Tutors in mathematics in Kharkiv

Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Я вчитель початкових класів. Працюю в школі за фахом близько 4 років. Репетиторством займаюсь 3 роки. Проводжу цікаві, пізнавальні заняття.
0 / 5
5.96 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
На моїх уроках учні не відчувають себе стиснутими, діти відкрито ставлять будь-які запитання без сорому.. Я підтримую дружню атмосферу на уроках та поза ними. Мої учні можуть звернутися до мене з будь-якими питаннями по предметам і я з радістю поясню їм все, що незрозуміло, та викликає питання. Це д...
0 / 5
8.35 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Мене звати Арсеній та я студент 5 курсу ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна факультету "Радіофізики та наноматеріалів". Маю досвід понад 4 роки викладання за методикую неформальної освіти
0 / 5
7.99 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Закінчила фіз-мат ліцей та ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна факультет математики і інформатики, спеціальність "Прикладна математика". Мені подобається математика, адже тут працюють чіткі правила без жодних винятків, та все одно є місце для творчості. Викладання - моя можливість змінити чиєсь життя на краще, до...
0 / 5
10.73 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
0 reviews
Репетитор для дошкільнят та молодших школярів: - індивідуальне навчання (для тих, хто перебуває на домашньому навчанні); - підготовка дітей до школи; - допомога у виконанні домашніх завдань; - ліквідування прогалини у знаннях; - прищеплюю дитині навички самостійної роботи з навчальним матеріалом, ро...
0 / 5
3.58 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
English, Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
Phd з математики (фіз-мат науки) Викладаю як шкільну програму,так і університетські курси.
0 / 5
8.35 USD/hour
Completed lessons: 0
Ukrainian, Russian
0 reviews
❗️ 🔥 Запишись на БЕЗКОШТОВНУ стартову консультацію + тест на визначення рівня знань, і ми разом підберемо найзручніший та найефективніший формат підготовки саме для тебе. МОЇ ПОСЛУГИ: ☑️ Хімія та математика (онлайн) ☑️ 7-11 клас, підготовка до ЗНО, НМТ, ДПА, різних вступних іспитів, підвищенн...
0 / 5
28.62 USD/hour

How to works TeMa

Find a tutor in Харків in the subject Mathematics What to find a tutor in Харків in the subject Mathematics of more than 7 tutors. Use filters to make your search quick and profitable.
Book the first lesson To book a lesson, go to the tutor questionnaire and click on "Details". Go to the tutor profile from Харків, select a convenient day and time for the lesson in the schedule with the teacher's schedule for the subject Mathematics.
Enrolling in a Lesson To connect to the Mathematics lesson, go to the "Lessons" tab and click the "Connect" button. The Connect button becomes active only 5 minutes before the lesson starts. Once connected, you will find yourself in a video conference where the lesson will take place with a teacher from Харків.

Children are overloaded with a lot of subjects, they all need good grades and knowledge. They don't always have the inner resource to understand difficult subjects. Against the backdrop of a high workload, the level of knowledge leaves much to be desired. Mathematics is not easy for everyone. What to do when the subject is necessary for admission, grade leveling? You need a specialist to help you master the subject, math tutor will make the science understandable and informative.

What math tutoring services provide

The current education system is built for the student who has a predisposition for mathematics. The teacher tells the program, in a specified amount of time. Even with a good explanation, some students do not have time to process the information.

Individual lessons are structured differently, namely:

  1. Taking into account the student's ability, the rate of memorization of the program is compiled.
  2. Their own method of teaching. The system of teaching is different from the school.
  3. Convenient class time. Plan things, and we will adapt to you.
  4. The emphasis on solving difficult problems / topics.
  5. Simplicity. The specialists of the TeMa service make learning easy.

Studying mathematics in Kharkov gives a child not only an understanding of mathematics, still trains the logic, intelligence, ingenuity in way as simple as possible.

When you need a tutor in math in Kharkov

Private math tutoring services have now gone from being a fashionable trend to a necessity. Is it justified? Of course yes, it is easier to learn difficult knowledge, and you can choose a tutor you like without limiting yourself to one city or even country thanks to TeMa online service. 

When you should dive deeper into learning math:

  1. Lack of understanding. Requires explanations in simple words.
  2. Irregular school attendance. Frequent illnesses or other causes, one consequence: falling behind in the program.
  3. Interest in science. If you are strong in math should take the time to develop.
  4. Poor schooling. It is not uncommon that the teacher teaches incorrectly, in consequence, there is no understanding of mathematics.
  5. Preparing for the ZNO and DPA. Make a basic distillation of the entire program, put to the test, close the gaps in knowledge and know the pitfalls of the exam tickets.

Tutor in mathematics in Kharkov price

The choice of individual tutoring includes several steps, among them the cost. It's no secret that the cost of a math tutor varies, and the quality doesn't always match. 

Why math tutor prices per hour vary so much, let's break it down below:

  1. Demand. Lots of inquiries for a tutor, raises the price.
  2. Profile education. Multiple degrees or one.
  3. Professional development. This includes developing skills and knowledge under the current education system.
  4. Experience. The more, the better understanding of students and teaching methods.

The TeMa tutor search platform has brought together different price segments, teachers of different qualifications, a proven platform, and the cost of math classes is pleasantly surprising. By contacting our experts, you can count on a reasonable price and productive instruction. Tutor in mathematics in Kharkov on average costs 10 USD per hour.

4 tips for finding a math tutor

Modern living conditions have reduced the regularity of school attendance and quality learning. Mathematics is not a subject where you can easily do it on your own. To ensure that you get a good education, you need a tutor in math in Kharkov, and you can study anywhere with the availability of the Internet. After all, tutors are professionals who are highly qualified, through which they have created their own method of teaching.

TeMa tutor search service includes professionals from various categories and cities who have received excellent reviews. To find the right tutor, you need to determine whom you are looking for. 

Here are 4 tips on how to find a math tutor in Kharkov: 

  1. Determine your goals. Is it preparation for the ZNO or DPA, improvement of grades or detailed study.
  2. What tutoring program is suitable (school, introductory, advanced).
  3. Study the testimonials. Live reviews can say a lot more about the specialist than ratings, so rely on the opinions of people who have already used the service.
  4. Timeline. Set an exact or approximate time frame for the result. But remember, there are no quick results, everything takes time.

Learning math online

Online classes in Ukraine are literally the masthead for parents and students. You have the opportunity to study wherever you are, because the main thing is the presence of the Internet and the desire. This format allows you to plan and conduct classes so that the student was comfortable and choose the most productive time.

Also, note that online learning is more accessible than offline. Because all materials are in electronic format and do not need to spend money to buy textbooks, test books, etc. There is no need to rent a room for classes and spend money on travel.

If you've discovered TeMa tutoring search service, you're on the right track and there's already a 99.9% chance that effective online tutoring is on its way to you. And algebra and geometry tutors will help you understand complex formulas, theorems, solve problems and get good grades.