparatory classes in summer.

Tutor search service TeMa has more than 300 tutors of different qualifications. You can find out how much a school preparation tutor costs in the tutor's profile. The average cost is 10 USD.

Are online school readiness lessons effective?

First, online preparation of children for school Kharkov – convenience in time. You don't need to waste time getting your child ready and going to the teacher. If the teacher you like is in another city, then online classes are a great way out. Children interact with gadgets watching videos, playing, listening to music. Therefore, it is easier to master the format of online learning.

Children learn skills remotely, which is not unimportant in our time. Preparation of children for school in Kharkov will broaden their horizons, give a reference point in space, knowing the days of the week months, seasons. Teaches you to reason logically and concentrate on the tasks.

Tutor preparation for school in Kharkov takes into account intellectual knowledge and gives the opportunity to understand the model of the educational process, environment, and communication with peers, teachers, adults. In addition to basic school preparation, the tutor prepares you for tests in school to determine your level of success.

How to find a tutor to prepare for school in Kharkov

To understand who the best school readiness tutors are, you need to consider professional skills. Tutor search service TeMa provides complete information about the candidate in the description.

When choosing a teacher, pay attention to: education and age, length of service, feedback from other parents. Preparation for school is in high demand because of the abundance of choices. 

To summarize, consider the following:

  • cost, school preparation tutor price should justify the quality;
  • a high emotional component of communication;
  • the level of professionalism, whether he will be able to convey the necessary information;
  • the results of predecessors, high or low;
  • teaching methods, the main thing without outdated knowledge.